15 research outputs found

    The University Münster model surgery system for Orthognathic surgery. Part I – The idea behind

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    Background: We describe a procedure for diagnosis and planning for orthognatic surgery based on international standards. A special 2D planning based on lateral cephalograms (Axis Orbital Marker Lines System) realize a transmission to the SAM 2P articulator (3D) by means of the Axis Orbital Plane. Methods: Former intraoperative measurement of the average height of the LeFort I osteotomy plane relative to the molar occlusal plane allow to construct a virtual osteotomy plane in the lateral cephalogram. This is the basis for the development of the Axis Orbital Marker Lines System (AO-MLS). Results: The AO-MLS is presented graphically, and in detail, with construction guidelines. The system could be integrated into various lateral cephalometric analysis- and surgical prediction schemes. It forms the basis for a standardized transfer of the 2D planning to the 3D planning in the articulator, and vice versa. This procedure makes it possible to generate surgical planning protocols based on the model surgery, which represent the dislocations in the proximity of the real osteotomy planes. Conclusions: The Axis Orbital Marker Lines System (software component) in conjunction with the University MĂĽnster Model Surgery System (hardware system) increases the predictability of model operations in orthognathic surgery

    Public Relations Work to Increase Attainability Relating to EMail-Communication

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    The mere allotment of an e-mail address does in no way ensure answering quotas, which could be called sufficient to dependably hand out important information via roundmail. A loss of accessibility through e-mail addresses already provided by the university can be due to various technical problems and personal deficiencies of motivation. Students in particular often use external providers and are often also not on familiar terms with the use of consistent personal e-mail archives, POP-accounts, Web-Mail-Portals and the use of forewarding functions. Special email-courses are being offered within regular further training for staff and students

    EMail-Verteiler zur Distribution digitaler Informationen im Zentrum fĂĽr ZMK-MĂĽnster

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    Auf der Basis verschiedener in HTML-Seiten integrierter PHP-Scripte können EMails an vordefinierte Zielgruppen, z.B. an alle Studenten, an alle Mitarbeiter einer Poliklinik oder auch an eine manuell selektierbare individuelle Liste von Personen geschickt werden. Der PHP-Server des Apache-Webserves sorgt für eine augenblickliche, schnelle Distribution ohne Abhängigkeit von Mail-Servern der Universität, persönlichen Providern oder lokalen EMail-Programmen. Digitale Verteiler sind herkömmlichen 'Snail-Mail'-Verteilern in Geschwindigkeit und Qualität weit überlegen und werden diese vermutlich bald vollständig ersetzen können

    Extraktionskonzept bei multiplen vorzeitigen Milchzahnverlusten und horizontaler Verlagerung eines Eckzahnes

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    Eine 9-jährige Patientin stellte sich mit multiplen Stützzoneneinbrüchen durch kariesbedingte vorzeitige Milchzahnverluste, einem vollretinierten, horizontal verlagerten Zahn 33, Mittellinienverschiebung sowie einem Unterkieferengstand zur kieferorthopädischen Beratung vor. Initial wurde im Ober- und Unterkiefer durch das Tragen aktiver Platten ein Fortschreiten der Stützzoneneinbrüche verhindert, Milchzahnextraktionen durchgeführt und auf den verzögerten Durchbruch der Prämolaren gewartet. Im Alter von 10 Jahren wurden die Zähne 14, 24 und 44 extrahiert, sowie die operative Entfernung des verlagerten Zahnes 33 durchgeführt. In einer knapp 2-jährigen Multibracket-Therapie wurden die Zähne 44, 45, 46 mesialisiert und Zahn 44 an Eckzahnposition im 4. Quadranten eingestellt. Die verbleibenden Extraktionslücken wurden geschlossen und die Oberkiefermitte eingestellt

    Palatal development of preterm and low birthweight infants compared to term infants – What do we know? Part 1: The palate of the term newborn

