23 research outputs found

    PLoS ONE

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    Lyme disease is a multisystemic disorder caused by B. burgdorferi sl. The molecular basis for specific organ involvement is poorly understood. The skin plays a central role in the development of Lyme disease as the entry site of B. burgdorferi in which specific clones are selected before dissemination. We compared the skin inflammatory response (antimicrobial peptides, cytokines and chemokines) elicited by spirochete populations recovered from patients presenting different clinical manifestations. Remarkably, these spirochete populations induced different inflammatory profiles in the skin of C3H/HeN mice. As spirochete population transmitted into the host skin is heterogeneous, we isolated one bacterial clone from a population recovered from a patient with neuroborreliosis and compared its virulence to the parental population. This clone elicited a strong cutaneous inflammatory response characterized by MCP-1, IL-6 and antimicrobial peptides induction. Mass spectrometry of this clone revealed 110 overexpressed proteins when compared with the parental population. We further focused on the expression of nine bacterial surface proteins. bb0347 coding for a protein that interacts with host fibronectin, allowing bacterial adhesion to vascular endothelium and extracellular matrix, was found to be induced in host skin with another gene bb0213 coding for a hypothetical protein. These findings demonstrate the heterogeneity of the B. burgdorferi ss population and the complexity of the interaction involved early in the skin

    Quaternary ligand binding to aromatic residues in the active-site gorge of acetylcholinesterase.

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    Binding sites of Torpedo acetylcholinesterase (EC for quaternary ligands were investigated by x-ray crystallography and photoaffinity labeling. Crystal structures of complexes with ligands were determined at 2.8-A resolution. In a complex with edrophonium, and quaternary nitrogen of the ligand interacts with the indole of Trp-84, and its m-hydroxyl displays bifurcated hydrogen bonding to two members of the catalytic triad, Ser-200 and His-440. In a complex with tacrine, the acridine is stacked against the indole of Trp-84. The bisquaternary ligand decamethonium is oriented along the narrow gorge leading to the active site; one quaternary group is apposed to the indole of Trp-84 and the other to that of Trp-279, near the top of the gorge. The only major conformational difference between the three complexes is in the orientation of the phenyl ring of Phe-330. In the decamethonium complex it lies parallel to the surface of the gorge; in the other two complexes it is positioned to make contact with the bound ligand. This close interaction was confirmed by photoaffinity labelling by the photosensitive probe 3H-labeled p-(N,N-dimethylamino)benzenediazonium fluoroborate, which labeled, predominantly, Phe-330 within the active site. Labeling of Trp-279 was also observed. One mole of label is incorporated per mole of AcChoEase inactivated, indicating that labeling of Trp-279 and that of Phe-330 are mutually exclusive. The structural and chemical data, together, show the important role of aromatic groups as binding sites for quaternary ligands, and they provide complementary evidence assigning Trp-84 and Phe-330 to the "anionic" subsite of the active site and Trp-279 to the "peripheral" anionic site

    Design and Activity of Cationic Fullerene Derivatives as Inhibitors of Acetylcholinesterase

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    Four different regioisomers of cationic bis-N,N-dimethylfulleropyrrolidinium salts have been prepared and evaluated as inhibitors of the enzymatic activity of acetylcholinesterase. These fullerene-based derivatives were found to be noncompetitive inhibitors of acetylthiocholine hydrolysis. Molecular modelling was used to describe the possible interactions between the fullerene cage and the amino acids surrounding the cavity of the enzyme. The cationic C(60) derivatives used in this study represent a new class of molecules potentially able to modulate the enzymatic activity of acetylcholinesterase

    Trp279 is involved in the binding of quaternary ammonium at the peripheral site of Torpedo marmorata acetylcholinesterase.

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    Specific photoaffinity labelling of purified acetylcholinesterase from Torpedo marmorata by p-N,N-[3H]dimethylamino benzenediazonium and p-N,N-[3H]dibutylamino benzenediazonium derivatives was demonstrated. This occurred at the active site of the enzyme for lower concentrations of the probes and at the peripheral ammonium binding site for higher concentrations. The affinities and the rate constants of alkylation for each probe on both sites have been established. Specific labelling at the peripheral site of the enzyme with both probes allowed the identification of radio-labelled peptides having the common sequence K270PQELIDVEW. The radioactivity was always associated with the residue Trp279 indicating the preferential ammonium complexation with this aromatic residue