30 research outputs found

    Librarians as Researchers and Academics

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    It is the view of many librarians that the profession faces relevance issues in the research community, among academics. The perception, and perhaps the reality, is that scholars are standoffish when it comes to contacting librarians about their research and taking advantage of the expertise librarians possess. If this is the case, it may be due to the lack of librarian experience with the specific disciplines in which the respective faculty members are publishing, or as an academic/scholar. Learning the language of academic subjects is not enough. True participation in the publication of research and/or scholarship is required. Librarians cannot just assist – we must be part of the conceptual process that drives the research. This presentation will discuss interdisciplinarity less as a marketing tool coming from the Library to the Academy as discrete institutions, and more as a mode of professional being involving the aforementioned direct and active participation in the scholarly conversation. The solution is both simple and difficult – it involves a commitment of time and resources on the part of librarians personally and of library administrations institutionally – to become part of the scholarly conversation such that the distinction between librarian and academic disappears

    Spotlight on Scholarly Commons, June 2017 - Prescott

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    Faculty with notable downloads: Timothy Holt Mohammad Moallemi Linda Wieland Matt Earnhardt Sonya McMullen Prescott Faculty Submission Statistics: Total Papers: 148 All-time Downloads: 84,574 June Downloads: 1,189 Other Interesting Information: Issues of the Pioneer, ERAU Prescott\u27s official newspaper 1978-1983 have been digitized and published. Several SelectedWorks sites have been created. *Statistics are for the Prescott Campus publication

    Scholarly Commons 2016 Annual Report

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    In its third year Scholarly Commons experienced growing acceptance as an important tool for the dissemination of research at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Contributions increased by 36% and conferences grew to 17, as Scholarly Commons became more widely known throughout the university. One of the conferences supported a collaboration between ERAU and the FAA, which resulted in a note of thanks from the FAA to Chip Wolfe, Digitization Specialist. Chip worked with bepress, the Chancellor’s Office and the conference organizers to launch the webpage in record time

    Scholarly Commons Annual Report 2017

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    Scholarly Commons experienced substantial growth between July 1, 2016, and June 30, 2017. Contributions grew by 32% over the preceding year and downloads increased by 47.12%, demonstrating that ERAU research is important to our academic colleagues as well as to the industries and government organizations we serve

    Scholarly Commons Annual Report 2018-2019

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    The global impact of Scholarly Commons grew again in 2018-19. Submissions increased by 25% over FY 18 and downloads grew by 50% in FY 19. New conferences, such as the President’s Art Exhibit and the Southeastern- Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, were added. The highlight of the year in terms of new conferences and events for the Daytona Beach staff on the team was the 2019 Digital Commons Southeast User Group meeting, which was not only hosted in Scholarly Commons but also took place on the Daytona Beach Campus on May 31. The goal to work with faculty and other groups on the three campuses to increase Open Educational Resources in Scholarly Commons was quite successful. The team added faculty-authored textbooks, open access textbooks adopted by faculty, and course packs, containing open access or library-licensed items. Interest in this initiative was strong enough to warrant a new librarian position and the Daytona Beach Campus welcomed new team member, Cassandra Konz in late May. In addition to this goal, the team also began to develop avenues for faculty to organize and provide open access to research datasets. The first objective of this goal was met with the creation of an area in Scholarly Commons for small datasets. With the new areas Scholarly Commons supports, the Oversight Team continues to adapt. In January the team welcomed new member, Jim Solti, representing Worldwide, with a special emphasis on incorporating OER into online courses. The team also began working with the newly-appointed Associate Provost for Research, Dr. Remzi Seker. As we welcomed our new colleagues, we also said goodbye to Special Projects Librarian, Jane Deighan, who retired in June. Jane has been part of the team from the beginning and certainly wins the prize for setting up the most SelectedWorks pages and facilitating submissions for faculty on all three campuses. She will be missed at our meetings but she leaves a strong and enduring legacy

    A Student\u27s Perspective on the Utilization of Social Media for Scholarly Research

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    The research was conducted on the continuous advancements on the Airline Quality Rating (AQR) developed by Dr . Brent Bowen, and the benefactor of research from a student perspective . The general case study focus of this research is the AQR as it relates to the utilization of social media platforms, and thus having the ability to reach out to a broader worldwide presence . Media metrics consisting of social network platforms, and news releases to assist in broadening the viewership and utilization of research in meeting individuals needs in gaining qualitative and quantified information about the AQR . As a student researcher for the AQR research initiative, it has helped me grow exponentially through the utilization of applied research methods . Additionally, while writing towards a potential audience, it has enhanced my communication skills through the presentations to members of the conferences in which I have attended

    The Future of Social Media Usage for Scholarly Research

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    The research method for this project – examining the dissemination of research artifacts through social media as well as the impact social media can have on scholarly research – originated with Dr. Brent Bowen of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University at the Prescott, Arizona campus and Dr. Dean E. Headley of Wichita State University. Drs. Bowen and Headley introduced the Airline Quality Rating (AQR) in early 1991 as an objective method for comparing and scoring airline performance in areas deemed to be important for consumers. Scores are calculated by defining 15-elements in four major areas, focusing on airline performance and the significance the factors to consumers of air travel in a given calendar year. The report is a summary and evaluation of month-by-month ratings for U.S. airlines, based on domestic performance data which these companies are required to publish. The general case study focus of this research is the AQR as it relates to the news of the AQR’s release as disseminated through social media platforms, the subsequent utilization of and references to the research by social media users, and the global reach of social media. We will examine social media metrics, based on traditional news releases. These news releases, when amplified by social media platforms, assist in broadening the viewership and the utilization of research. The AQR’s Visibility Reports evaluate four aspects of online traffic - Total Pickup, Traffic flow, Audience, and Engagement. We will discuss how the Airline Quality Rating has helped to facilitate a worldwide discussion on U.S. airlines and domestic air travel within the U.S

    Scholarly Commons Annual Report 2017-2018

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    Scholarly Commons continues to showcase ERAU research globally. While the number of submissions increased by 11.85% over FY 17, downloads grew by 43.89% in FY 18. In addition, new conferences, such as the 2018 International Civil Aviation English Association (ICAEA) and ERAU’s AviAsian Conference, were added. The annual ICAEA Conference is held in a different international location each year and the Daytona Beach Campus served as the host this year. The AviAsian Conference is sponsored on ERAU’s Singapore Campus by faculty from that area

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    The research method for this project – examining the dissemination of research artifacts through social media as well as the impact social media can have on scholarly research – originated with Brent Bowen of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) at the Prescott, Arizona campus and Dean E. Headley of Wichita State University. Bowen and Headley introduced the Airline Quality Rating (AQR) in early 1993 as an objective method for comparing and scoring airline performance in areas deemed to be important for consumers. Scores are calculated by defining 15-elements in four major areas, focusing on airline performance and the significance of the factors to consumers of air travel in a given calendar year

    Impact Factor and Scholarly Research: The Traditional Media with a Social Media Influence

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    The research method for this project – examining the dissemination of research artifacts through social media as well as the impact social media can have on scholarly research – originated with Brent Bowen of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) at the Prescott, Arizona campus and Dean E. Headley of Wichita State University. Bowen and Headley introduced the Airline Quality Rating (AQR) in early 1993 as an objective method for comparing and scoring airline performance in areas deemed to be important for consumers. Scores are calculated by defining 15-elements in four major areas, focusing on airline performance and the significance of the factors to consumers of air travel in a given calendar year