474 research outputs found

    Dutch Spatial Planning: The Coordination of Compact Development and Affordable Housing

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    This case study combines elements of exploration and description to examine the interaction of growth management and housing affordability within the Dutch system of spatial planning. In Section I, I introduce the research framework and pose the central research question: How do planners and policymakers in the Netherlands conceptualize and manage the relationship between land and housing markets, and the effects of that relationship on housing affordability? In Section II, I provide an overview of Dutch spatial planning, focusing on planning and policymaking at the national and municipal levels, and summarizing the postwar-era bundled deconcentration approach to growth management. Section III covers the economic and political shifts of the 1980s and early 1990s, a period that marked the end of bundled deconcentration and ushered in the compact city approach to spatial planning. In Section IV, I introduce contemporary issues of land scarcity and housing supply stagnation and summarize my primary interview findings. In Section V, I elaborate on my interview findings and discuss the broader perspectives offered by Dutch planners and economists. Finally, in Section VI, I conclude the case study with a review of findings, final reflections, and suggestions for future research

    RailDriVE - Ortung in der Spur

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    Das RailDriVEÂź eignet sich fĂŒr vielerlei Nutzungszwecke fĂŒr das DLR, Partner und Kunden. Das Spektrum reicht von der Entwicklungsbegleitung von neuen Ortungskomponenten in einer realen Umgebung im Eisenbahnbetrieb ĂŒber die Untersuchung verschiedener Sensorkombinationen fĂŒr unterschiedlichste Einsatzmöglichkeiten bis hin zur Erstellung von digitalen Streckenkarten

    Die Semantik anaphorischer Pronomen : Deskriptive singulÀre Terme und E-type Pronomen

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    E-type Pronomen bilden eine besondere Klasse anaphorischer Pronomen, die semantisch zu den deskriptiven singulĂ€ren Termen zĂ€hlen. Deskriptive singulĂ€re Terme sind bezeichnende AusdrĂŒcke, deren Bezug durch eine rein deskriptive Kennzeichnung festgelegt ist. In der Linguistik und der Sprachphilosophie sind sowohl der auf Gareth Evans zurĂŒckgehende Begriff eines E-type Pronomens, als auch der Begriff eines deskriptiven singulĂ€ren Terms selber, höchst umstritten. In dieser Arbeit geht es deshalb zunĂ€chst darum, eine auf Evans' Überlegungen aufbauende kohĂ€rente Konzeption deskriptiver singulĂ€rer Terme zu entwickeln, und diese Konzeption auf E-type Pronomen zu ĂŒbertragen. Im Anschluss geht es darum zu zeigen, wie sich mit einem aufgeklĂ€rtem VerstĂ€ndnis dieser Begriffe zahlreiche mit solchen AusdrĂŒcken verbundene semantische Probleme lösen lassen

    Rezidivverhalten und klinischer Verlauf von atypischen und malignen Meningeomen im Vergleich zu benignen Meningeomen unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der VollstĂ€ndigkeit der operativen Resektion

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    Um den Unterschied zwischen atypischen und malignen Meningeomen und benignen Meningeomen in Bezug auf das Rezidivverhalten sowie den klinischen Verlauf darzustellen, wurde eine retrospektive Studie mit 310 operierten Patienten durchgefĂŒhrt. Der klinische Verlauf der atypischen und malignen Meningeome unterscheidet sich nicht grundlegend von dem der benignen Meningeome, es blieb jedoch kein Patient mit einem atypischen/malignen Meningeom symptomfrei. Die wichtigste EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸe auf das Rezidivverhalten ist der Grad der MalignitĂ€t, gefolgt vom VollstĂ€ndigkeitsgrad der Operation. Die Lokalisation stellt eine indirekte EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸe dar. Die Rezidivrate der atypischen und malignen Meningeome signifikant höher ist als die der Benignen

    Isolierte koronare Bypass-Operation jenseits der achten Lebensdekade:Identifizierung von prĂ€- und perioperativen Risikofaktoren des Kurz- und LangzeitĂŒberlebens

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    Demographischer Wandel und technischer Fortschritt haben zu einer VerĂ€nderung der Patientenstruktur in der Herzchirurgie gefĂŒhrt. Zunehmend multimorbide Patienten im hohen Lebensalter geraten in den Mittelpunkt der Koronarchirurgie. Aus diesem Grund wurden die Daten von 365 Patienten im Alter ĂŒber 80 Jahren ausgewertet, die am UniversitĂ€tsklinikum MĂŒnster zwischen dem 01.01.2000 und dem 31.12.2008 eine koronare Bypass-OP erhalten haben. Das durchschnittliche Alter betrug 82,5 Jahre. Die 30-Tage-MortalitĂ€t betrug 10,8%. In der Analyse des KurzzeitĂŒberlebens zeigten sich die Notfall-Indikation, das Vorliegen einer PAVK und die perioperative IABP-Anwendung als Risikofaktoren. In der Auswertung des LangzeitĂŒberlebens zeigten sich das Vorliegen von Untergewicht, Übergewicht, die Notfall-Indikation, die reduzierte und schlechte LV-Funktion, die PAVK, Herzrhythmusstörungen, eine unvollstĂ€ndige Revaskularisation und die perioperative IABP-Anlage als unabhĂ€ngige Risikofaktoren

