54 research outputs found

    Tourists\u27 satisfaction with shopping experience based on reviews on TripAdvisor

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    Although generally not the primary reason for traveling, shopping is considered to be an important part of any tourists\u27 experience. A well-developed, diverse and attractive retail sector could not only generate additional revenues and foreign currency to the local economy but could also contribute to increasing destination attractiveness. It is, then, important for local authorities and for tourism development planners to ensure that tourists are satisfied with their shopping experience at the destination. The goal of this study is to examine the international tourists\u27 overall satisfaction with their shopping experience in Istanbul\u27s modern retail centers and to identify the main reasons for their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The study will also determine whether or not international tourists\u27 shopping experiences are influenced by their socio-demographic characteristics. The study is based on the quantitative and qualitative content analysis of reviews posted on TripAdvisor, the leading online travel community in the world. Our findings show that international tourists are, in general, satisfied with their shopping experience in Istanbul\u27s malls; however, the reviews also pointed out a number of shortcomings which need to be carefully analyzed and fixed if the authorities intend to transform the city into a global shopping center. We could not document any statistically significant differences between groups based on socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age, shopping involvement or experience with online reviews. Only world region of origin and the grouping into western and non-western countries were found to be influential in determining statistically significant differences, with tourists from developing countries being more satisfied than their counterparts from western countries

    Az érdekegyeztetés története Magyarországon, 1900–1945

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    A májfibrosis nem invazív jellemzésének lehetőségei a klinikai adatok tükrében

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    Liver cirrhosis is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Liver biopsy is considered as the gold standard for the diagnosis of chronic liver diseases. Studies have focused on non-invasive markers for liver fibrosis because of the dangers and complications of liver biopsy. The authors review the non-invasive direct as well as indirect methods for liver fibrosis assessment and present the positive and negative predictive value, sensitivity and specificity of those. Clinical utilities of transient elastography (Fibrsocan) is also reviewed. Non-invasive methods are useful in the assessment of liver fibrosis, monitoring disease progression and therapeutic response. Their accuracy can be increased by the combined or sequential use of non-invasive markers

    Costantino Mortati közjogtudományi munkássága

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    The aim of my article is to present an overview of certain stages of Costantino Mortati’s scientific work (Constitutional Court’s judge and professor of law) on the basis of Italian bibliography. His most popular work, entitled “the Constitution in material sense” (1940) conforms to problems and methodology of Italian constitutional law, while it reflects to contemporary schools of European jurisprudence and changes of institutions and theories of modern state. Behind Mortati’s theories about the State and the Constitution, the Italian liberal state regarded as heritage of risor- gimento, and the symptoms of its crises, birth and fall of the totalitarian state and the fundamental public law-aspects of the democratic and republic state can be found.Costantino Mortati minden túlzás nélkül a XX. századi olasz közjogtudományi gondolkodás egyik legmeghatározóbb, és a kortárs itáliai gondolkodók által legmélyrehatóbban elemzett szerzője. Köszönheti mindezt személyes életútjának, tudományos munkásságának, valamint a második világháború utáni politikai közéletben és a köztársasági alkotmány megszületésében játszott kiemelkedő szerepének

