49 research outputs found

    The US Labour Immigration Scheme – All about being attractive? EU Perceptions and Stakeholders’ Perspectives Reviewed. Liberty and Security in Europe No. 67/September 2014

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    Labour immigration schemes that effectively attract qualified immigrant workers are a policy priority for many governments. But what are ‘attractive’ labour immigration schemes and policies? To whom are (or should) such policies (be) attractive? In Europe, the US is often portrayed as one of the most ‘attractive’ countries of immigration – if not the most ‘attractive’. This paper aims to analyse and provide a better understanding of the elements of the US immigration system that are supposedly attractive to foreign workers, by examining key features of the current and prospective US labour immigration rules. The paper finds that ‘attractiveness’ in this policy context is a highly malleable and flexible concept: What might be ‘attractive’ to one key stakeholder might not be to another

    The End of the Transitional Period for Police and Criminal Justice Measures Adopted before the Lisbon Treaty: Who monitors trust in the European Criminal Justice area? CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 74, December 2014

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    This study examines the legal and political implications of the forthcoming end of the transitional period for the measures in the fields of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, as set out in Protocol 36 to the EU Treaties. This Protocol limits some of the most far-reaching innovations introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon over EU cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs for a period of five years after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon (until 1 December 2014), and provides the UK with special ‘opt out/opt-in’ possibilities. The study focuses on the meaning of the transitional period for the wider European Criminal Justice area. The most far-reaching change emerging from the end of this transition will be the expansion of the European Commission and Luxembourg Court of Justice scrutiny powers over Member States’ implementation of EU criminal justice law. The possibility offered by Protocol 36 for the UK to opt out and opt back in to pre-Lisbon Treaty instruments poses serious challenges to a common EU area of justice by further institutionalising ‘over-flexible’ participation in criminal justice instruments. The study argues that in light of Article 82 TFEU the rights of the defence are now inextricably linked to the coherency and effective operation of the principle of mutual recognition of criminal decisions, and calls the European Parliament to request the UK to opt in EU Directives on suspects procedural rights as condition for the UK to ‘opt back in’ measures like the European Arrest Warrant

    No Move without Free Movement: The EU-Swiss controversy over quotas for free movement of persons. CEPS Policy Brief No. 331, 23 April 2015

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    The focus of this Policy Brief is the Swiss referendum of 2014 against ‘mass immigration’ in Switzerland. It identifies the challenges that a quota on EU citizens’ free movement rights to Switzerland would pose to EU-Swiss relations, considering: i) the value of freedom of movement in the EU and its indivisibility from the internal market and other economic freedoms; ii) the specificity of the EU legal system following the Lisbon Treaty that established democratic and judicial accountability mechanisms; iii) the lack of supranational judicial oversight of the EU-Switzerland agreements framework; and iv) the existence of the so-called guillotine mechanism, according to which the termination of the Free Movement Agreement would entail the automatic termination of the other agreements with the EU. The authors set out a number of options and consider their implications for EU-Swiss relations

    No Move Without Free Movement: The EU-Swiss Controversy over Quotas for Free Movement of Persons.

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    The focus of this Policy Brief is the Swiss referendum of 2014 against 'mass immigration' in Switzerland. It identifies the challenges that a quota on EU citizens' free movement rights to Switzerland would pose to EU-Swiss relations, considering: i) the value of freedom of movement in the EU and its indivisibility from the internal market and other economic freedoms; ii) the specificity of the EU legal system following the Lisbon Treaty that has established specific democratic and judicial accountability mechanisms; iii) the lack of supranational judicial oversight of the EU-Switzerland agreements framework; and iv) the existence of the so-called guillotine mechanism, according to whichthe termination of the Free Movement Agreement would entail the automatic termination of the other agreements with the EU

    Anne-Thérèse de Lambert und Sophie von La Roche als Innovatorinnen der weiblichen Erziehungsdebatte im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert

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    France played a leading role in the European Enlightenment, influencing other European countries in their thinking and development of philosophical ideas based on the emerging ideals of liberté, égalité and fraternité. Among the many topics alive in intellectual circles at the time, a debate about the education of females peaked in the 18th century, and it is not surprising that it was a Frenchman, François Fénelon, who drew attention first through his Traité de l'éducation des filles (1687) to the lack of education for females. His countrywoman Madame de Lambert extended his argument in her Avis d’une mère à sa fille (1688-1692, published 1728), a lengthy essay addressed to her daughter justifying the importance and describing the nature of female education. A half century later in Germany, Sophie von La Roche published her Briefe an Lina: Ein Buch für junge Frauenzimmer[,] die ihr Herz und ihren Verstand bilden wollen in her weekly paper Pomona für Teutschlands Töchter (1783/84). In these letters, collected and published in book form in 1807, she described the principles of a program of education for women which would lead to a happy life. Both of these female writers were exceptions in their time and fought to establish the position of women as educated and valued members of society. This thesis contextualizes and examines their writings to answer the question to what degree they contributed to a progressive step in the education of women at the time and the cultivation of educated and critical thinking in the next female generation. Hippolyte Taine’s sociological method assumes that literature can be analyzed through its author’s life on the basis of the three key concepts, race, milieu, and moment. After applying these concepts to the life of Madame de Lambert and Sophie von La Roche through historical background and sociological analysis, a close textual examination of the two central texts proceeds with these points of emphasis in each woman’s case: biographical background and social role determination (Frauenbild und Bestimmung der Frau); accommodation to the notion of ‘pleasing’ society, the males especially, and instilling happiness in others and themselves (Gefallen und Glück); and the education and erudition of women (Bildung und Gelehrsamkeit). Their contributions to these areas of active life and intellectual debate illustrate to some extent a personal adaptation to the conventions and standards of the era, but more importantly, beyond that, a breakout from traditional ideas and practices. In sum, Madame de Lambert is seen as a pioneer in the philosophical evaluation of the intellectual strength of women, and Sophie von La Roche, as a German counterpart with an emphasis on their practical enlightened education. The comparative analysis also reveals important sociological differences between Germany and France in the 18th century with regard to the subject of female education

