28 research outputs found

    Resistivity Arrays as an Early Warning System for Monitoring Runoff Holding Ponds

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    Monitoring wells are installed to intercept contaminants inadvertently discharged from inground structures designed to retain salt-affected wastewaters; however, several difficulties with collection and data interpretation limit their effectiveness. Therefore, improved monitoring methods are needed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of resistivity array technology as an early warning system to monitor for unintended basin discharge. Subsurface resistivity arrays were installed at two Nebraska sites: a beef cattle feedyard located at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska (FyA) and a commercial cattle feeding operation (FyB). Monitoring well data did not identify any unintended discharge events during the study period. However, the resistivity array (RA) system detected a discharge event that was localized in the non-saturated zone adjacent to the pond at FyB within one day following a precipitation event. Monitoring the unsaturated portion allows the RA system a capacity beyond traditional monitoring wells, which can only intercept discharge carried in groundwater. Also, the RA system effectively measured a larger area (i.e., a virtual curtain) compared to the point measure typical of monitoring wells. Therefore, RA technology provides broader coverage and is more tolerant to placement issues for intercepting discharge. Finally, the capacity to automate the RA system provides a means to continuously monitor unintended subsurface discharge from runoff holding ponds. This continuous monitoring system is more likely to detect discharge events than the bi-annual sampling typically required for monitoring wells. Automatic and continuous monitoring provides feedyard operators options to better manage environmental impacts associated with runoff holding ponds

    Soil-Crop Dynamic Depth Response Determined from TDR of a Corn Silage Field Compared to EMI Measurements

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    Electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques have been used to monitor bulk seasonal soil-crop apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) dynamics. Interpreting this information can be complicated by changes in the soil profile such as water content or nutrient leaching. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) measures localized soil EC; therefore, TDR can provide clarification to where in the soil profile the EC changes are taking place. The objective of this study was to determine whether surface or deep EC changes were driving the response measured by EMI during the crop season of a field amended with animal manure. Results indicate that seasonal soil-crop EC dynamics measured by EMI are primarily driven by surface (,0.2 m) changes as opposed to deeper (.0.9 m) changes. These changes appear to be the result of surface ionic dynamics caused by crop-soil interactions and not soil volumetric water content (hv), since no significant correlations were detected between hv and ECa for any treatment, depth or dipole orientation. These findings are consistent with others who reported the EMI signal was driven primarily by changes in nitrate concentration and not by soil water content. The results of this study clarify our understanding of the soil dynamics that drive the ECa response of a manure amended field. The ability to non-intrusively measure nutrient mineralization and crop uptake provides researchers with a powerful tool for understanding soil-crop interactions. Understanding the soil-crop dynamic will facilitate development of management practices for amending soil with manure while protecting the environment from unintended contamination

    Energy and Nutrient Recovery fromCattle Feedlots

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    Selective harvesting of manure can benefit cattle producers by creating a product of value. A tool that identifies locations of manure accumulation has been developed using a subsurface sensor (Dualem-1S, Milton, ON) and software designed for salt mapping (ESAP, Riverside, CA). The combination allowed the development of models to estimate higher heating value (HHV) of feedlot manure across a feedlot pen. Soil sample data from cattle feedlots in Texas and Nebraska were analyzed for volatile solids (VSs) then combined with the Dualem-1S apparent soil conductivity (ECa) data to produce models having correlations between associated ECa values and VS (r2 = 0.869, VS). A corresponding model is under development to estimate the moisture content of the collectable solids. The combined models allow real-time spatial estimates of HHV within a feedlot pen. These methods will allow direct harvesting of VS for use as a recoverable energy source through direct combustion or cocombustion

    Soil-Crop Dynamic Depth Response Determined from TDR of a Corn Silage Field Compared to EMI Measurements

