107 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Airway Cells

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    In a laboratory setting, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was inoculated into human bronchial epithelial cells

    Mucus clearance in the respiratory tract: A new concept? [Un nouveau concept de mécanisme de clairance respiratoire ?]

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    Dans toutes les muqueuses, respiratoire, gastro-intestinale ou encore celle des voies gĂ©nitales, la prĂ©sence d’un film viscoĂ©lastique de mucus est nĂ©cessaire pour protĂ©ger l’organisme contre l’invasion d’agents pathogĂšnes, qu’il s’agisse de virus, bactĂ©ries ou autres polluants. Ce mucus est constituĂ© principalement de larges glycoprotĂ©ines, appelĂ©es mucines, qui doivent ĂȘtre parfaitement hydratĂ©es pour maintenir les propriĂ©tĂ©s viscoĂ©lastiques du mucus. Dans les voies respiratoires, la couche de mucus sĂ©questre les agents inhalĂ©s et progresse, grĂące aux battements ciliaires des cellules sous-jacentes, vers la glotte. Le mucus est continuellement avalĂ© ou expectorĂ©, ce qui dĂ©finit le mĂ©canisme de clairance pulmonaire. Depuis des dĂ©cennies, le dogme veut que les cellules ciliĂ©es battent librement dans un milieu aqueux et propulsent le mucus qui flotte sur l’épithĂ©lium respiratoire, mais nous avons rĂ©cemment rĂ©futĂ© ce concept dans une Ă©tude publiĂ©e dans Science [1]. En effet, l’ancienne notion ne permet pas d’expliquer l’incidence des plaques de mucus observĂ©es dans les maladies caractĂ©risĂ©es par l’obstruction pulmonaire (par exemple : bronchite chronique, mucoviscidose ou asthme). Notre Ă©tude montre que l’espace pĂ©riciliaire est en fait occupĂ© par de larges glycoprotĂ©ines organisĂ©es de maniĂšre spĂ©cifique en un rĂ©seau ayant une densitĂ© supĂ©rieure Ă  celle de la couche mobile de mucus sus-jacente. Ce rĂ©seau dense de macromolĂ©cules est attachĂ© aux cellules ciliĂ©es et possĂšde les mĂȘmes propriĂ©tĂ©s qu’un gel

    Accumulation de mucus - Le point de départ de la pathogenÚse pulmonaire chez les patients atteints de mucoviscidose

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    La mucoviscidose (en anglais, cystic fibrosis ou CF) est une maladie gĂ©nĂ©tique grave affectant principalement la population caucasienne dans une proportion d’une naissance sur 4 000. Des mutations du gĂšne codant la protĂ©ine CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) entraĂźnent des changements de flux ioniques Ă  travers la membrane plasmique de cellules Ă©pithĂ©liales, qui altĂšrent le rĂ©seau de mucines dans plusieurs organes comme les poumons et l’intestin [1-3]. Les mucines polymĂ©riques sont de grandes glycoprotĂ©ines qui organisent la couche de mucus et assurent la lubrification et la protection des muqueuses contre l’invasion d’agents infectieux. Chez les patients atteints de mucoviscidose, le dysfonctionnement du canal ionique CFTR modifie le mucus, qui devient visqueux et adhĂšre aux parois des bronches et du tube digestif. Dans les poumons, l’obstruction des voies aĂ©riennes est propice aux infections bactĂ©riennes [4]. De plus, les propriĂ©tĂ©s antibactĂ©riennes de la couche de mucus sont diminuĂ©es chez des animaux modĂšles dĂ©veloppant certains symptĂŽmes de la maladie [5]. Une infection prĂ©cĂšde gĂ©nĂ©ralement le dĂ©veloppement d’une inflammation, il est tentant de penser qu’une infection prĂ©coce puisse dĂ©clencher la pathogĂ©nĂšse pulmonaire et provoquer une rĂ©action inflammatoire chronique chez les patients atteints de mucoviscidose. A l’appui de cette hypothĂšse, des lĂ©sions pulmonaires causĂ©es par l’inflammation peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©tectĂ©es trĂšs tĂŽt par imagerie mĂ©dicale fondĂ©e sur la tomodensitomĂ©trie (en anglais, computed tomography ou CT). En effet, 22 % des patients atteints de mucoviscidose prĂ©sentent des lĂ©sions dĂšs l’ñge de 1 an [6]. Les descriptions de la progression de la maladie font donc souvent rĂ©fĂ©rence au cercle vicieux « obstruction-infection-inflammation » (dans cet ordre), car l’inflammation est frĂ©quemment associĂ©e Ă  la prĂ©sence de microorganismes pathogĂšnes. Cependant, notre Ă©tude rĂ©cemment publiĂ©e dans le journal Science Translational Medicine dĂ©montre que l’inflammation prĂ©cĂšde l’infection bactĂ©rienne et que le mucus pourrait ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine de cette rĂ©ponse inflammatoire [7]. L’accumulation de mucus est, de plus, dĂ©tectĂ©e avant les premiers signes de lĂ©sions pulmonaires, suggĂ©rant, lĂ  encore, que les propriĂ©tĂ©s anormales du mucus chez ces patients dĂ©clenchent une rĂ©ponse immunitaire et constituent ainsi le point de dĂ©part de la maladie de la mucoviscidose

