74 research outputs found

    Common pulse retrieval algorithm: a fast and universal method to retrieve ultrashort pulses

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    We present a common pulse retrieval algorithm (COPRA) that can be used for a broad category of ultrashort laser pulse measurement schemes including frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG), interferometric FROG, dispersion scan, time domain ptychography, and pulse shaper assisted techniques such as multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan (MIIPS). We demonstrate its properties in comprehensive numerical tests and show that it is fast, reliable and accurate in the presence of Gaussian noise. For FROG it outperforms retrieval algorithms based on generalized projections and ptychography. Furthermore, we discuss the pulse retrieval problem as a nonlinear least-squares problem and demonstrate the importance of obtaining a least-squares solution for noisy data. These results improve and extend the possibilities of numerical pulse retrieval. COPRA is faster and provides more accurate results in comparison to existing retrieval algorithms. Furthermore, it enables full pulse retrieval from measurements for which no retrieval algorithm was known before, e.g., MIIPS measurements

    Three-Dimensional Light Bullets in Arrays of Waveguides

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    We report the first experimental observation of 3D-LBs, excited by femtosecond pulses in a system featuring quasi-instantaneous cubic nonlinearity and a periodic, transversally-modulated refractive index. Stringent evidence of the excitation of LBs is based on time-gated images and spectra which perfectly match our numerical simulations. Furthermore, we reveal a novel evolution mechanism forcing the LBs to follow varying dispersion/diffraction conditions, until they leave their existence range and decay.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures - Published by the American Physical Societ

    Quantitative investigation of quantum emitter yield in drop-casted hexagonal boron nitride nanoflakes

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    Single photon emitters (SPEs) are a key component for their use as pure photon source in quantum technologies. In this study, we investigate the generation of SPEs from drop-casted hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanoflakes, examining the influence of the immersion solution and the source of hBN. We show that, depending on the utilized supplier and solution the number and quality of the emitters changes. We perform a comprehensive optical characterization of the deposited nanoflakes to assess the quality of the generated SPEs. We show quantitative data on SPE yields, highlighting significant variations among solvents and different sources of hBN. This holds particular significance for employing drop-casted nanoflakes as SPE sources in quantum communication, sensing, and imaging. Our method is easily expandable to all kinds of surfaces and can be done without requiring complex fabrication steps and equipment, thus providing the necessary scalability required for industrial quantum applications.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Brightening of a dark monolayer semiconductor via strong light-matter coupling in a cavity

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    Engineering the properties of quantum materials via strong light-matter coupling is a compelling research direction with a multiplicity of modern applications. Those range from modifying charge transport in organic molecules, steering particle correlation and interactions, and even controlling chemical reactions. Here, we study the modification of the material properties via strong coupling and demonstrate an effective inversion of the excitonic band-ordering in a monolayer of WSe2 with spin-forbidden, optically dark ground state. In our experiments, we harness the strong light-matter coupling between cavity photon and the high energy, spin-allowed bright exciton, and thus creating two bright polaritonic modes in the optical bandgap with the lower polariton mode pushed below the WSe2 dark state. We demonstrate that in this regime the commonly observed luminescence quenching stemming from the fast relaxation to the dark ground state is prevented, which results in the brightening of this intrinsically dark material. We probe this effective brightening by temperature-dependent photoluminescence, and we find an excellent agreement with a theoretical model accounting for the inversion of the band ordering and phonon-assisted polariton relaxationFunding provided by the European Research Council (ERC project 679288, unlimit-2D) is acknowledged. C.S. and B.H. acknowledge financial support by The German Research Foundation (DFG) (SCHN1376/14-1, SPP 2244). S.H. acknowledges financial support by the DFG (HO 5194/16-1) and INST 93/932-1 FUGG. H.S. acknowledges the SinoGermany (CSC-DAAD) Postdoctoral Scholarship Program from China Scholarship Council and German Academic Exchange Service. I.I. and I.A.S. acknowledge the support from the joint RFBR-DFG project No. 21-52-12038. I.I. acknowledges the support Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation, goszadanie no. 2019-1246. S.T acknowledges support from DOE-SC0020653 (materials synthesis), Applied Materials Inc., NSF CMMI 1825594 (NMR and TEM studies), NSF DMR-1955889 (magnetic measurements), NSF CMMI-1933214, NSF 1904716, NSF 1935994, NSF ECCS 2052527, DMR 2111812, and CMMI 2129412. K.W. and T.T. acknowledge support from the Elemental Strategy Initiative conducted by the MEXT, Japan (Grant Number JPMXP0112101001) and JSPS KAKENHI (Grant Numbers JP19H05790 and JP20H00354). M.E. acknowledges funding by the University of Oldenburg through a Carl-von-Ossietzky fellowship. F.E. and H.K. are supported by the Federal Ministry o Education and Science of Germany under Grant ID 13XP5053

