67 research outputs found

    Entwicklung des Ă–kologischen Landbaus in Deutschland von 1997 bis 2003

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    Looking at the degree of development of the German organic farming sector, one can assess an explicit headway from the year 1997 until 2003. As a “trigger event” and crucial for the advancement of the sector one can put on record the readjustment within the Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture in 2001, caused by the BSE crisis. A Consequence was the creation of an organic farming scheme (BÖL) and the state-aided promotion of “Biosiegel”, a new formed organic label. The politically encour-aged trend initiates a go-ahead spirit and a broad establishment of organic farming inside the German farming community

    Stakeholder participation and stakeholder protest: On the planned revision of the EU Organic regulation

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    POSTER In Germany organic stakeholders largely reject the draft of the revised EU Organic regulation. This was evident at a workshop held within the framework of the ORGAP project, which brought together leading representatives of the organic sector in March 2006. The objective of the workshop was to develop indicators on the evaluation of the European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming. The concerns voiced by stakeholders on the revision of the regulation were so strong that we consider it appropriate to i) report them and ii) to put them into perspective as a contribution to further discussion. This is the objective of this poster. MANUSCRIPT FOR THE POSTER PRESENTATION (TRANSLATED AND REVISED FROM https://orgprints.org/8515) Shortly before Christmas of last year, the Commission of the European Union (EU) published the draft of a new EU Organic Regulation. This draft proposal, which is intended to replace Council Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 and supplementary regulations, has provoked substantial criticism from the German organic sector. Thus the German farmers’ union (Deutscher Bauernverband, DBV) spoke of the “massive undermining of consumer protection” which could result from provisions in the draft. The German Federation of the Organic Food Industry (Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft, BÖLW) as the umbrella organization of organic producers, processors and traders rejects the present draft revision outright. The broad rejection of the draft replacement regulation was confirmed at a workshop held in the framework of the EU ORGAP project, which brought together leading representatives of the German organic sector on March 30, 2006 in Berlin. The ORGAP (Evaluation of the European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming) research project is of special interest in connection with the new EU Organic Regulation, since the draft regulation explicitly (and quite unusually) makes specific reference to this project: its results will be drawn upon at a later stage in order to draft the detailed implementation provisions for the regulation. The methodological approach of the ORGAP research project places a very strong emphasis on stakeholder integration

    Bio im Supermarkt – Zustand und Entwicklungsaussichten des Bio-Angebots im deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel

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    Der Sektor „Bio-Lebensmittel im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel (LEH)“ befindet sich in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit einem Anteil von etwa 2% des gesamten Lebensmittelmarktes (World Organic News 2003) noch „in den Kinderschuhen“. Seine Ausweitung wird von Experten als ein entscheidender Schritt zur Expansion des gesamten Bio- Sektors gesehen. Die Entwicklung der Bio-Lebensmittelsparte im LEH hat in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gegenüber anderen europäischen Ländern erst mit Verzögerung eingesetzt. So können z.B. England, als auch die skandinavischen Länder auf eine langjährige und erfolgreiche Vermarktung von Bio-Produkten über den LEH zurückblicken. Die Gründe für die gehemmte Entwicklung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sind auf den ersten Blick nicht ersichtlich. Dieses Bild wird verstärkt, nimmt man die positiven Modelle anderer Länder zum Maßstab. Aus Verbrauchersicht sind es vor allem ein zu hoher Preis, sowie fehlende Sortimentsbreite und fehlendes Vertrauen in die biologische Herkunft der Produkte, die als Hemmnisse für eine Nachfragesteigerung im LEH gelten (Deters 2000, zitiert u.a. in Öko-Prüfzeichen 2001). Um die beschriebenen Defizite zu beseitigen ist seitens des LEH´s zukünftig mit einer Angebotsausdehnung sowie der Einführung von effizienten Marketingkonzepten zu rechnen

    Commission to practice what it preaches

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    An ORGAP (Evaluation of the European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming) research project paper questions whether the EU Commission is line with its own Principles of good governance regarding the revision process of the EU Organic Regulation

    Formation and evolution of hydrated surface layers of apatites

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    Nanocrystalline apatites exhibit a very fragile structured hydrated surface layer which is only observed in aqueous media. This surface layer contains mobile ionic species which can be easily exchanged with ions from the surrounding fluids. Although the precise structure of this surface layer is still unknown, it presents very specific spectroscopic characteristics. The structure of the hydrated surface layer depends on the constitutive mineral ions: ion exchanges of HPO42- ions by CO32- ions or of Ca2+ by Mg2+ ions result in a de-structuration of the hydrated layer and modifies its spectroscopic characteristics. However, the original structure can be retrieved by reverse exchange reaction. These alterations do not seem to affect the apatitic lattice. Stoichiometric apatite also shows HPO42- on their surface due to a surface hydrolysis after contact with aqueous solutions. Ion exchange is also observed and the environments of the surface carbonate ions seem analogous to that observed in nanocrystalline apatites. The formation of a hydrated layer in aqueous media appears to be a property common to apatites which has to be taken into account in their reactivity and biological behavior

    Stakeholder involvement in action plans and/or policies for organic food and farming – ORGAP project recommendations

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    Stakeholder involvement in action plans and/or policies for organic food and farming are seen as part of good governance. Within the EU project ORGAP (www.orgap.org) recommendations are made how to consider and evaluate the level und degree of stakeholder involvement. Different stakeholder perspectives (organic principles, market, public goods) have to bee taken into account in the different stages of an action plan/policy (the design, decision, implementation and evaluation). Participatory methods can be useful if sufficient resources and time are available

    Domestic Fair Trade – Principles and Business

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    The presentation introduces into the state of the art of Domestic Fair Trade. The presentation reflects on the background and current trends in respect to sustainability, refers to the combination Sustainability & Organic Farming, introduces concepts and understanding of fairness in the mid-European context, and ends up with some practical examples and initiatives in Central Europ

    Auf dem Weg zur ökologischen Bienenhaltung

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    Schon seit jeher genießt die Imkerei, wie kaum ein andeter landwirtschaftlicher Zweig, ein Grundvertrauen der Konsumenten, was sich durch ihre bis heute sehr naturnahe Herstellungsweise begründen läßt. Aber auch in der Bienenhaltung gibt es Probleme. Inwieweit kann die ökologische Bienenhaltung hier helfen

    Relevanz wirtschaftsethischer Konzepte fĂĽr den Ă–kologischen Landbau

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    Im Zuge des Milchstreiks im Sommer 2008 rückten Fragen einer fairen Entlohnung für die Erstellung und den Handel landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse in den Fokus der gesellschaftlichen Diskussion und wurden in den Feuilletons der großen Tageszeitungen diskutiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage, ob aufgrund seiner Entstehungsgeschichte innerhalb des Sektors Ökologischer Landbau ein anderes Wirtschaftsverständnis vorherrscht beziehungsweise welche Modelle und Systeme einer Fair-Preisgestaltung momentan existieren

    Existing and Potential Approaches for Fair Pricing in Domestic Fair Trade

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    Aspects of fair trade gain a growing relevance in the current debate on the further development and reorientation of the domestic (mid-European) organic sector. Fair trade aspects were part of the implicit self-conception since the organic movement was established. The authors would like to show up ways how these implicit ideals can be carried over into explicit standards comprehensible to the consumer. This request can be reached via liberal, restrictive or transparent fair pricing schemes
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