1,631 research outputs found

    Unbiased risk estimation and scoring rules

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    Stein unbiased risk estimation is generalized twice, from the Gaussian shift model to nonparametric families of smooth densities, and from the quadratic risk to more general divergence type distances. The development relies on a connection with local proper scoring rules.Comment: This is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in Comptes rendus Mathematiqu

    Local proper scoring rules of order two

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    Scoring rules assess the quality of probabilistic forecasts, by assigning a numerical score based on the predictive distribution and on the event or value that materializes. A scoring rule is proper if it encourages truthful reporting. It is local of order kk if the score depends on the predictive density only through its value and the values of its derivatives of order up to kk at the realizing event. Complementing fundamental recent work by Parry, Dawid and Lauritzen, we characterize the local proper scoring rules of order 2 relative to a broad class of Lebesgue densities on the real line, using a different approach. In a data example, we use local and nonlocal proper scoring rules to assess statistically postprocessed ensemble weather forecasts.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOS973 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Poetry is Not a Luxury: Dis-ing Self, Dis-ing Archive

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    ‘Poetry Is Not a Luxury:’ Dis-ing Self, Dis-sing Archive,” is divided into three separate interrogations of such rts institutions, archives, and constructions of identity. Each chapter explores how these related categories are challenged by curators, artists and artists’ respective styles or forms. My central focus investigates the use of paraficition and disidentification in Cheryl Dunye\u27s work. In both her early video works and first feature-length film The Watermelon Woman, Cheryl Dunye investigates the complexity of her own Black lesbian identity and the constructedness of identity as a whole. She begins her practice as a moving image artist during a time engulfed in conversations about the politics of identity in art-making

    Joint European development strategy

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    On July 27,1971, the Commission of the European Communities has submitted a memorandum on a Joint European development policy to the governments of the EEC’s member states. It has thereby called for a beginning of the discussion on cooperative action by the Communities also in the field of development policies

    Self-assembly of intrinsically disordered peptide amphiphiles

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    Intrinsically disordered peptide amphiphiles (IDPAs) are a novel class of molecules with great potentialif incorporated into nanocarriers. IDPAs combine hydrocarbon chains that originate fromnatural lipids and polypeptide chains composed of sequences that do not fold into a static structurebut remain intrinsically disordered, fluctuating between various conformations. This amphiphilicstructure makes IDPA self-assemble into mesophases or aggregates in solution. The possible sequencevariations are vast, and their influence on the self-assembly structures has hardly beenexplored. In my Ph.D., I studied how to decode the impact on sequence composition and conformationand provide the basis for future applications and implementations of IDPAs. I worked onfour different IDPAs that differ in their amino acid sequences. We used SAXS, TEM, and turbiditymeasurements to analyze the nanoscopic self-assembled structures. We showed that permutationsand the sequence’s charge pattern remarkably alter the headgroup’s conformation. Consequently,pH-dependent phase transitions between spherical, cylindrical micelles and condensed hexagonalphases are related to the sequence variation. We demonstrated that even a single amino acid mutationcould tune the phase transition. Last, we showed that our system should phase transition forIDPAs that can be enzymatically cleaved. Altogether, we demonstrated that IDPAs enable manyapplications for lipid nanoparticle systems to add multiple functionalities by incorporating IDPAswith desired properties. For most experiments, I used small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Toenable measurement under multiple conditions with ONE single probe, we developed a 3D printedsample chamber made of cyclic olefin copolymers (COC), including COC X-ray windows providingultra-low SAXS background. The chamber’s design enables both in-situ buffer exchangeand optical transmission spectroscopy. It is thus suitable for many more applications. The designconsists of a membrane insert for in-situ dialysis of the 100 μl sample volume against a reservoir.We demonstrated the chamber used by measuring our IDPA system at various pHs and polymersystems as a function of salt concentration. Our chamber’s design makes in-situ measurements atin-house sources possible. This design is proved useful and is in regular use in our lab at LMU forpH-dependent experiments. In my Ph.D. project, I studied the self-assembly of tunable IDPA andtheir properties under various environmental conditions. We developed a 3D printed chamber forin-situ dialysis to measure these conditions on one probe