373 research outputs found

    Culturas surdas: o que se vê, o que se ouve

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    Tese de mestrado, Cultura e Comunicação, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2012Entre vozes e gestos, em investigações acadêmicas, discursos militantes e conversas cotidianas de surdos e ouvintes ligados às causas surdas, muito se diz sobre as culturas e identidades surdas. Termos e expressões como “deafhood”, “ser Surdo”, “deaf gain”, “ouvintismo”, “línguas de sinais”, “ensino bilíngue” e “inclusão” avolumam-se, dia a dia, em mãos e falas de diferentes sujeitos. Em oposição à práticas ouvintizadoras, que entendem a surdez por perspectivas médicas (atreladas às ideias de deficiência, falta e reabilitação), novos discursos assumem o “ser Surdo” por olhares sócio-antropológicos, como uma expressão identitária ligada a um substrato cultural específico. Essa assumpção, que desloca a surdez de contextos clínicos para o campo dos Estudos Culturais, e que confronta a noção de deficiência (pela afirmação da diferença), fundamenta uma série de revisões no que diz respeito a práticas de inclusão – por vezes levadas a cabo como esforços normalizadores, de achatamento e apagamento cultural. Assim, com uma contextualização histórica da surdez e uma incursão pelo universo das identidades surdas, este trabalho salienta a riqueza e a imensidão das culturas surdas, bem como problematiza os porquês de sua pouca visibilidade e de seu grande desconhecimento por parte do público ouvinte. Com isso, entende-se a forma como o que é ouvido sobre a surdez e sobre inclusão nos discursos hegemônicos configura o (pouco) que é visto e sabido sobre as comunidades e culturas surdas.ABSTRACT Spoken and signed, in academic research, militant speeches and daily conversations of deaf and hearing people connected with Deaf causes, a lot is said about deaf cultures and deaf identities. Terms and expressions such as deafhood, deaf gain, audism, sign languages, bilingual education and inclusion gain strength on a daily basis in the hands of a variety of sources. In opposition to audist practices, which perceive deafness through medical terms (chained to ideas such as deficiency, handicap and rehabilitation), new ways of seeing things view “being Deaf” through an expression of identity linked to a specific cultural substrata. This assumption, which shifts deafness from a clinical context to a cultural study context and confronts the notion of deficiency (emphasis on being different), it justifies a number of reforms that are to do with inclusion practices – sometimes taken as normalising efforts and cultural erasure. As such, contextualising the history of deafness and deaf identities, this paper emphasises the richness of the deaf cultures, as well as explaining why it has such low visibility and understanding from the general public. This is part of how deafness is comprehended and how inclusion in hegemony speeches shapes what (little) is seen and known about deaf cultures and communities

    Experimental verification of parallel processing on a hybrid optical parallel array logic system

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    This paper was published in Optics Express and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.29.002510 Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law

    Effect of anti-attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication on clinical seizures and sleep EEG : A retrospective study of Japanese children with ADHD

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Neuropsychopharmacology Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of The Japanese Society of Neuropsychopharmacology.Aims: Patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often exhibit basic or paroxysmal wave abnormalities on electroencephalography (EEG). Methylphenidate (MPH), an anti-ADHD stimulant, has been reported to lower the seizure threshold. However, there have been no reports comparing EEG changes before and after administration of the central nervous system (CNS) stimulant MPH, or atomoxetine (ATX) hydrochloride, a non-CNS stimulant. In this study, we investigated changes in sleep EEG before and after the administration of ADHD treatment drugs. Method: With the approval of the ethics committee, the medical records of 28 children with ADHD (23 men and 5 women) who gave consent were retrospectively investigated. The appearance of sudden abnormal waves during a 10-minute sleep EEG recording was measured in 0.1-second units, and the duration of these waves was calculated as the paroxysmal index (PI). Results: Paroxysmal index did not differ significantly between patients who received MPH and those who received ATX. In addition, there were no exacerbations of clinical seizures. Conclusion: It was concluded that ADHD medications do not have an adverse effect on epileptic seizures or abnormal sleep EEGs.Peer reviewe

    Clinical profile of reading ability and reading and writing achievement of children with borderline full-scale intellectual quotient : a prospective study

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    Background Poor reading ability is one of the common causes of low academic performance. In previous studies, children with dyslexia were found to demonstrate poor academic achievement due to poor reading ability. However, the relationship between academic achievement and reading ability in children with a borderline full-scale intellectual quotient (FSIQ) is unknown. This study aimed to clarify the clinical characteristics of children with borderline FSIQ and poor reading ability, and differentiate these characteristics from those of children with higher FSIQ and poor reading ability. Methods A total of 126 children (aged 6-15 years) identified as having low academic performance were enrolled. The reading ability of children was assessed through their performance on the hiragana (Japanese syllabary) reading task, while their reading and writing achievement was assessed through their reading and writing score on the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition. Children were categorized into two groups based on their FSIQ score (FSIQ > 85 and 85 >= FSIQ >= 70). Reading ability in children was evaluated by referring to the linear relationship between FSIQ and the standard deviation value of reading tasks in typically developing children. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to examine clinical characteristics between higher and lower FSIQ groups. Associations between reading and writing achievement, reading ability, and ages of children were assessed using Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients for the higher and lower FSIQ groups. Results Poorer reading and writing achievement was associated with poorer reading ability in the higher FSIQ group. Conversely, poorer reading and writing achievement and poor reading ability were associated with older age in the lower FSIQ group. Conclusions Poor reading and writing achievement were associated with older age, not with poor reading ability in the lower FSIQ group. Children with lower FSIQ need appropriate educational interventions based on independent assessments to further their academic achievement and reading ability. Moreover, they need more frequent evaluations of their academic achievement than do children with higher FSIQ and poor reading ability since they are more likely to be at a lower academic achievement level at an older age.Peer reviewe

