6 research outputs found

    Thyroid and pituitary gland development from hatching through metamorphosis of a teleost flatfish, the Atlantic halibut

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    Fish larval development, not least the spectacular process of flatfish metamorphosis, appears to be under complex endocrine control, many aspects of which are still not fully elucidated. In order to obtain data on the functional development of two major endocrine glands, the pituitary and the thyroid, during flatfish metamorphosis, histology, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization techniques were applied on larvae of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus), a large, marine flatfish species, from hatching through metamorphosis. The material was obtained from a commercial hatchery. Larval age is defined as day-degrees (D =accumulated daily temperature from hatching). Sporadic thyroid follicles are first detected in larvae at 142 D (27 days post-hatch), prior to the completion of yolk sack absorption. Both the number and activity of the follicles increase markedly after yolk sack absorption and continue to do so during subsequent development. The larval triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) content increases, subsequent to yolk absorption, and coincides with the proliferation of thyroid follicles. A second increase of both T3 and T4 occurs around the start of metamorphosis and the T3 content further increases at the metamorphic climax. Overall, the T3 content is lower than T4. The pituitary gland can first be distinguished as a separate organ at the yolk sack stage. During subsequent development, the gland becomes more elongated and differentiates into neurohypophysis (NH), pars distalis (PD) and pars intermedia (PI). The first sporadic endocrine pituitary cells are observed at the yolk sack stage, somatotrophs (growth hormone producing cells) and somatolactotrophs (somatolactin producing cells) are first observed at 121 D (23 days post-hatch), and lactotrophs (prolactin producing cells) at 134 D (25 days post-hatch). Scarce thyrotrophs are evident after detection of the first thyroid follicles (142 D ), but coincident with a phase in which follicle number and activity increase (260 D ). The somatotrophs are clustered in the medium ventral region of the PD, lactotrophs in the anterior part of the PD and somatolactotrophs are scattered in the mid and posterior region of the pituitary. At around 600 D , coinciding with the start of metamorphosis, somatolactotrophs are restricted to the interdigitating tissue of the NH. During larval development, the pituitary endocrine cells become more numerous. The present data on thyroid development support the notion that thyroid hormones may play a significant role in Atlantic halibut metamorphosis. The time of appearance and the subsequent proliferation of pituitary somatotrophs, lactotrophs, somatolactotrophs and thyrotrophs indicate at which stages of larval development and metamorphosis these endocrine cells may start to play active regulatory roles.This work has been carried out within the projects ‘‘Endocrine Control as a Determinant of Larval Quality in Fish Aquaculture’’ (CT-96-1422) and ‘‘Arrested development: The Molecular and Endocrine Basis of Flatfish Metamorphosis’’ (Q5RS-2002-01192), with financial support from the Commission of the European Communities. However, it does not necessarily reflect the Commission’s views and in no way anticipates its future policy in this area. This project was further supported by the Swedish Council for Agricultural and Forestry Research and Pluriannual funding to CCMAR by the Portuguese Science and Technology Council

    Involvement of growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor I

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    The role of growth hormone (GH) and insulinlike growth factor-I (IGF-I) in the tissue remodeling associated with the transition of a symmetrical larva to an asymmetrical juvenile during flatfish metamorphosis is unknown. In order to investigate the potential role of these hormones in the remodeling of cranial bone and soft tissue that accompanies eye migration during metamorphosis of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) larvae, tissuespecific gene expression was monitored by in situ hybridization for Atlantic halibut type I growth hormone receptor (hhGHR), type II hhGHR, and insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (hhIGF-IR). Polyclonal antibody generated against the extracellular domain of type I hhGHR was used for the immunohistochemical localization of type I GHR protein. Type I hhGHR, type II hhGHR, and hhIGF-IR mRNA were expressed in fibroblasts, frontal bone osteocytes, and dorsal chondrocytes at the onset of metamorphosis (stage 8),during metamorphic climax (stage 9), and in fully metamorphosed juveniles (stage 10). Type I GHR protein showed similar expression patterns to those of type I hhGHR mRNA, except in chondrocytes in which little GHR protein was detected. The localization of GHR and IGF-IR transcripts and GHR protein in cranial structures that undergo remodeling is intriguing and suggests that, in addition to thyroid hormones, the GH-IGF-I system is involved in morphological transformations during metamorphosis in Atlantic halibut.We thank Heiddis Smáradóttir, Arnar Jónsson, and Øystein Saele for larval sampling, and Nádia Silva for methodological assistance

