57 research outputs found


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    Pembangunan dan pengembangan kota berdampak pada pertumbuhan wilayah, baik wilayah itu sendiri, maupun wilayah di sekitarnya. Dampak tersebut berupa pertumbuhan penduduk di wilayah sekitar, pergeseran penggunaan lahan, dan masalah kompleks lainnya. Masalah pembangunan timbul karena tidak adanya koordinasi sistem perencanaan wilayah dan permukiman yang terpadu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis keberhasilan partisipasi masyarakat Kota Gorontalo dalam peningkatan kualitas permukiman kumuh di wilayahnya. Penelitian dilakukan di 9 wilayah kecamatan Kota Gorontalo. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Participatory Rural Appraisal /PRA maka data primer diambil dengan wawancara melalui diskusi kelompok atau fokus grup diskusi (fgd), wawancara mendalam, survei lapangan dan pengamatan secara cepat. Data dianalisa secara deskriptif dengan memahami dan merangkai data –data yang telah dikumpulkan secara sistematis. Hasilnya menunjukkan Keberhasilan pemerintah melibatkan peran serta dan partisipasi masyarakat di Kota Gorontalo di pengaruhi oleh adanya penerapan prinsip keadilan dan kolaboratif pembangunan yang digunakan oleh para fasilitator pendamping, para pengurus lembaga pemberdayaan masyarakat desa/lpm dan badan keswadayaan masyarakat/bk

    Ontology driven piecemeal development of smart spaces

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    Quality analysis of a cross domain reference architecture

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    Piecemeal development of intelligent applications for smart spaces

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    Identifying architectural design trade-offs in service registry features

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    Piecemeal Development of Intelligent Applications for Smart Spaces

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    Software development is facing new challenges as a result of evolution towards integration and collaboration-based service engineering, which embody high degrees of dynamism both at design time and run-time. Short times-to-market require cost reduction by maximizing software reuse. Openness for new innovations presumes a flexible development platform and fast software engineering practices. User satisfaction assumes situation-based applications of high quality. The main contribution of this paper is the Piecemeal Service Engineering (PSE) approach developed for and tested in application development for smart spaces. The intent of PSE is to maximize the reuse of existing knowledge of business and design practices and existing technical assets in the development of new smart-space applications. Business knowledge is mostly informal and domain-dependent, but architectural knowledge is generic, at least semi-formal, and represented in principles, ontologies, patterns, and rules that together form a reusable architectural knowledge base for fast smart-space application development. PSE facilitates the incremental development of intelligent applications by supporting abstraction, aggregation and adaptability in smart-space development

    Design time reliability predictions for supporting runtime security measuring and adaptation

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