164 research outputs found

    Pendekatan Interkultural Dalam Pemberdayaan Pemuda Gereja Bagi Perdamaian Lintas Iman

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    Pemuda gereja merupakan bagian dari subyek pembangunan perdamaian gereja, secara khusus pemuda sebagai generasi yang membutuhkan urgensi edukasi dalam pengembangan gereja atas nama kemanusiaan melalui tindakan-tindakan holistik keagamaan. Potensi yang membutuhkan peningkatan kapasitas bagi pemuda pada nyatanya masih diperlukan transformasi dan revitalisasi dari gereja, untuk lebih vital menjadi wadah bagi pemuda gereja. Pemuda gereja didorong untuk meningkatkan partisipatif secara aktif bersama pemuda lintas agama dalam perjumpaan atas nama agama demi kemanusiaan. Ancaman yang nyata bagi pemuda gereja ialah stereotipe negatif terhadap agama yang lain disebabkan sudut pandang etnosentrisme, terlebih tantangan masa kini ialah ancaman isu-isu SARA dan berita negatif bertopeng agama. Maka melalui tulisan ini secara spesifik memberi analisa dan evaluasi berbasis teori interkultural dalam melihat peran gereja melakukan pemberdayaan pemuda gereja sebagai subyek dalam perjumpaan lintas agama bagi perdamaian. Tulisan ini juga memberikan tawaran kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan gereja secara praktis dalam melakukan pemberdayaan berbasis interkultural bagi pemuda gereja bersama pemuda lintas agama, dilakukan melalui perjumpaan dan interaksi secara langsung sebagai dasar pengembangan secara berkelanjutan (sustainability) bagi pemuda gereja untuk saling membangun self reflexivity dan learning about other

    Joel Scott, translator. The Aesthetics of Resistance, Volume II. By Peter Weiss. Duke UP, 2020.

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    Review of Joel Scott, translator. The Aesthetics of Resistance, Volume II. By Peter Weiss. Duke UP, 2020. x + 320pp

    Priscilla Layne. White Rebels in Black: German Appropriation of Black Popular Culture. U of Michigan P, 2018.

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    Review of Priscilla Layne. White Rebels in Black: German Appropriation of Black Popular Culture. U of Michigan P, 2018. ix + 259 pp

    Zoning Shall Be Consistent with the General Plan -A Help or a Hindrance to Planning?

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    In 1971, the California legislature passed Assembly Bill 1301, which added and amended to the current California land use planning procedures. This Comment focuses on section 12 of Assembly Bill 1301. This Comment attempts to discover a definition for the phrase ?consistent with the general plan? found in section 12, and to determine whether cities and counties will be subject to inverse condemnation suits for private lands planned for public use or decreased in value. This Comment concludes by discouraging the passage of Assembly Bill 1301 because it may undermine the purpose and function of a general plan

    Promising Payment Reform: Risk-Sharing With Accountable Care Organizations

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    Describes the implementation of shared payer-provider risk payment models at eight private accountable care organizations. Analyzes challenges for providers, purchasers, and payers, including securing the infrastructure for successful risk management

    Glukose-, Lipid- und Harnsäurestoffwechsel unter einer Calcineurininhibitor-freien Imunsuppression

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    Um die Auswirkungen einer calcineurininhibitoren-freien Immunsuppression auf den Stoffwechsel zu untersuchen, wurden 39 nierentransplantierte Patienten, die mit einer Tripletheraphie aus Cyclosporin A, Mykofenolat Mofetil und Prednisolon behandelt wurden, in die Studie aufgenommen und in zwei gleich große Gruppen aufgeteilt. Gruppe A wurde per Tripletherapie weiter behandelt, während Gruppe B nur noch mittels einer Dualtherapie aus Mykofenolat Mofetil bzw. Prednisolon immunsupprimiert wurde. Während Gruppe B signifikant bessere Gesamt- und LDL-Cholesterin aufwies sowie eine bessere Nierenfunktion hatte, konnte bei den Blut-, Harnstoff- und Harnsäuremessungen keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Gruppen festgestellt werden. Zusammenfassend konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass es sinnvoll ist, Patienten mit anfänglicher Calcineurininhibitorentherapie auf eine calcineurininhibitoren-freien Immunsuppression umzustellen

    Zoomprov. Improvisation Exercises for Language Learning in Online Classes with Zoom or Similar Tech For Beginning and Intermediate Learners and Beyond

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    The improv language exercises in this compilation are chosen from the experience I gathered 20 years ago, but also from the amazing work of Lauren Esposito and Scranton Improv & Comedy that have been more real than anything else to me this past summer, and from Jim Ansaldo, who taught me how to structure improv exercises online. They are organized by level, referring to the Common European Framework of References for Languages. That means, A1 exercises can be conducted at the beginners level but also at all other higher levels, but B2 exercises should not be imposed upon beginners or early intermediate learners because they are too complex or demand language skills that they have not yet been fully 6 developed

    Cellular expression and crystal structure of the murine cytomegalovirus MHC-Iv glycoprotein, m153

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    Mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV), a β-herpesvirus that establishes latent and persistent infections in mice, is a valuable model for studying complex virus-host interactions. MCMV encodes the m145 family of putative immunoevasins with predicted MHC-I structure. Functions attributed to some family members include downregulation of host MHC-I (m152) and NKG2D ligands (m145, m152, m155) and interaction with inhibitory or activating NK receptors (m157). We present the cellular, biochemical and structural characterization of m153, which is a heavily glycosylated homodimer, that does not require β2m or peptide, and is expressed at the surface of MCMV-infected cells. Its 2.4 Å crystal structure confirms that this compact molecule preserves an MHC-I-like fold and reveals a novel mode of dimerization, confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis, and a distinctive disulfide-stabilized extended amino terminus. The structure provides a useful framework for comparative analysis of the divergent members of the m145 family
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