    Mucins and CFTR: Their Close Relationship

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    Mucociliary clearance is a critical defense mechanism for the lungs governed by regionally coordinated epithelial cellular activities, including mucin secretion, cilia beating, and transepithelial ion transport. Cystic fibrosis (CF), an autosomal genetic disorder caused by the dysfunction of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel, is characterized by failed mucociliary clearance due to abnormal mucus biophysical properties. In recent years, with the development of highly effective modulator therapies, the quality of life of a significant number of people living with CF has greatly improved; however, further understanding the cellular biology relevant to CFTR and airway mucus biochemical interactions are necessary to develop novel therapies aimed at restoring CFTR gene expression in the lungs. In this article, we discuss recent advances of transcriptome analysis at single-cell levels that revealed a heretofore unanticipated close relationship between secretory MUC5AC and MUC5B mucins and CFTR in the lungs. In addition, we review recent findings on airway mucus biochemical and biophysical properties, focusing on how mucin secretion and CFTR-mediated ion transport are integrated to maintain airway mucus homeostasis in health and how CFTR dysfunction and restoration of function affect mucus properties

    Mucus, mucins, and cystic fibrosis

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is both the most common and most lethal genetic disease in the Caucasian population. CF is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene and is characterized by the accumulation of thick, adherent mucus plaques in multiple organs, of which the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic ducts are the most commonly affected. A similar pathogenesis cascade is observed in all of these organs: loss of CFTR function leads to altered ion transport, consisting of decreased chloride and bicarbonate secretion via the CFTR channel and increased sodium absorption via epithelial sodium channel upregulation. Mucosa exposed to changes in ionic concentrations sustain severe pathophysiological consequences. Altered mucus biophysical properties and weakened innate defense mechanisms ensue, furthering the progression of the disease. Mucins, the high-molecular-weight glycoproteins responsible for the viscoelastic properties of the mucus, play a key role in the disease but the actual mechanism of mucus accumulation is still undetermined. Multiple hypotheses regarding the impact of CFTR malfunction on mucus have been proposed and are reviewed here. (a) Dehydration increases mucin monomer entanglement, (b) defective Ca2+ chelation compromises mucin expansion, (c) ionic changes alter mucin interactions, and (d) reactive oxygen species increase mucin crosslinking. Although one biochemical change may dominate, it is likely that all of these mechanisms play some role in the progression of CF disease. This article discusses recent findings on the initial cause(s) of aberrant mucus properties in CF and examines therapeutic approaches aimed at correcting mucus properties

    Munc13-2 −/− baseline secretion defect reveals source of oligomeric mucins in mouse airways: Muc5b secretion defect in Munc13-2−/−mouse airways

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    Since the airways of control mouse lungs contain few alcian blue/periodic acid–Schiff's (AB/PAS)+ staining ‘goblet’ cells in the absence of an inflammatory stimulus such as allergen sensitization, it was surprising to find that the lungs of mice deficient for the exocytic priming protein Munc13-2 stain prominently with AB/PAS under control conditions. Purinergic agonists (ATP/UTP) stimulated release of accumulated mucins in the Munc13-2-deficient airways, suggesting that the other airway isoform, Munc13-4, supports agonist-regulated secretion. Notably, however, not all of the mucins in Munc13-2-deficient airways were secreted, suggesting a strict Munc13-2 priming requirement for a population of secretory granules. AB/PAS+ staining of Munc13-2-deficient airways was not caused by an inflammatory, metaplastic-like response: bronchial–alveolar lavage leucocyte numbers, Muc5ac and Muc5b mRNA levels, and Clara cell ultrastructure (except for increased secretory granule numbers) were all normal. A Muc5b-specific antibody indicated the presence of this mucin in Clara cells of wildtype (WT) control mice, and increased amounts in Munc13-2-deficient mice. Munc13-2 therefore appears to prime a regulated, baseline secretory pathway, such that Clara cell Muc5b, normally secreted soon after synthesis, accumulates in the gene-deficient animals, making them stain AB/PAS+. The defective priming phenotype is widespread, as goblet cells of several mucosal tissues appear engorged and Clara cells accumulated Clara cell secretory protein (CCSP) in Munc13-2-deficient mice. Additionally, because in the human airways, MUC5AC localizes to the surface epithelium and MUC5B to submucosal glands, the finding that Muc5b is secreted by Clara cells under control conditions may indicate that it is also secreted tonically from human bronchiolar Clara cells

