26 research outputs found

    A Psychometric Analysis of the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders Module I (SCID-5-AMPD-I):Level of Personality Functioning Scale

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    The current study aims to examine the psychometric properties of the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders Module I (SCID-5-AMPD-I) assessing the Level of Personality Functioning Scale (LPFS) in a heterogeneous sample of 282 nonpsychotic patients. Latent variable models were used to investigate the dimensionality of the LPFS. The results indicate that the LPFS, as assessed by the SCID-5-AMPD-I, can be considered as a unidimensional construct that can be measured reliably across a wide range of the latent trait. Threshold parameters for the 12 indicators of the LPFS increased gradually over the latent scale, indicating that the five LPFS levels were ordered as predicted by the model. In general, the increase of threshold parameters was relatively small for the shift from Level 2 to Level 3. A better distinction among the different severity levels might be obtained by fine-tuning the interview guidelines or the Level 2 indicators themselves

    Personality functioning in patients with avoidant personality disorder and social phobia

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    Avoidant personality disorder (APD) and social phobia (SP) are closely related, such that they are suggested to represent different severity levels of one social anxiety disorder. This cross-sectional study aimed to compare patients with APD to patients with SP, with particular focus on personality dysfunction. Ninety-one adult patients were examined by diagnostic interviews and self-report measures, including the Index of Self-Esteem and the Severity Indices of Personality Problems. Patients were categorized in three groups; SP without APD (n = 20), APD without SP (n = 15), and APD with SP (n = 56). Compared to patients with SP without APD, patients with APD reported more symptom disorders, psychosocial problems, criteria of personality disorders, and personality dysfunction regarding self-esteem, identity and relational problems. These results indicate that APD involves more severe and broader areas of personality dysfunction than SP, supporting the conceptualization of APD as a personality disorder as proposed for DSM-5

    Attachment style in Avoidant personality disorder (AvPD, n = 70) and Social phobia (SP, n = 20).

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    <p>Distribution of the AvPD and SP groups in the two dimensional, four categorical parental style model according to the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI). ORIGO is defined as the cut-off scores, se text. AvPD: Avoidant personality disorder, SP: Social phobia, M: Mother, F: Father</p

    Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with AvPD<sup>a</sup> (n = 71) and SP<sup>b</sup> (n = 20).

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    <p>Data are presented as mean (SD) unless otherwise noted.</p><p><sup>a</sup> The AvPD group comprised patients with AvPD with and without co-occurring SP.</p><p><sup>b</sup> The SP group comprised patients with SP without AvPD.</p><p>Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with AvPD<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122846#t002fn002" target="_blank"><sup>a</sup></a> (n = 71) and SP<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122846#t002fn003" target="_blank"><sup>b</sup></a> (n = 20).</p

    Clinical Characteristics of Patients with AvPD<sup>a</sup> (<i>n</i> = 71) and SP<sup>b</sup> (<i>n</i> = 20).

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    <p><sup>a</sup> The AvPD group comprised patients with AvPD with and without co-occurring SP.</p><p><sup>b</sup>The SP group comprised patients with SP without AvPD.</p><p><sup><i>c</i></sup>Score range: 5 (no) to 25 (extreme),</p><p><sup><i>d</i></sup>Score range: 1 (none or minimal) to 4 (severe to extreme)</p><p><sup><i>e</i></sup>Mdn = Median; I-R = Interquartile Range,</p><p><sup><i>f</i></sup><i>r<sup>2</sup></i> = (z /√N) <i><sup>2</sup></i></p><p>Clinical Characteristics of Patients with AvPD<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122846#t003fn001" target="_blank"><sup>a</sup></a> (<i>n</i> = 71) and SP<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122846#t003fn002" target="_blank"><sup>b</sup></a> (<i>n</i> = 20).</p