    Thyroid gland development in rachycentron canadum during early life stages

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    The aim of this study was to describe the ontogeny of thyroid follicles in cobia Rachycentron canadum. Larvae were sampled daily (n=15 - 20) from hatching until 15 dah (days after hatching). Following, larvae were sampled every two days by 28 dah; a new sample was taken at 53 dah. The samples were dehydrated, embedded in Paraplast, and sections of 3 µm were dewaxed, rehydrated and stained with HE and PAS. A single follicle was already present 1 dah and three follicles were found 8 dah. The number of follicles increased up to 19 on 53 dah. The diameter of follicles and follicular cell height were lower 1 dah (6.83 ± 1.00 and 4.6 ± 0.01 µm), but increased from 8 dah (24.03 ± 0.46 µm e 6.43 ± 0.46 µm). From 8 dah, the presence of reabsorption vesicles was observed in the colloid and from the 19 dah some follicles did not present colloid. The early thyroid follicle appearance in cobia larvae as well as the high quantity of follicles without colloid and/or with vesicles even after the metamorphosis, might be the explanation of the fast growth of the cobia.O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a ontogenia dos folículos da tireóide em Rachycentron canadum. Larvas foram coletadas diariamente (n= 15 – 20) desde a eclosão até 15 dae (dias após eclosão). Posteriormente foram coletadas a cada dois dias até o 28 dae; uma nova amostragem ocorreu aos 53 dae. As larvas foram desidratadas e emblocadas em Paraplast e secções de 3 µm foram desparafinadas, reidratas e coradas com HE e PAS. Um folículo estava presente ao 1 dae e três foram encontrados aos 8 dae. O número de folículos aumentou até 19 aos 53 dae. O diâmetro dos folículos e a altura das células foliculares foram menores ao 1dae (68,3 ± 1,00 e 4,6 ± 0,01 µm), mas aumentou a partir do 8 dae (24,03 ± 0,46 µm e 6,43 ± 0,46 µm). A partir do 8 dae a presença de vesículas de reabsorção foi observada no colóide e a partir de 19 dae alguns folículos não apresentaram colóide. O surgimento precoce do folículo da tireóide no bijupirá assim como a grande quantidade de folículos sem colóide e/ou com a presença de vesículas mesmo após a metamorfose podem ser a explicação do rápido crescimento da espécie

    Molecular and cellular changes in skin and muscle during metamorphosis of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) are accompanied by changes in deiodinases expression

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    Flatfish metamorphosis is the most dramatic postnatal developmental event in teleosts. Thyroid hormones (TH), thyroxine (T4) and 3,3′-5′-triiodothyronine (T3) are the necessary and sufficient factors that induce and regulate flatfish metamorphosis. Most of the cellular and molecular action of TH is directed through the binding of T3 to thyroid nuclear receptors bound to promoters with consequent changes in the expression of target genes. The conversion of T4 to T3 and nuclear availability of T3 depends on the expression and activity of a family of 3 selenocysteine deiodinases that activate T4 into T3 or degrade T4 and T3.We thank Heiddis Smáradóttir of Fiskeldi Eyjafjarðar, IS-600 Akureyri, Iceland, for providing the halibut samples. This project was supported by the European Community project, LIFECYCLE (222719-2) and the Portuguese Ministry of Science (FCT; project PDCT/MAR/115005/2009). M.A.C. was sponsored by the Portuguese Ministry of Science (grant no. SFRH/BPD/66808/2009)