21 research outputs found

    The breaking of secrecy: Analysis of the hashtag #MeTooInceste regarding testimonies of sexual incest abuse in childhood

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    [EN] Background: Incest remains one of the great taboos of contemporary society. Secrecy is also crucial in this type of sexual abuse against children, and many victims do not disclose their testimony. This situation changed, when in France in mid-January 2021, the #MeTooIncest movement emerged, and thousands of victims began to reveal the abuse they had suffered as children. Objective: To analyze the discourse on Twitter regarding this hashtag to understand how incest abuse has been dealt with through social media debate. In so doing, we expected to identify the main elements that could explain how people have symbolically constructed and engaged with childhood sexual abuse in general and with incest abuse in particular. Participants and setting: In total, 20,556 tweets with the hashtag #MeTooIncest written in French were selected by streaming API from January 14 to February 15, 2021. Methods: Their content was analyzed by lexical analysis using Iramuteq software (Reinert method). Results: Victims found a space for disclosure in this movement, where they felt believed, protected, and supported. This movement also embraced the victims of celebrity abusers, denouncing them and calling for their exclusion from public life. Likewise, at the societal level, this movement pushed for changes in public policies to protect children and emphasized the importance of breaking the public silence or secrecy about incest abuse. Conclusions: This wave of testimonies represents a turning point as it has broken the law of silence and allowed the victims to exist in the media space without being questioned.KideOn Research Group of the Basque Government, Ref.: IT1342-19 (A category)

    Design and Validation of a Scale for Measuring Well-Being of Children in Lockdown (WCL)

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    The objective of this study was to create and validate an instrument to measure the well-being of children in lockdown. As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in the interest of maintaining social distancing, millions of people have been confined to their homes, including children, who have been withdrawn from school and barely able to leave their homes. Thus, it would be useful to evaluate, from a holistic perspective, the well-being of children under these challenging circumstances. The participants were 1,046 children, 48.7% of which were boys and 50.7% girls, recruited in the Basque Country (Northern Spain). The scale was answered by their parents. The survey, entitled "Well-being of Children in Lockdown" (WCL), is composed of six subscales: Emotions, Playful and creative activities, Education, Addictions, Routine, and Physical Activity. Exploratory factor analyses indicate that all the reliability indices were acceptable. The survey demonstrated adequate reliability (alpha = 0.804). We were thus able to confirm the validity of this simple instrument for evaluating the well-being of children aged between 4 and 12 years in lockdown situations. The WCL can be regarded as a useful tool to evaluate the well-being of children in lockdown situations.This research was supported by KideOn Research Group of the Basque Government, Ref.: IT1342-19 (A category)

    Exploring Children鈥檚 Social and Emotional Representations of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    COVID-19, a new emerging infectious disease (EID), has spread throughout the world, including Europe. Spain, in particular, has witnessed a significant outbreak of the pandemic. All classes have been canceled, and the government has declared a state of emergency, ordering the lockdown and confinement of the entire population. All children in the country have been confined to their homes since March 13 and are not allowed to leave at any time. This population is thus facing the harshest restrictions. Given the vulnerable situation of children, the aim of this research is to understand how they represent and emotionally cope with the COVID-19 crisis. A free association exercise elicited by the word "coronavirus" was completed by 228 children (age range: 3-12 years) from the North of Spain. To analyze the content, we employed the Reinert method with Iramuteq software for lexical analysis. The results revealed that children represent the COVID-19 as an enemy that is being fought by the doctors. Children are afraid and worried about catching the virus, but mainly because they think they can infect their grandparents, and this makes them feel guilty. Moreover, the lockdown situation has produced conflicting emotions in the children. On the one hand, they are scared, nervous, lonely, sad, bored, and angry, but they also feel safe, calm, and happy with their families. These results indicate the need for governments to also consider children in their management of the current situation by placing greater emphasis on social and inclusive policies to help alleviate the possible effects that they may suffer as a consequence of the pandemic and the lockdown. In short, there is a need to address the psychological, educational, social, health, and well-being needs of children.This research was funded by KideOn Research Group of the Basque Government, Ref.: IT1342-19 (A category)

    Reduction of COVID-19 Anxiety Levels Through Relaxation Techniques: A Study Carried Out in Northern Spain on a Sample of Young University Students

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    Since March 14, 2020, Spain has been in a state of alarm due to the crisis created by the outbreak of COVID-19. This measure has led to strict levels of lockdown. This situation has led to an increase in anxiety levels among the younger population. For this reason, an intervention was carried out on university voluntary participants in order to help lower their anxiety levels. Specifically, a telematic workshop was implemented to teach emotional literacy and relaxation techniques combined with the practice of the techniques in an autonomous manner. Anxiety measurements were taken before and after the workshop using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 (GAD-7) scale. The results show that Jacobson's progressive relaxation techniques, Schultz's autogenic training, abdominal relaxations, and visualizations are effective in lowering the anxiety levels of university students as an alternative to pharmacotherapy

