385 research outputs found

    Neutron Flux Measurements With Monte Carlo Verification At The Thermal Column Of A Triga Mark II Reactor : Feasibility Study For A BNCT Facility [QC793.5.N462 E34 2008 f rb].

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    Rawatan tumor otak malignan melalui Terapi Tawanan Neutron Boron (BNCT) memerlukan punca neutron dengan fluks yang tinggi. Reaktor TRIGA Mark II Malaysia diselidiki untuk pepasangan BNCT yang dicadangkan. The treatment of the malignant brain tumor through Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) requires a high-flux neutron source. The Malaysian TRIGA Mark II reactor was investigated for a proposed BNCT facility

    Editorial: Media and Politics

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    Words differentiation in the wound and amendment and the impact on governance and narrators Marwiyaat

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    The science of al-Jarh wa al-Ta\u27dil (Recommending or not recommending Narrators) is regarded as a cautious, because of its numeral branches, issues and its influence on accepting or rejecting Traditions. Hadith Scholars have played good efforts in this sense, they have collected all about narrators, which show their attitude regarding relation (Riwayah), not only an individual separated study, but also a comparative study with others. This matter caused a balanced study which measured the priority among them, a matter which showed the terms used to prefer one over another, such as: memorization, accurateness, full achievement, going deeply in understanding Traditions, the authenticity in relating one tradition from one Sheikh (Scholar), and the priority of Shuyukh in jurisprudence, brightness, eloquence, wide knowledge…etc, which show the general view and the accurate knowledge regarding narrators. This article focused on priority terms which was used by scholars of Jarh and Ta\u27dil by which they distinguished between reliable narrators in different sides, also between weak narrators, and to put some traditions in advance. Another thing tackled here was the influence of priority on judging Narrators and their narrations, the classes of their students, who is more reliable, the correction between narrations if we have contradiction among them, and to know the illness of narrations. The article also discussed some attentions to certain issues, which are needed to Hadith Scholars in searching Hadiths, or the biography of Narrators, the judgment of their traditions, when it is difficult to judge the narrator and his narration because of neglecting such issues and their applications

    Clash of Ignorance

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    The clash of ignorance thesis presents a critique of the clash of civilizations theory. It challenges the assumptions that civilizations are monolithic entities that do not interact and that the Self and the Other are always opposed to each other. Despite some significantly different values and clashes between Western and Muslim civilizations, they overlap with each other in many ways and have historically demonstrated the capacity for fruitful engagement. The clash of ignorance thesis makes a significant contribution to the understanding of intercultural and international communication as well as to the study of inter-group relations in various other areas of scholarship. It does this by bringing forward for examination the key impediments to mutually beneficial interaction between groups. The thesis directly addresses the particular problem of ignorance that other epistemological approaches have not raised in a substantial manner. Whereas the critique of Orientalism deals with the hegemonic construction of knowledge, the clash of ignorance paradigm broadens the inquiry to include various actors whose respective distortions of knowledge symbiotically promote conflict with each other. It also augments the power-knowledge model to provide conceptual and analytical tools for understanding the exploitation of ignorance for the purposes of enhancing particular groups’ or individuals’ power. Whereas academics, policymakers, think tanks, and religious leaders have referred to the clash of ignorance concept, this essay contributes to its development as a theory that is able to provide a valid basis to explain the empirical evidence drawn from relevant cases

    Proučavanje kemijski i termički priređenih tankih slojeva CuInS2

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    Copper indium disulfide (CuInS2) thin films were thermally and chemically prepared, and the structural, optical and electrical properties were investigated. X-ray analysis indicates only single-phase chalcopyrite with no extra planes. The optical and the thermal energy gap was determined. The gap of the annealed thermally-prepared samples in sulfur vapour is greater than of the as-deposited films, which indicates the decrease of d-level contribution to the valence band.Tanki slojevi bakarnog indij disulfida (CuInS2) priređeni su kemijski i naparavanjem u vakuumu, i istraživana su njihova strukturna, optička i električna svojstva. Rendgenska strukturna analiza pokazuje samo jednofazni kalkopirit bez dodatnih ravnina. Određeni su optički i termički procijepi. Procijep naparenih slojeva, otpuštanih u parama sumpora, veći od procijepa svježe naparenih slojeva. To ukazuje na smanjenje doprinosa d-pojasa valentnom pojasu

    64 MS-CTU: Review of techniques and spectrum of the ureteric diseases

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    Objective: The study aims to clarify the sensitivity of the CTU, and if is it coast effective and time effective to be used as first and the one-stop shop imaging modality for the diagnosis of the different ureteric diseases.Patients and methods: 400 patients with different urinary tract complaints (hematuria and/or renal colic) did triphasic CTU examinations, for diagnosis of suspected obstructive or traumatic ureteric uropathy from January 2014 to October 2016. These patients were filtered from a larger number of patients – who were presented with urinary tract complaints by plain KUB X ray and US, which showed no explaining kidneys or urinary bladder pathology.Results: Ureteric duplication was detected in 5 (1.25%) patients, ectopic ureter in one patient (0.25%), UPJ stricture in 4 patients (1%), PUJ vascular impression in 2 patients (0.5%), ureteric calculus in 103 patients (25.75%), pyogenic ureteritis in 8 patients (2%), ureteritis cystica in one patient (0.25%) TCC in 3 patients (0.75%), PRPF in one patient (0.025%) and Trauma in one patient (0.025%).Conclusion: CTU is very sensitive tool of imaging and could be confidently considered the one-stop shop imaging tool for accurate diagnosis of the different ureteric lesions

    In the crisis of comparative literature and its cognitive and methodological sources

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     The impact of the "crisis of comparative literature" (Renee Wilk) in the critical center of the fire spread in the wild, although the vocabulary did not bear new added to the efforts of critics and comparison in his time and before. From a researcher dealing with the issues of comparative literature only pointed out a statement or hint To what Wilk discussed in his crisis. The pages of this research may be able to capture the knowledge and methodology of WELC in formulating the points presented in its crisis, relying on extrapolation and devising a means, and a tool for the fairness of the previous efforts objectively and impartially, And its objectives

    Translation and the literary comparative research

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    Translation forms a scientific, artistic and procedural house that receives texts whose language and culture are peculiar. It probes them and explores their unique ideas and treasures to quench its thirst for it is a science and an end by itself. It has its bases, its factors, importance and tools, and it tries to quench others when it becomes a bridge between different nations and cultures and their various ways of thinking. From this perspective, the title is a kind of analysis, of what the subtitle is: the essence of translation, and the comparative literary research so that both will be the object of our study in continuation of previous studies whose echo could be seen by the reader directly or indirectly of for being simila

    Van Tijm and Victor Gremonsky

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     Van Tijm and Victor Gremonsky, in their comparative monetary work, have established two closely related, largely divergent approaches and research methods. The first to follow the approach of EvelFeilmann to look at international literary relations is a certain historical causation (historical theory). And the second approach to the theory of typology, influenced by the writings of A. Vesilowski monetary, influenced by German philosophers, starting in the second half of the eighteenth century. The term similarities and differences between literatures is presented as a result of similarity or difference in the movement of the development of societies and their conditions. However, their divergence in principle did not override their agreement on some partial issues and their divergence in other matters. This is what the research will try to look at, using extrapolation as a means to elucidate judgments, which were ignored by scholars and interested parties, in the hope of giving each person the right, both impartially and objectively, to adopt their texts