    Bél-máj tengely vizsgálata colitis ulcerosaban – retrospektív tanulmány

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A bél–máj tengely vizsgálata világszerte előtérbe került. A gyulladásos bélbetegségben szenvedőknél gyakran tapasztalható májenzim-emelkedés, amely diagnosztikus kihívást jelent a mindennapi gyakorlatban. A máj és az epeutak megbetegedései gyakori extraintestinalis manifesztációk mind Crohn-betegségben, mind colitis ulcerosában. A rutin májfunkciós paraméterek meghatározása nem ad pontos képet a májműködési zavarról, így azok prevalenciája alulbecsült lehet. Szükség lenne olyan nem invazív biomarkerek és/vagy pontrendszerek bevezetésére, amelyek a bélbetegségekhez társult májkárosodások diagnosztikájában segítséget nyújtanának. Célkitűzés: Munkánk során fontosnak tartottuk, hogy kiemeljük a bél–máj tengely jelentőségét. Colitis ulcerosában szenvedő betegek adatait használtuk fel bélbetegségek modelljeként, és megvitatjuk a májkárosodás patogenezise hátterében álló lehetséges tényezőket. Módszer: Retrospektív munkánk során mérsékelt aktivitású colitis ulcerosában szenvedő betegek (n = 100; férfi = 46, nő = 54; átlagéletkor: 42,5 ± 12,7) adatait elemeztük és hasonlítottuk össze egészséges kontrollokkal (n = 42; férfi = 17, nő = 25; átlagéletkor: 40,2 ± 13,5). Meghatározásra kerültek a májfunkciós paraméterek (ALT, AST, GGT, ALP, bilirubin, albumin, vérlemezkeszám), epesavszintek, valamint különböző szabad gyökös markerek (globális, enzimatikus) segítségével becsültük a betegek redox-homeosztázisát. Mértük a hidrogéndonor-aktivitást, a redukálóképességet, a szuperoxid dizmutáz és a glutation-peroxidáz aktivitásait, az összantioxidáns-státuszt és az indukált kemilumineszcenciát, tekintettel arra, hogy a betegek 5-amino-szalicilsav és/vagy azathioprin és elemi diéta kezelésben részesültek. Eredmények: A májenzim-aktivitások emelkedettebbek voltak colitis ulcerosában, és az összantioxidáns-státusz, valamint a redukálóképesség szignifikánsan csökkent, azonban nem volt szignifikáns különbség a kontrollcsoporthoz képest a glutation-peroxidáz és H-donor-aktivitásban, csak tendenciózus csökkenést tapasztaltunk. Az antioxidánsvédelem a betegcsoportban a betegek 54%-ánál volt szignifikánsan alacsonyabb mértékű az összes paramétert figyelembe véve. Kemilumineszcenciás módszerrel jobb szabadgyök-fogó képességet mértünk, mind a plazmában, mind az erythrocytában az alkalmazott terápia eredményeként, ugyanakkor a szuperoxid dizmutáz aktivitásának növekedését tapasztaltuk, ami a gyulladásos folyamatokra figyelmeztet. Az epesavszintek csökkenését tapasztaltuk a betegcsoportban, aminek okaként a felgyorsult passzázst is számításba kell venni. Következtetések: A mindennapi rutin során meghatározásra kerülő májenzimértékek nem adnak pontos képet a colitis ulcerosában létrejövő májkárosodás mértékéről. Az általunk meghatározott különböző speciális paraméterek segítségével megbecsülhetjük a bél–máj tengely eltéréseinek hátterében álló folyamatokat. Az epesavszint csökkenése prediktív faktornak tekinthető colitis ulcerosában is. Munkánk rávilágít a májbetegségek nem invazív szűrésének szükségességére gyulladásos bélbetegségben. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(26): 1014–1021. | Abstract: Introduction: Examination of the gut–liver axis came into the spotlight worldwide. Liver enzyme elevations are commonly seen in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which is a diagnostic challenge in everyday clinical practice. Liver and biliary diseases are common extra-intestinal manifestations in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The assessment of routine liver function tests could be an inaccurate reflection of liver damage, so its prevalence could be underestimated. There would be a need for non-invasive biomarkers and/or scoring systems, which would help the diagnosis of liver damage associated with intestinal diseases. Aim: In our work we considered to highlight the importance of the gut–liver axis significance. We used data of patients suffering from ulcerative colitis, as a model for bowel diseases to understand the underlying factors of the pathogenesis of hepatobiliary manifestations. Method: In our retrospective study, we investigated the data of 100 ulcerative colitis patients (male = 46, female = 54) (mean age: 42.5 ± 12.7) and compared to healthy controls (n = 42) (male = 17, female = 25) (mean age: 40.2 ± 13.5). Liver function tests (ALT, AST, GGT, ALP, bilirubin, albumin, thrombocyte), bile acid levels were determinated, and various free radical markers (global, enzymatic) were used to assess the redox homeostasis of patients. Hydrogen donor activity, reducing power, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity, total antioxidant status and induced chemiluminescence were measured, considering that the patients received 5-aminosalicilate and/or azathioprin and elemental diet treatment. Results: Liver function parameters were increased in ulcerative colitis patients, and total antioxidant status, as well. Reducing power significantly decreased, but there was no significant difference compared to the control group of glutathione peroxidase and H-donor activity, we observed only tendentious decrease. The antioxidant protection of more than 54% of patients had a significantly lower rate, according to all the parameters. With chemiluminescence measurement we measured better free radical scavenging capacity, both in plasma and in erythrocytes as a result of the therapy, however, it showed an increase of superoxide dismutase activity, which warns of inflammatory processes. The cause of the decrease in bile acid levels found in the group of ulcerative colitis patients, can be the accelerated peristaltic. Conclusions: In the daily routine, liver enzyme values do not give an accurate picture of liver damage associated with ulcerative colitis. With the help of various specific parameters determined by us, we can estimate the background processes of the gut–liver axis alterations. The decrease in bile acid levels can be a predictive factor in ulcerative colitis. Our work highlights the need of non-invasive screening for liver diseases in inflammatory bowel disease. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(26): 1014–1021