    Nanostructure-modulated planar high spectral resolution spectro-polarimeter

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    We present a planar spectro-polarimeter based on Fabry-P{\'e}rot cavities with embedded polarization-sensitive high-index nanostructures. A 7 μ7~\mum-thick spectro-polarimetric system for 3 spectral bands and 2 linear polarization states is experimentally demonstrated. Furthermore, an optimal design is theoretically proposed, estimating that a system with a bandwidth of 127~nm and a spectral resolution of 1~nm is able to reconstruct the first three Stokes parameters \textcolor{black}{with a signal-to-noise ratio of -13.14~dB with respect to the the shot noise limited SNR}. The pixelated spectro-polarimetric system can be directly integrated on a sensor, thus enabling applicability in a variety of miniaturized optical devices, including but not limited to satellites for Earth observation

    Localized creation of yellow single photon emitting carbon complexes in hexagonal boron nitride

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    Single photon emitters in solid-state crystals have received a lot of attention as building blocks for numerous quantum technology applications. Fluorescent defects in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) stand out due to their high luminosity and robust operation at room temperature. The identical emitter fabrication at pre-defined sites is still challenging, which hampers the integration of these defects in optical systems and electro-optical devices. Here, we demonstrate the localized fabrication of hBN emitter arrays by electron beam irradiation using a standard scanning electron microscope with deep sub-micron lateral precision. The emitters are created with a high yield and a reproducible spectrum peaking at 575 nm. Our measurements of optically detected magnetic resonance have not revealed any addressable spin states. Using density functional theory, we attribute the experimentally observed emission lines to carbon-related defects, which are activated by the electron beam. Our scalable approach provides a promising pathway for fabricating room temperature single photon emitters in integrated quantum devices

    Enhanced Surface Second Harmonic Generation in Nanolaminates

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    Second-harmonic generation (SHG) is a second-order nonlinear optical process that is not allowed in media with inversion sym-metry. However, due to the broken symmetry at the surface, surface SHG still occurs, but is generally small. We experimentally investi-gate the surface SHG in periodic stacks of alternating, subwave-length dielectric layers, which have a large number of surfaces, thus enhancing surface SHG considerably. To this end, multilayer stacks of SiO2/TiO2 were grown by Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (PEALD) on fused silica substrates. With this technique individual layers of a thickness of less than 2 nm can be fabricated. We experimentally show that under large angles of incidence (> 20 degrees) there is substantial SHG, well beyond the level, which can be observed from simple interfaces. We perform this experiment for samples with different periods and thickness of SiO2/TiO2 and our results are in agreement with theoretical calculations

    Spectroscopic Study of the Excitonic Structure in Monolayer MoS2 under Multivariate Physical and Chemical Stimuli

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    Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy has proven to provide deep insights into the optoelectronic properties of monolayer MoS2. Herein, a corresponding study is conducted on the excitonic properties of mechanically exfoliated monolayer MoS2 under multivariate physical and chemical stimuli. Specifically, midgap exciton states that originate from lattice defects are characterized and they are compared to existing models. Through statistical data analyses of substrate-, temperature-, and laser-power-dependent measurements, a PL enhancement is revealed through physisorption of water molecules of the controversially discussed excited-state A biexciton (Axx). In addition, analyses of monolayer MoS2 on gold substrates show that surface roughness does not account for changes in doping level within the material. Also, a shift in the electron–phonon coupling properties that arises from thin films of water that are physisorbed on top of the samples is reported.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Peer Reviewe
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