    Molecular organization of the mucins and glycocalyx underlying mucus transport over mucosal surfaces of the airways

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    Mucus, with its burden of inspired particulates, and pathogens, is cleared from mucosal surfaces of the airways by cilia beating within the periciliary layer (PCL). The PCL is held to be ‘watery’ and free of mucus by thixotropic-like forces arising from beating cilia. With radii of gyration ~250 nm, however, polymeric mucins should reptate readily into the PCL, so we assessed the glycocalyx for barrier functions. The PCL stained negative for MUC5AC and MUC5B, but it was positive for keratan sulfate, a glycosaminoglycan commonly associated with glycoconjugates. Shotgun proteomics showed keratan sulfate-rich fractions from mucus containing abundant tethered mucins, MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16, but no proteoglycans. Immuno-histology by light and electron microscopy localized MUC1 to microvilli, MUC4 and MUC20 to cilia, and MUC16 to goblet cells. Electron and atomic force microscopy revealed molecular lengths of 190–1,500 nm for tethered mucins, and a finely textured glycocalyx matrix filling interciliary spaces. Adenoviral particles were excluded from glycocalyx of the microvilli, while the smaller AAV penetrated, but were trapped within. Hence, tethered mucins organized as a space-filling glycocalyx function as a selective barrier for the PCL, broadening their role in innate lung defense and offering new molecular targets for conventional and gene therapies

    Ablation of IL-33 suppresses Th2 responses but is accompanied by sustained mucus obstruction in the Scnn1b transgenic mouse model

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    Cystic fibrosis is characterized by dehydration of the airway surface liquid layer with persistent mucus obstruction. Th2 immune responses are often manifested as increased mucous cell density (mucous cell metaplasia) associated with mucus obstruction. IL-33 is a known inducer of Th2 immune responses, but its roles in mucus obstruction and related phenotypes in a cystic fibrosis-like lung disease model (i.e., Scnn1b-Tg-positive [Tg+]) mouse, remain unclear. Accordingly, IL-33 knockout (IL-33KO) Tg+ mice were examined and compared with IL-33 heterozygous (IL-33HET) Tg+ mice. As compared with IL-33HET/Tg+ mice, IL-33KO/Tg+ mice had complete absence of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid eosinophilia, accompanied with significant reduction in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid concentration of IL-5, a cytokine associated with eosinophil differentiation and recruitment, and IL-4, a major Th2 cytokine. As compared with IL-33HET/Tg+ mice, IL-33KO/Tg+ mice had significantly reduced levels of Th2-associated gene signatures (Slc26a4, Clca1, Retnla, and Chi3l4), along with complete loss of intracellular mucopolysaccharide staining in the airway epithelium. As compared with IL-33HET/Tg+ mice, although the IL-33KO/Tg+ mice had significantly reduced levels of MUC5AC protein expression, they showed no reduction in the degree of mucus obstruction, MUC5B protein expression, bacterial burden, and neonatal mortality. Interestingly, the histological features, including subepithelial airway inflammation and alveolar space enlargement, were somewhat exaggerated in IL-33KO/Tg+ mice compared with IL-33HET/Tg+ mice. Taken together, our data indicate that although IL-33 modulates Th2 inflammatory responses and MUC5AC protein production, mucus obstruction is not dependent on IL-33

    A Periciliary Brush Promotes the Lung Health by Separating the Mucus Layer from Airway Epithelia

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    Mucus clearance is the primary defense mechanism that protects airways from inhaled infectious and toxic agents. In the current Gel-on-Liquid mucus clearance model mucus gel is propelled on top of a “watery” periciliary layer surrounding the cilia. However, this model fails to explain the formation of distinct mucus layer in health or why mucus clearance fails in disease. We propose a Gel-on-Brush model in which the periciliary layer is occupied by membrane spanning mucins and mucopolysaccharides densely tethered to the airway surface. This brush prevents mucus penetration into the periciliary space and causes mucus to form a distinct layer. The relative osmotic moduli of the mucus and periciliary brush layers explain both the stability of mucus clearance in health and its failure in airway disease