    Tourists\u27 satisfaction with shopping experience based on reviews on TripAdvisor

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    Although generally not the primary reason for traveling, shopping is considered to be an important part of any tourists\u27 experience. A well-developed, diverse and attractive retail sector could not only generate additional revenues and foreign currency to the local economy but could also contribute to increasing destination attractiveness. It is, then, important for local authorities and for tourism development planners to ensure that tourists are satisfied with their shopping experience at the destination. The goal of this study is to examine the international tourists\u27 overall satisfaction with their shopping experience in Istanbul\u27s modern retail centers and to identify the main reasons for their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The study will also determine whether or not international tourists\u27 shopping experiences are influenced by their socio-demographic characteristics. The study is based on the quantitative and qualitative content analysis of reviews posted on TripAdvisor, the leading online travel community in the world. Our findings show that international tourists are, in general, satisfied with their shopping experience in Istanbul\u27s malls; however, the reviews also pointed out a number of shortcomings which need to be carefully analyzed and fixed if the authorities intend to transform the city into a global shopping center. We could not document any statistically significant differences between groups based on socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age, shopping involvement or experience with online reviews. Only world region of origin and the grouping into western and non-western countries were found to be influential in determining statistically significant differences, with tourists from developing countries being more satisfied than their counterparts from western countries

    Miriam Rasch: Surlódás : Etika a dataizmus korában

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    The nature of the Internet and man’s relationship to virtual reality is one of the theoretical problems of postmodern philosophical thought. The profiles created by algorithms transmit a variety of data about us. The increasing gap between the human being in physical reality and the “calculated“ human being raises a number of ethical problems. Do we have free will, are we capable of making responsible choices in the digital world? The digital world fills all spaces, dividing the individual into different categories and trying to eliminate all the spheres of personal existence that cannot be programmed in advance

    Costantino Mortati közjogtudományi munkássága

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    The aim of my article is to present an overview of certain stages of Costantino Mortati’s scientific work (Constitutional Court’s judge and professor of law) on the basis of Italian bibliography. His most popular work, entitled “the Constitution in material sense” (1940) conforms to problems and methodology of Italian constitutional law, while it reflects to contemporary schools of European jurisprudence and changes of institutions and theories of modern state. Behind Mortati’s theories about the State and the Constitution, the Italian liberal state regarded as heritage of risor- gimento, and the symptoms of its crises, birth and fall of the totalitarian state and the fundamental public law-aspects of the democratic and republic state can be found.Costantino Mortati minden túlzás nélkül a XX. századi olasz közjogtudományi gondolkodás egyik legmeghatározóbb, és a kortárs itáliai gondolkodók által legmélyrehatóbban elemzett szerzője. Köszönheti mindezt személyes életútjának, tudományos munkásságának, valamint a második világháború utáni politikai közéletben és a köztársasági alkotmány megszületésében játszott kiemelkedő szerepének