61 research outputs found

    Approximation Strategies for Incomplete MaxSAT

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    Incomplete MaxSAT solving aims to quickly find a solution that attempts to minimize the sum of the weights of the unsatisfied soft clauses without providing any optimality guarantees. In this paper, we propose two approximation strategies for improving incomplete MaxSAT solving. In one of the strategies, we cluster the weights and approximate them with a representative weight. In another strategy, we break up the problem of minimizing the sum of weights of unsatisfiable clauses into multiple minimization subproblems. Experimental results show that approximation strategies can be used to find better solutions than the best incomplete solvers in the MaxSAT Evaluation 2017.Comment: 10 pages, 3 algorithms, 1 figure, International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP) 201

    A concept for multiterawatt fibre lasers based on coherent pulse stacking in passive cavities

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    Since the advent of femtosecond lasers, performance improvements have constantly impacted on existing applications and enabled novel applications. However, one performance feature bearing the potential of a quantum leap for high-field applications is still not available: the simultaneous emission of extremely high peak and average powers. Emerging applications such as laser particle acceleration require exactly this performance regime and, therefore, challenge laser technology at large. On the one hand, canonical bulk systems can provide pulse peak powers in the multi-terawatt to petawatt range, while on the other hand, advanced solid-state-laser concepts such as the thin disk, slab or fibre are well known for their high efficiency and their ability to emit high average powers in the kilowatt range with excellent beam quality. In this contribution, a compact laser system capable of simultaneously providing high peak and average powers with high wall-plug efficiency is proposed and analysed. The concept is based on the temporal coherent combination (pulse stacking) of a pulse train emitted from a high-repetition-rate femtosecond laser system in a passive enhancement cavity. Thus, the pulse energy is increased at the cost of the repetition rate while almost preserving the average power. The concept relies on a fast switching element for dumping the enhanced pulse out of the cavity. The switch constitutes the key challenge of our proposal. Addressing this challenge could, for the first time, allow the highly efficient dumping of joule-class pulses at megawatt average power levels and lead to unprecedented laser parameters

    Generation of three-cycle multi-millijoule laser pulses at 318 W average power

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    The generation of three-cycle multi-millijoule pulses at 318W power is reported by compressing pulses of a Yb-fiber chirped pulse amplifier in a 6 m long stretched flexible hollow fiber. This technique brings high-power lasers to the few-cycle regime. (c) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    High-repetition-rate and high-photon-flux 70 eV high-harmonic source for coincidence ion imaging of gas-phase molecules

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    Unraveling and controlling chemical dynamics requires techniques to image structural changes of molecules with femtosecond temporal and picometer spatial resolution. Ultrashort-pulse x-ray free-electron lasers have significantly advanced the field by enabling advanced pump-probe schemes. There is an increasing interest in using table-top photon sources enabled by high-harmonic generation of ultrashort-pulse lasers for such studies. We present a novel high-harmonic source driven by a 100 kHz fiber laser system, which delivers 1011^{11} photons/s in a single 1.3 eV bandwidth harmonic at 68.6 eV. The combination of record-high photon flux and high repetition rate paves the way for time-resolved studies of the dissociation dynamics of inner-shell ionized molecules in a coincidence detection scheme. First coincidence measurements on CH3_3I are shown and it is outlined how the anticipated advancement of fiber laser technology and improved sample delivery will, in the next step, allow pump-probe studies of ultrafast molecular dynamics with table-top XUV-photon sources. These table-top sources can provide significantly higher repetition rates than the currently operating free-electron lasers and they offer very high temporal resolution due to the intrinsically small timing jitter between pump and probe pulses

    Energetic sub-2-cycle laser with 216 W average power

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    Few-cycle lasers are essential for many research areas such as attosecond physics that promise to address fundamental questions in science and technology. Therefore, further advancements are connected to significant progress in the underlying laser technology. Here, two-stage nonlinear compression of a 660 W femtosecond fiber laser system is utilized to achieve unprecedented average power levels of energetic ultrashort or even few-cycle laser pulses. In a first compression step, 408 W, 320 mu J, 30 fs pulses are achieved, which can be further compressed to 216 W, 170 mu J, 6.3 fs pulses in a second compression stage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest average power few-cycle laser system presented so far. It is expected to significantly advance the fields of high harmonic generation and attosecond science. (C) 2016 Optical Society of Americ

    Sub 25 fs pulses from solid-core nonlinear compression stage at 250 W of average power

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    We report on a highpower femtosecond fiber chirped-pulse amplification system with an excellent beam quality (Mhoch2=1.2) operating at 250 MHz repetition rate. We demonstrate nonlinear compression in a solid-core photonic crystal fiber at unprecedented average power levels. By exploiting self-phase modulation with subsequent chirped-mirror compression we achieve pulse shortening by more than one order of magnitude to 23 fs pulses. The use of circular polarization allows higher than usual peak powers in the broadening fiber resulting in compressed 0.9 µJ pulse energy and a peak power of 34 MW at 250 W of average power (Mhoch2=1.3). This system is well suited for driving cavity-enhanced high-repetition rate high-harmonic generation

    Temporal contrast enhancement of energetic laser pulses by filtered self-phase-modulation-broadened spectra

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    We present a novel approach for temporal contrast enhancement of energetic laser pulses by filtered self-phase-modulation-broadened spectra. A measured temporal contrast enhancement by at least seven orders of magnitude in a simple setup has been achieved. This technique is applicable to a wide range of laser parameters and poses a highly efficient alternative to existing contrast-enhancement methods

    Analysis of divided-pulse amplification for high-energy extraction

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    Divided-pulse amplification employing passive coherent beam combining implementations causes a strong degradation in efficiency. In this contribution typical implementations are analyzed and a solution using an active stabilization system is presented. With this 380 fs pulses at 1.25 mJ corresponding to a peak power of 2.9 GW have been achieved demonstrating the potential of this approach

    Multidimensional coherent pulse addition of ultrashort laser pulses

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    Spatially and temporally separated amplification and subsequent coherent addition of femtosecond pulses is a promising performance-scaling approach for ultrafast laser systems. Herein we demonstrate for the first time the application of this multidimensional scheme in a scalable architecture. Applying actively controlled divided-pulse amplification producing up to four pulse replicas that are amplified in two ytterbium-doped step-index fibers (6 µmcore), pulse energies far beyond the damage threshold of the single fiber have been achieved. In this proof-of-principle experiment, high system efficiencies are demonstrated at both high pulse energies (i.e., in case of strong saturation) and high accumulated nonlinear phases