29 research outputs found


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    Sustainability is a concept developed from economic, ecological and social strategies in the decision-making process. Quality of life and quality of work life are two indicators very related to the viability and sustainability of farms. They are located into the social sustainability but in some cases the production system affects all three aspects of sustainability and transcends into a lifestyle. Organic production in several small ruminant farms analyzed in Spain provides quality of life and quality of work significantly better than conventional ones

    Lipogenic enzyme activity in growing Rasa Aragonesa lambs

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    - The lipogenic enzyme activity of the following enzymes was studied: Glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH), fatty acids synthetase (FAS), NADP-Malate dehydrogenase (ME) and Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) in five fat depots (omental, OM; mesenteric, MES; kidney knob and channel, KKC; subcutaneous, SC; intermuscular, IM) in 45 male Rasa Aragonesa lambs divided into three groups of 15 lambs (G12, G24, G36). They were slaughtered respectively at 11.70 r 0.67; 24.50 -c 0.57 and 35.80 f 1.74 kg of live weight (LW) and at 32 f 5; 89 f 8, and 123 f 8 days old. The G12 lambs were slaughtered on the day of weaning, having consumed solely their mother's milk; those in the G24 and G36 groups were weaned at 16.20 -c 1.32 and 18.30 i 2.46 kg LW respectively, were fed from then onward increase in the activity of the G3PDH and FAS lipogenic enzymes was observed. The increase inthe 'de novo' synthesis (FAS) at 36 kg LW was matched by G6PDH activity, which indicates greater use of acetate as a precursor of fatty acids. Furthermore, the maintenance of ME activity during the period studied would indicate that the glucose rate utilization for the fatty acids synthesis was not modified throughout this period."Activité enzymatique lipogénique chez l'agneau de race Rasa Aragonesa au cours de la croissance". On a étudié l'activité enzymatique lipogénique des enzymes Glycérol3-phosphate déhydrogénase (G3PDH), Synthétase des acides gras (SAG), NADP-Malate déhydrogénase (EM) et Glucose 6-phosphate déhydrogénase (GGPDH), dans 5 tissus adipeux (omental, OM ; mésentérique, MES ; pelvien-rénal, PVR ; sous-cutané, SC ; et intermusculaire, /M) chez 45 agneaux mâles de race Rasa Aragonesa répartis en trois lots de 15 agneaux (G12, G24, G36), abattus respectivement à 11,70 0,67; 24,50 -t 0,57 et 35,80 1,74 kg de poids vif (PV) et 32 f 5 ; 89 & 8 et 123 8 jours d'âge. Les agneaux du lot G12 ont été abattus le jour du sevrage et ont ingéré uniquement du lait de la mère ; ceux du lot G24 et du lot G36 ont été sevrés à 16,20 1,32 et 18,30 -r- 2,46 kg de PV, et ont ingéré après le sevrage de l'aliment concentré et de la paille d'orge ad libitum jusqu'à l'abattage. Entre 24 et 36 kg de PV, on a observé une augmentation des activités des enzymes G3PDH et SAG. L'augmentation de la synthèse "de novo" (SAG) B 36 kg de PV a éte accompagnée par une augmentation de l'activité de la GGPDH, qui pourrait indiquer une utilisation plus élevée de l'acétate comme précurseur des acides gras. D'autre part, l'absence de variation dans l'activité de I'EM pourrait indiquer que l'utilisation du glucose pour la synthèse des acides gras n'a pas été modifiée pendant la période ét

    Expert Elicitation on Wind Farm Control

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    Wind farm control is an active and growing field of research in which the control actions of individual turbines in a farm are coordinated, accounting for inter-turbine aerodynamic interaction, to improve the overall performance of the wind farm and to reduce costs. The primary objectives of wind farm control include increasing power production, reducing turbine loads, and providing electricity grid support services. Additional objectives include improving reliability or reducing external impacts to the environment and communities. In 2019, a European research project (FarmConners) was started with the main goal of providing an overview of the state-of-the-art in wind farm control, identifying consensus of research findings, data sets, and best practices, providing a summary of the main research challenges, and establishing a roadmap on how to address these challenges. Complementary to the FarmConners project, an IEA Wind Topical Expert Meeting (TEM) and two rounds of surveys among experts were performed. From these events we can clearly identify an interest in more public validation campaigns. Additionally, a deeper understanding of the mechanical loads and the uncertainties concerning the effectiveness of wind farm control are considered two major research gaps

    Corderos ecológicos: calidad de la canal y la carne

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    Control ambiental en alojamientos ganaderos de Navarra

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    La fuerte intensificación a la que se ven sometidas determinadas producciones animales con el objeto de satisfacer las necesidades del consumo actual ha generado una gran preocupación por el bienestar animal. Aunque todavía quedan por unificar muchos criterios para su evaluación, ya se vienen haciendo estudios con la finalidad de comprobar el grado de estrés o falta de confort en el organismo animal. Dicho estado, en ocasiones prepatológico, es el desencadenante de numerosos trastornos en la conducta y en la fisiología animal, lo que conlleva una acusada disminución de las producciones y, consecuentemente, una pérdida de rentabilidad. El papel que juega el entorno que rodea al animal y, por tanto, el ambiente al cual se ve expuesto a lo largo de su vida, resulta tan importante que ha sido necesario un control de determinados factores claves, imprescindibles para un correcto desarrollo de sus funciones. El control ambiental en las explotaciones ganaderas se considera como un elemento indicador de bienestar animal y, aunque la legislación todavía no marca recomendaciones específicas para cada especie al ser un tema novedoso, ya existen algunos estudios que reflejan las necesidades óptimas para cada animal. El ITG Ganadero ha llevado a cabo un estudio de las condiciones ambientales sobre una muestra de 35 instalaciones ganaderas de Navarra, para evaluar su situación actual. Y la primera conclusión a la que se llega es que dichas instalaciones cumplen los requisitos exigidos en cuanto a iluminación, ventilación, emanación de gases y emisión de ruidos, que garantizan el bienestar animal. En lo referente a temperatura y humedad, las condiciones varían según la ubicación de las granjas y la temperatura exterior del momento en que se realizaron las mediciones. A partir de estos resultados se observa la necesidad de ampliar el estudio a otras granjas y épocas del año, para lograr una caracterización completa.

    Expert Elicitation on Wind Farm Control

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    Wind farm control is an active and growing field of research in which the control actions of individual turbines in a farm are coordinated, accounting for inter-turbine aerodynamic interaction, to improve the overall performance of the wind farm and to reduce costs. The primary objectives of wind farm control include increasing power production, reducing turbine loads, and providing electricity grid support services. Additional objectives include improving reliability or reducing external impacts to the environment and communities. In 2019, a European research project (FarmConners) was started with the main goal of providing an overview of the state-of-the-art in wind farm control, identifying consensus of research findings, data sets, and best practices, providing a summary of the main research challenges, and establishing a roadmap on how to address these challenges. Complementary to the FarmConners project, an IEA Wind Topical Expert Meeting (TEM) and two rounds of surveys among experts were performed. From these events we can clearly identify an interest in more public validation campaigns. Additionally, a deeper understanding of the mechanical loads and the uncertainties concerning the effectiveness of wind farm control are considered two major research gaps.</p