    Measurements of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) in Water, Sediments, and Organisms of two Rivers in Hiroshima Prefecture

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    1973年10月の芦田川の3地点について,水,底質,水棲生物(カワニナ,タニシ,ボラ,フナ)のPCB含有量を測定した。又,1974年1月の広西大川(黒瀬川)の3地点については水,底質のPCB含有量を測定して以下の結果を得た。 1) 二つの河川のいずれの地点より採取した水においてもPCBは検出されなかった。 2) 芦田川産の貝類のPCB濃度はカワニナで0.01mg/kg, タニシで0.08mg/kgであった。魚ではフナの場合肉および消化管共0.07mg/kgであったがボラの肝臓で0.24mg/kg, 肉で0.11mg/kgであり,従来,他地区産のものについて報告された値よりかなり低い値を示した。 3) 底質のPCB測定の際,底質を篩別し,それぞれの粒度の底質に含まれるPCB濃度を測定したところ,粒度1mm以下の底質にPCBが集中的に存在することを認めた。また,従来の測定方法では粒度の小さい底質の多い場所程,PCB濃度が高い値を示す傾向がある。故に,底質のPCB測定および比較には粒度組成も考慮する必要があると考える。In the Ashida river and Hironishiohkawa of Hiroshima Prefecture, PCB water contents, sediments, and aquatic organisms were detected. The results can be summarized as follows: 1) Not all the water samples contained PCB. 2) PCB contents in fish and shellfish in the Ashida river reached 0.01 and 0.24 mg/kg. 3) The PCB distribution pattern in different grain-sized sediments in both rivers points out that PCB was distributed mostly in smaller grain-size sediments. Therefore, analysis of PCB in sediments should take special account of the grain size

    Indigo-Mediated Semi-Microbial Biofuel Cell Using an Indigo-Dye Fermenting Suspension

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    Aizome (Japanese indigo dyeing) is a unique dyeing method using microbial activity under anaerobic alkaline conditions. In indigo-dye fermenting suspensions; microorganisms reduce indigo into leuco-indigo with acetaldehyde as a reductant. In this study; we constructed a semi-microbial biofuel cell using an indigo-dye fermenting suspension. Carbon fiber and Pt mesh were used as the anode and cathode materials, respectively. The open-circuit voltage (OCV) was 0.6 V, and the maximum output power was 32 µW cm−2 (320 mW m−2). In addition, the continuous stability was evaluated under given conditions starting with the highest power density; the power density rapidly decreased in 0.5 h due to the degradation of the anode. Conversely, at the OCV, the anode potential exhibited high stability for two days. However, the OCV decreased by approximately 80 mV after 2 d compared with the initial value, which was attributed to the performance degradation of the gas-diffusion-cathode system caused by the evaporation of the dispersion solution. This is the first study to construct a semi-microbial biofuel cell using an indigo-dye fermenting suspension

    Mechanistic Insights into Indigo Reduction in Indigo Fermentation : A Voltammetric Study

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    Indigo is one of the oldest natural blue dyes. Microorganisms and their enzymatic activities are deeply involved in the traditional indigo staining procedure. To elucidate the mechanism of the microbial indigo reduction, we directly performed cyclic voltammetry on alkaline fermenting dye suspensions. A pair of characteristic redox peaks of leuco-indigo was observed in a supernatant fluid of the fermenting dye suspension. On the other hand, it was found that the indigo/leuco-indigo redox couple mediated two-way microbially catalyzed oxidation and reduction in a sediment-rich suspension of the fermenting suspension. Acetaldehyde was supposed to be the electron donor and acceptor of the catalytic reactions. In order to verify the bioelectrocatalytic reaction, we isolated indigo-reducing bacterium K2-3′ from the fermenting suspension, and the two-way bioelectrocatalysis was successfully restaged in a model system containing K2-3′ and methyl viologen (as a soluble mediator instead of indigo) as well as acetaldehyde at pH 10

    Genomic dissection of the Vibrio cholerae O-serogroup global reference strains: reassessing our view of diversity and plasticity between two chromosomes

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    Approximately 200 O-serogroups of Vibrio cholerae have already been identified; however, only 2 serogroups, O1 and O139, are strongly related to pandemic cholera. The study of non-O1 and non-O139 strains has hitherto been limited. Nevertheless, there are other clinically and epidemiologically important serogroups causing outbreaks with cholera-like disease. Here, we report a comprehensive genome analysis of the whole set of V. cholerae O-serogroup reference strains to provide an overview of this important bacterial pathogen. It revealed structural diversity of the O-antigen biosynthesis gene clusters located at specific loci on chromosome 1 and 16 pairs of strains with almost identical O-antigen biosynthetic gene clusters but differing in serological patterns. This might be due to the presence of O-antigen biosynthesis-related genes at secondary loci on chromosome 2