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    Electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques have been used to monitor bulk seasonal soil-crop apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) dynamics. Interpreting this information can be complicated by changes in the soil profile such as water content or nutrient leaching. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) measures localized soil EC; therefore, TDR can provide clarification to where in the soil profile the EC changes are taking place. The objective of this study was to determine whether surface or deep EC changes were driving the response measured by EMI during the crop season of a field amended with animal manure. Results indicate that seasonal soil-crop EC dynamics measured by EMI are primarily driven by surface (,0.2 m) changes as opposed to deeper (.0.9 m) changes. These changes appear to be the result of surface ionic dynamics caused by crop-soil interactions and not soil volumetric water content (hv), since no significant correlations were detected between hv and ECa for any treatment, depth or dipole orientation. These findings are consistent with others who reported the EMI signal was driven primarily by changes in nitrate concentration and not by soil water content. The results of this study clarify our understanding of the soil dynamics that drive the ECa response of a manure amended field. The ability to non-intrusively measure nutrient mineralization and crop uptake provides researchers with a powerful tool for understanding soil-crop interactions. Understanding the soil-crop dynamic will facilitate development of management practices for amending soil with manure while protecting the environment from unintended contamination

    Electromagnetic Induction Sensor Data to Identify Areas of Manure Accumulation on a Feedlot Surface

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    A study was initiated to test the validity of using electromagnetic induction (EMI) survey data, a prediction-based sampling strategy, and ordinary linear regression modeling to predict spatially variable feedlot surface manure accumulation. A 30- by 60-m feedlot pen with a central mound was selected for this study. A Dualem-1S EMI meter (Dualem Inc., Milton, ON, Canada) pulled on 2-m spacing was used to collect feedlot surface apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) data. Meter data were combined with global positioning system coordinates at a rate of fi ve readings per second. Two 20-site sampling approaches were used to determine the validity of using EMI data for prediction-based sampling. Soil samples were analyzed for volatile solids (VS), total N (TN), total P (TP), and Cl−. A stratified random sampling (SRS) approach (n = 20) was used as an independent set to test models estimated from the prediction-based (n = 20) response surface sample design (RSSD). Th e RSSD sampling plan demonstrated better design optimality criteria than the SRS approach. Excellent correlations between the EMI data and the ln(Cl−), TN, TP, and VS soil properties suggest that it can be used to map spatially variable manure accumulations. Each model was capable of explaining \u3e90% of the constituent sample variations. Fitted models were used to estimate average manure accumulation and predict spatial variations. The corresponding prediction maps show a pronounced pen design effect on manure accumulation. This technique enables researchers to develop precision practices to mitigate environmental contamination from beef feedlots

    Electromagnetic Induction Sensor Data to Identify Areas of Manure Accumulation on a Feedlot Surface

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    A study was initiated to test the validity of using electromagnetic induction (EMI) survey data, a prediction-based sampling strategy, and ordinary linear regression modeling to predict spatially variable feedlot surface manure accumulation. A 30- by 60-m feedlot pen with a central mound was selected for this study. A Dualem-1S EMI meter (Dualem Inc., Milton, ON, Canada) pulled on 2-m spacing was used to collect feedlot surface apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) data. Meter data were combined with global positioning system coordinates at a rate of fi ve readings per second. Two 20-site sampling approaches were used to determine the validity of using EMI data for prediction-based sampling. Soil samples were analyzed for volatile solids (VS), total N (TN), total P (TP), and Cl−. A stratified random sampling (SRS) approach (n = 20) was used as an independent set to test models estimated from the prediction-based (n = 20) response surface sample design (RSSD). Th e RSSD sampling plan demonstrated better design optimality criteria than the SRS approach. Excellent correlations between the EMI data and the ln(Cl−), TN, TP, and VS soil properties suggest that it can be used to map spatially variable manure accumulations. Each model was capable of explaining \u3e90% of the constituent sample variations. Fitted models were used to estimate average manure accumulation and predict spatial variations. The corresponding prediction maps show a pronounced pen design effect on manure accumulation. This technique enables researchers to develop precision practices to mitigate environmental contamination from beef feedlots