    Using reporters of different misfolded proteins reveals differential strategies in processing protein aggregates

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    The accumulation of misfolded proteins is a hallmark of aging and many neurodegenerative diseases, making it important to understand how the cellular machinery recognizes and processes such proteins. A key question in this respect is whether misfolded proteins are handled in a similar way regardless of their genetic origin. To approach this question, we compared how three different misfolded proteins, guk1-7, gus1-3, and pro3-1, are handled by the cell. We show that all three are nontoxic, even though highly overexpressed, highlighting their usefulness in analyzing the cellular response to misfolding in the absence of severe stress. We found significant differences between the aggregation and disaggregation behavior of the misfolded proteins. Specifically, gus1-3 formed some aggregates that did not efficiently recruit the protein disaggregase Hsp104 and did not colocalize with the other misfolded reporter proteins. Strikingly, while all three misfolded proteins generally coaggregated and colocalized to specific sites in the cell, disaggregation was notably different; the rate of aggregate clearance of pro3-1 was faster than that of the other misfolded proteins, and its clearance rate was not hindered when pro3-1 colocalized with a slowly resolved misfolded protein. Finally, we observed using super-resolution light microscopy as well as immunogold labeling EM in which both showed an even distribution of the different misfolded proteins within an inclusion, suggesting that misfolding characteristics and remodeling, rather than spatial compartmentalization, allows for differential clearance of these misfolding reporters residing in the same inclusion. Taken together, our results highlight how properties of misfolded proteins can significantly affect processing

    Using reporters of different misfolded proteins reveals differential strategies in processing protein aggregates

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    The accumulation of misfolded proteins is a hallmark of aging and many neurodegenerative diseases, making it important to understand how the cellular machinery recognizes and processes such proteins. A key question in this respect is whether misfolded proteins are handled in a similar way regard less of their genetic origin. To approach this question, we compared how three different misfolded proteins, guk1-7,gus1-3, and pro3-1, are handled by the cell. We show that all three are nontoxic, even though highly overexpressed, high-lighting their usefulness in analyzing the cellular response to misfolding in the absence of severe stress. We found significant differences between the aggregation and disaggregation behavior of the misfolded proteins. Specifically, gus1-3 formed some aggregates that did not efficiently recruit the proteindisaggregase Hsp104 and did not colocalize with the other misfolded reporter proteins. Strikingly, while all three misfolded proteins generally coaggregated and colocalized to specific sites in the cell, disaggregation was notably different; the rate of aggregate clearance of pro3-1 was faster than that of the other misfolded proteins, and its clearance rate was nothindered when pro3-1 colocalized with a slowly resolved mis-folded protein. Finally, we observed using super-resolutionlight microscopy as well as immunogold labeling EM in which both showed an even distribution of the different mis-folded proteins within an inclusion, suggesting that misfolding characteristics and remodeling, rather than spatial compart-mentalization, allows for differential clearance of these mis-folding reporters residing in the same inclusion. Taken together, our results highlight how properties of misfolded proteins can significantly affect processing

    Venous thromboembolic events in glioblastoma patients: An epidemiological study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Venous thromboembolic events (VTEs) are a major complication in cancer patients, and therefore, also in brain cancer patients, anticoagulants are considered appropriate in the treatment of VTEs. METHODS Frequency, risk factors, and treatment of VTEs, as well as associated complications, were assessed in a population-based cohort of glioblastoma patients in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. Correlations between clinical data and survival were retrospectively analyzed using the log-rank test and Cox regression models. RESULTS Four hundred fourteen glioblastoma patients with isocitrate dehydrogenase wild-type status were identified. VTEs were documented in 65 patients (15.7%). Median time from tumor diagnosis to the occurrence of a VTE was 1.8 months, and 27 patients were diagnosed with VTEs postoperatively (within 35 days; 42.2%). History of a prior VTE was more common in patients who developed VTEs than in those who did not (p = 0.004). Bevacizumab treatment at any time during the disease course was not associated with occurrence of VTEs (p = 0.593). Most patients with VTEs (n = 61, 93.8%) were treated with therapeutic anticoagulation. Complications occurred in 14 patients (23.0%), mainly intracranial hemorrhages (n = 7, 11.5%). Overall survival did not differ between patients diagnosed with VTEs and those who had no VTE (p = 0.139). Tumor progression was the major cause of death (n = 283, 90.7%), and only three patients (1.0%) died in association with acute VTEs. CONCLUSIONS Venous thromboembolic events occurred early in the disease course, suggesting that the implementation of primary venous thromboembolism prophylaxis during first-line chemoradiotherapy could be explored in a randomized setting

    Оценка устойчивости системы аварийного водоснабжения на предприятии ООО «ВОДСНАБ»

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    Целью данной работы, является: разработка комплекса мер по повышению устойчивости функционирования предприятия ООО "ВОДСНАБ" в случае аварии. В ходе выполнения работы был проанализирован уровень развития систем водоснабжения. Были выявлены проблемы связанные с износом оборудования. Был произведен расчет и разработка схемы насосной станции первого подъема.The purpose of this work is: development of a set of measures to improve the sustainability of the operation of the enterprise LLC "VODSNAB" in the event of an accident. In the course of the work, the level of development of water supply systems was analyzed. Problems related to equipment wear were identified. The calculation and development of the scheme of the first lift pumping station was carried out