    The Well-being of children in lock-down: Physical, emotional, social and academic impact

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on societies. In the interest of maintaining social distancing, schools in many countries have closed their doors and children have been confined to their homes. Thus, the objective of the present study was to holistically analyze the well-being of children during a period of full lockdown in Spain, by considering physical, emotional, social, and academic indicators. The scale "Wellbeing of Children in Lockdown" (WCL) was used to measure the well-being of 1225 children from 2 to 12 years old from Northern Spain. The survey was completed by the parents and was designed to analyze children's wellbeing in terms of physical, emotional, social and academic aspects. The results suggest that the general wellbeing of children during lockdown was at an intermediate level. Analysis of the various measures of wellbeing revealed that the lowest levels were obtained for physical activity, along with creative and playful activities. Girls, younger children, and those who have access to an outdoor space showed the greatest levels of well-being. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for the well-being of children and, in particular, how this can be improved amid the current Covid-19 crisis.KideOn. Research Group of the Basque Government, Ref.: IT1342-19 (A category) . Open Access funding provided by University of Basque Country

    Exploring the Social and Emotional Representations Used by the Elderly to Deal With the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Spain has become one of the European epicenters of coronavirus (COVID-19), a virus that particularly affects the elderly, since this group accounts for the majority of hospitalized cases and has the highest mortality rates. Therefore, the aim of this research is to understand how elderly people represent and emotionally cope with COVID-19 during the days when the pandemic emerged in Spain. Using a qualitative methodology, a free association exercise elicited by the word "COVID-19" was completed by 115 participants (age range: 60-85 years) from the North of Spain. Lexical analysis was used to analyze the content. The results revealed that the government and the mass media are criticized for failing to communicate a clear message, and for giving out information that is both insufficient and contradictory. However, participants are clear that it is essential to follow the guidelines of the scientists and doctors, which are represented as credible sources. However, when the state of alarm and the lockdown of all citizens was declared, most of the participants represented the risk as being associated with the elderly and the pandemic became something that might also affect their families. Due to these circumstances, negative emotions appear such as fear, nervousness, uncertainty, restlessness, and insecurity. Feelings of solitude and loneliness also emerged, and these are represented as being linked to death. These results indicate the need for governments to manage the current situation with the elderly by placing greater emphasis on social and inclusive policies to help alleviate the possible effects of the pandemic and the lockdownThis research was supported by KideOn Research Group of the Basque Government, Ref.: IT1342-19 (A category

    Combatiendo la brecha generacional: revisi贸n sistem谩tica de las experiencias intergeneracionales llevadas a cabo en el entorno escolar

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    En una sociedad sumida en un incesante cambio el entorno escolar se convierte en un contexto inmejorable para combatir la brecha generacional y fomentar las experiencias intergeneracio-nales (EI). Por este motivo, el objetivo del presente art铆culo es analizar las EI contextualizadas dentro de la educaci贸n formal con el el fin de clarificar par谩metros de actuaci贸n y caracter-铆sticas comunes. Para ello se ha realizado una revisi贸n sistem谩tica desde el a帽o 2010 al 2018 en las bases de datos de Web of Science, Scopus, Education Database (Proquest) y ERIC. La b煤squeda concluy贸 con un total de 515 registros cribados de los cuales 58 cumpl铆an los criterios de inclusi贸n. Asimismo, como fuentes informales se analizaron seis p谩ginas web especializadas. Se ha podido observar mayor inter茅s respecto a la problem谩tica del envejecimiento poblacional y el fomento de las EI en el entorno escolar. El an谩lisis aporta evidencias del impacto que este tipo de experiencias tiene para las personas participantes (alumnado, personas mayores), el entorno escolar y la comunidad en general. Por lo tanto, las EI se presentan como alternativas sostenibles que ayudan a generar sociedades m谩s cohesionadas e inclusivas

    Social Professionals in the Face of the Health Crisis

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    Due to the crisis generated by COVID-19 at a global level, many professionals are working under harsh conditions, and the Basque Country is no exception. On 14 March 2020, the head of the government decreed a state of alarm at the state level, which forced us all to be confined to our homes. This situation directly affected the profession of social educator. In fact, these professionals work with the most vulnerable groups, so working on the front line is mandated, even if this results in a significant risk. The situation of the groups in residential resources cannot be easy due to the stress produced by living together and being locked up, and this directly affects the educators who necessarily work in it. However, the over-exertion that all of this requires, which is a risk, has not been detected nor recognized at the social level. For this reason, the objective of this investigation is to measure the stress of social educators of advanced age who work in residential resources in different zones of the Basque Country (northern Spain). Sixty-seven social educators participated in the case study. Qualitative and quantitative methods were combined for data collection. This questionnaire was conducted through the Google Forms platform. The quantitative data collected through the questionnaire were analyzed by descriptive analysis and frequency contrasts were performed through the SPSS V25 program. We can conclude that it is necessary to take into account the difficulties of this sector and the professionals both at the governmental and social levels. Future research should include responses from both groups and workers in order to guarantee adequate inclusion