    Nutrient and Microbial Transport from Feedlot Surfaces

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    Nutrient and microbial transport by runoff may vary at different locations within a beef cattle feedlot. If the areas making the largest contributions to nutrient and microbial transport can be identified, it may be possible to institute site-specific management practices to reduce runoff nutrient and microbial transport. The objectives of this study were to: a) measure selected feedlot soil properties, and nutrient and microbial transport in runoff from various feedlot locations b) compare the effects of unconsolidated surface materials (USM) (loose manure pack) and consolidated subsurface materials (CSM) (compacted manure and underlying layers) on nutrient and microbial transport, and c) determine if nutrient and microbial transport in runoff are correlated to selected feedlot soil characteristics. Simulated rainfall events were applied to 0.75-m wide by 2-m long plots. No significant differences (P \u3c 0.05) in feedlot soil characteristics or nutrient transport in runoff were found between USM and CSM. However, concentrations of E. coli were significantly greater in the USM than the CSM. Pen location was found to significantly influence feedlot soil measurements of Bray 1-P, calcium, chloride, copper, electrical conductivity (EC), loss on ignition, organic-N, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, total N (TN), water soluble P, and zinc. Runoff measurements of dissolved phosphorus (DP), EC, and NH4-N were significantly influenced by pen location and were correlated to selected feedlot soil characteristics. Thus, it may be possible to estimate DP, EC, and NH4-N in runoff from selected feedlot soil parameters

    Evaluating a New Shade for Feedlot Cattle Performance and Heat Stress

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    Heat stress in cattle results in decreased feed intake, lower daily gain, and potentially death in susceptible animals under intense conditions. A study was carried out during the summer of 2013 at the USDA-ARS U.S. Meat Animal Research Center feedlot evaluating the impact of shade on environmental conditions and cattle performance. A novel two-tiered shade was used in half of the 14 pens, each holding 30 animals. The shades were designed to reduce solar heat load by 40% to 60% and to provide traveling shade across the pen, providing varied amounts of shade area as well as varied solar reduction potential. The objective of this study was to determine if the shade was effective at improving performance (evaluated as average daily gain, feed intake, and feed to gain ratio) and reducing environmental conditions that cause heat stress. A group of mixed-breed cattle with varied genetics including both and were selected, penned on the basis of sex, and blocked by color. Production parameters of pen feed usage were measured daily, and individual body weights were taken monthly. Environmental conditions including air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, ground temperature, and black globe temperature with and without shade were measured. Solar load on the pens was reduced when shade was provided, with both ground temperature and black globe temperature showing reductions. Cattle showed nominally better performance; however, no significant differences were found in gain or feed intake. Panting scores were significantly lower with shade provided; slopes of cattle respiration rate versus ambient temperature were significantly lower with shade during the afternoon period

    Energy and Nutrient Recovery fromCattle Feedlots

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    Selective harvesting of manure can benefit cattle producers by creating a product of value. A tool that identifies locations of manure accumulation has been developed using a subsurface sensor (Dualem-1S, Milton, ON) and software designed for salt mapping (ESAP, Riverside, CA). The combination allowed the development of models to estimate higher heating value (HHV) of feedlot manure across a feedlot pen. Soil sample data from cattle feedlots in Texas and Nebraska were analyzed for volatile solids (VSs) then combined with the Dualem-1S apparent soil conductivity (ECa) data to produce models having correlations between associated ECa values and VS (r2 = 0.869, VS). A corresponding model is under development to estimate the moisture content of the collectable solids. The combined models allow real-time spatial estimates of HHV within a feedlot pen. These methods will allow direct harvesting of VS for use as a recoverable energy source through direct combustion or cocombustion

    Energy and Nutrient Recovery fromCattle Feedlots

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    Selective harvesting of manure can benefit cattle producers by creating a product of value. A tool that identifies locations of manure accumulation has been developed using a subsurface sensor (Dualem-1S, Milton, ON) and software designed for salt mapping (ESAP, Riverside, CA). The combination allowed the development of models to estimate higher heating value (HHV) of feedlot manure across a feedlot pen. Soil sample data from cattle feedlots in Texas and Nebraska were analyzed for volatile solids (VSs) then combined with the Dualem-1S apparent soil conductivity (ECa) data to produce models having correlations between associated ECa values and VS (r2 = 0.869, VS). A corresponding model is under development to estimate the moisture content of the collectable solids. The combined models allow real-time spatial estimates of HHV within a feedlot pen. These methods will allow direct harvesting of VS for use as a recoverable energy source through direct combustion or cocombustion