The Future of Social Media Usage for Scholarly Research


The research method for this project – examining the dissemination of research artifacts through social media as well as the impact social media can have on scholarly research – originated with Dr. Brent Bowen of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University at the Prescott, Arizona campus and Dr. Dean E. Headley of Wichita State University. Drs. Bowen and Headley introduced the Airline Quality Rating (AQR) in early 1991 as an objective method for comparing and scoring airline performance in areas deemed to be important for consumers. Scores are calculated by defining 15-elements in four major areas, focusing on airline performance and the significance the factors to consumers of air travel in a given calendar year. The report is a summary and evaluation of month-by-month ratings for U.S. airlines, based on domestic performance data which these companies are required to publish. The general case study focus of this research is the AQR as it relates to the news of the AQR’s release as disseminated through social media platforms, the subsequent utilization of and references to the research by social media users, and the global reach of social media. We will examine social media metrics, based on traditional news releases. These news releases, when amplified by social media platforms, assist in broadening the viewership and the utilization of research. The AQR’s Visibility Reports evaluate four aspects of online traffic - Total Pickup, Traffic flow, Audience, and Engagement. We will discuss how the Airline Quality Rating has helped to facilitate a worldwide discussion on U.S. airlines and domestic air travel within the U.S

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