    Belaunaldi arteko harremanak: unibertsitateko curriculuma aberasteko bide

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    Advances in the field of medicine are increasing the longevity of people. This new reality implies social and generational changes and thus the widening of the generation gap. With these considerations in mind, intergenerational relationships play an important role in promoting greater social cohesion, creating shared spaces between generations to reduce the generational gap. With the aim of investigating the effects that the creation of new spaces that facilitate intergenerational relationships can have on university students, the main objective of this research is to collect the voices of students who have participated in the intergenerational meetings organized in the Faculty of Education of Bilbao in the academic year 2019/2020 together with the Hartu Emanak association. In order to achieve this objective, a qualitative methodology has been chosen, which has allowed a holistic and social understanding of the object of study. Likewise, a reflective vision has been developed through introspective reflections by collecting the voices of the participants (n = 17). The results show that intergenerational experiences carried out in the university context have a positive impact on the students, enriching the learning process and the curriculum and allowing social cohesion.; Medikuntzaren arloan egindako aurrerapenak direla eta, pertsonen bizitza-luzera handitzen ari da. Errealitate berri horrek gizarte- eta belaunaldi-aldaketak dakartza berekin, eta horrenbestez, belaunaldien arteko distantzia. Gogoeta horiek kontuan hartuta, belaunaldien arteko harremanek zeregin garrantzitsua dute gizarte-kohesio handiagoa sustatzeko orduan, belaunaldien artean espazio partekatuak sortuz, belaunaldien arteko urruntasuna murrizteko. Belaunaldien arteko harremanak erraztuko duten espazio berrien sorkuntzak unibertsitateko ikasleengan izan ditzaketen eraginetan arakatzeko asmoz, ikerketa honen helburu nagusia Bilboko Hezkuntza Fakultatean Hartu Emanak erakundearekin batera 2019/2020 ikasturtean antolatutako belaunaldi arteko topaketetan parte hartu duten ikasleen ahotsak jasotzea da. Helburu hau lortzeko metodologia kualitatiboa erabili da, aztergaiaren ulermen holistikoa eta soziala ahalbidetu duena. Era berean, ikuspegi gogoetatsua garatu da hausnarketa introspektiboen bidez parte-hartzaileen ahotsak bilduz (n= 17). Emaitzen arabera, unibertsitate testuinguruan gauzatzen diren belaunaldi arteko esperientziek ikasleengan eragin positiboa dute, ikasketa prozesua eta curriculuma aberasten baitute eta gizarte kohesioa ahalbidetuz

    Narrativas visuales desde la hibridaci贸n de los espacios habitados por agentes diversos de la Facultad de Educaci贸n (UPV-EHU)

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    Space is never neutral as it is inhabited by subjects who forge identities in the places they occupy. Within this context, the Faculty of Education of Bilbao (UPV/EHU) has carried out a project in the academic year 2019-2020 focused on the joint reflection of different educational agents on the spaces. The project aims to deepen in the personal concerns of the participants by collecting their voices from two generating questions: What is the reason why we are in the project, what has led us to take part in this project? The fact of collecting the voices helps to create a horizontal dialogue between the word and the image, positioning them on the same level as a narrative vehicle of the stories that move from a personal vision to a more collective vision and places people in continuous relationship with spaces.El espacio nunca es neutro ya que es habitado por sujetos que van forjando identidades en los lugares que ocupan. Dentro de este contexto la Facultad de Educaci贸n de Bilbao (UPV/EHU) ha llevado a cabo en el curso 2019-2020 un proyecto enfocado a la reflexi贸n conjunta de diferentes agentes educativos sobre los espacios. El proyecto tiene como objetivo ahondar en las inquietudes personales de las personas participantes recogiendo sus voces a partir de dos preguntas generadoras: 驴Cu谩l es la raz贸n por la que estamos en el proyecto?, 驴Qu茅 nos ha llevado a tomar parte en este proyecto? El hecho de recoger las voces ayuda a crear un di谩logo horizontal entre la palabra y la imagen, posicionando las mismas en un mismo nivel como veh铆culo narrador de las historias que transitan desde una visi贸n personal a una visi贸n m谩s colectiva y sit煤a a las personas en continua relaci贸n con los espacios