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    BACKGROUND: The evidence on prematurity as 'a priori' a risk for palatal disturbances that increase the need for orthodontic or orthognathic treatment is still weak. Further well-designed clinical studies are needed. The objective of this review is to provide a fundamental analysis of methodologies, confounding factors, and outcomes of studies on palatal development. One focus of this review is the analysis of studies on the palate of the term newborn, since knowing what is 'normal' is a precondition of being able to assess abnormalities. METHODS: A search profile based on Cochrane search strategies applied to 10 medical databases was used to identify existing studies. Articles, mainly those published before 1960, were identified from hand searches in textbooks, encyclopedias, reference lists and bibliographies. Sources in English, German, and French of more than a century were included. Data for term infants were recalculated if particular information about weight, length, or maturity was given. The extracted values, especially those from non-English paper sources, were provided unfiltered for comparison. RESULTS: The search strategy yielded 182 articles, of which 155 articles remained for final analysis. Morphology of the term newborn's palate was of great interest in the first half of the last century. Two general methodologies were used to assess palatal morphology: visual and metrical descriptions. Most of the studies on term infants suffer from lack of reliability tests. The groove system was recognized as the distinctive feature of the infant palate. The shape of the palate of the term infant may vary considerably, both visually and metrically. Gender, race, mode of delivery, and nasal deformities were identified as causes contributing to altered palatal morphology. Until today, anatomical features of the newborn's palate are subject to a non-uniform nomenclature. CONCLUSION: Today's knowledge of a newborn's 'normal' palatal morphology is based on non-standardized and limited methodologies for measuring a three-dimensional shape. This shortcoming increases bias and is the reason for contradictory research results, especially if pathologic conditions like syndromes or prematurity are involved. Adequate measurement techniques are needed and the 'normal palatal morphology' should be defined prior to new clinical studies on palatal development

    Medizinische Literaturrecherche im Internet

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    Die Vision des Menschen nach einer allwissenden Maschine, welche auf jede Frage eine Antwort kennt, ist so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Das Internet enthält bereits jetzt einen Großteil des globalen Wissens und bemüht sich redlich um Erfüllung dieses Wunschtraumes. Grund zur Euphorie? Im Praxisalltag ist die Zeit ein hohes Gut. Wer würde nicht gern blitzschnell auf medizinische Inhalte zugreifen, evidente wissenschaftliche Leitlinien abrufen, spezielle Publikationen einsehen oder aktuelle medizinische Produktinformationen abrufen. Wo sind nun die wirklich 'evidenten' wissenschaftlichen Informationen zu finden? Wo ist internationale Literatur zu aktuellen Behandlungsverfahren abrufbar? Welche Wege führen zu Ihrem Ziel, den Volltextartikel auf Ihrem heimischen Bildschirm zu sehen und ausdrucken zu können? Welche Institutionen helfen Ihnen durch die Organisation von Wissen in Datenbanken bei der Bewältigung des schlicht unendlichen Informationsangebotes des Internets

    The university münster model surgery system for orthognathic surgery. Part II – KD-MMS

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Model surgery is an integral part of the planning procedure in orthognathic surgery. Most concepts comprise cutting the dental cast off its socket. The standardized spacer plates of the KD-MMS provide for a non-destructive, reversible and reproducible means of maxillary and/or mandibular plaster cast separation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the course of development of the system various articulator types were evaluated with regard to their capability to provide a means of realizing the concepts comprised of the KD-MMS. Special attention was dedicated to the ability to perform three-dimensional displacements without cutting of plaster casts. Various utilities were developed to facilitate maxillary displacement in accordance to the planning. Objectives of this development comprised the ability to implement the values established in the course of two-dimensional ceph planning.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The system - KD-MMS comprises a set of hardware components as well as a defined procedure. Essential hardware components are red spacer and blue mounting plates. The blue mounting plates replace the standard yellow SAM mounting elements. The red spacers provide for a defined leeway of 8 mm for three-dimensional movements. The non-destructive approach of the KD-MMS makes it possible to conduct different model surgeries with the same plaster casts as well as to restore the initial, pre-surgical situation at any time. Thereby, surgical protocol generation and gnathologic splint construction are facilitated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The KD-MMS hardware components in conjunction with the defined procedures are capable of increasing efficiency and accuracy of model surgery and splint construction. In cases where different surgical approaches need to be evaluated in the course of model surgery, a significant reduction of chair time may be achieved.</p