    Differential effects of glycoprotein B epitope-specific antibodies on human cytomegalovirus-induced cell–cell fusion

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    Attachment of, and cell–cell fusion induced by, human cytomegalovirus were studied in the presence of neutralizing monospecific antibodies against antigenic domains 1 (AD-1) or 2 (AD-2) of glycoprotein B (gB, gpUL55). Efficient inhibition of the virion-mediated fusion event was consistently observed for the human AD-2-specific antibody as determined by a reporter gene activation assay based on permissive astrocytoma cells. In contrast, antibodies directed against the major neutralizing gB epitope AD-1 reduced fusion only by 20–60 %. Virus attachment via heparan sulfate was unaffected by the antibodies under the conditions used. Virus receptor binding as examined by heparin treatment of adsorbed virus was significantly reduced only if the virus had been coated with the AD-2-specific antibody. Neutralization of virus infectivity by the AD-2-specific antibody thus seems most likely to result from interference with a receptor-binding event during initial virus–host cell interaction

    Implementing the Patient Needs in Asthma Treatment (NEAT) questionnaire in routine care:a qualitative study among patients and health professionals

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    Abstract Background Many patients with asthma report unmet health care needs. The Patient Needs in Asthma Treatment (NEAT) questionnaire is a validated instrument to quantify these unmet needs. We explored how health professionals evaluated the instrument’s utility as well as patients’ and professionals’ perspectives of how NEAT could be incorporated into routine clinical practice. Methods Qualitative interviews were conducted by telephone between February and September 2021 with 19 patients with asthma and 21 health professionals (i.e., general practitioners, pneumologists, health professionals in pulmonary rehabilitation, and medical assistants). Interview recordings were transcribed verbatim and content-analyzed using both deductive and inductive approaches using MAXQDA. Results Health professionals could see the potential value of using NEAT to inform clinical decisions. However, health professionals tended to be skeptical towards the routine use of NEAT in outpatient settings, mainly due to a lack of time. Implementation of NEAT was seen as more valuable in the context of patient education (i.e., in Disease Management Programs [DMPs] or pulmonary rehabilitation) by patients and health professionals alike, because it offered greater opportunities to address any unmet needs identified. Both patients and health professionals considered it more useful to use the questionnaire for the first time some time after the initial diagnosis has been made (e.g., when the treatment regime is found rather than at time of initial diagnosis). In the context of DMPs and pulmonary rehabilitation, NEAT could be used twice, i.e., before and after patient education to support patient-centered planning and evaluation. Conclusion Both patients and health professionals consider the use of the NEAT, in particular in educational programs (i.e., during DMPs or pulmonary rehabilitation), as feasible and useful. There is now a need to undertake a feasibility trial in routine care

    Rituximab Mediates a Strong Elevation of B-Cell-Activating Factor Associated with Increased Pathogen-Specific IgG but Not Autoantibodies in Pemphigus Vulgaris

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    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a severe autoimmune disease affecting the skin and mucous membranes, characterized by autoantibodies mainly against desmoglein 3 (dsg3). This study investigated the effects of different treatment options on two B-cell mediators, B-cell-activating factor (BAFF) and a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), in 19 PV patients on immunosuppressive drugs alone or in combination with immunoadsorption and anti-CD20 antibody, respectively. Serum BAFF and APRIL levels, circulating desmoglein-reactive autoantibodies, and serum IgG specific for varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) were determined by ELISA before and at different time points after initiation of the respective therapy. In contrast to immunosuppressive therapy alone and in combination with adjuvant immunoadsorption, respectively, rituximab treatment led to a strong and significant elevation of BAFF, but not of APRIL levels, which normalized upon recovery of peripheral CD19+ B cells. Moreover, rituximab treatment led to a statistically significant increase of anti-VZV-IgG and anti-EBV-IgG titers, whereas anti-dsg1 and -3 specific autoantibody titers decreased significantly. Our results suggest that elevated BAFF levels might exert a differential effect on the induction of autoreactive versus pathogen-specific IgG antibody production in PV patients, possibly due to promotion of antibody release of pathogen-specific long-lived plasma cells
