11 research outputs found

    Holocene tephra from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin, Arctic Ocean: Implications for sediment chronostratigraphy and volcanic history

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    Highlights • Cryptotephra study of a Holocene sedimentary record from the Chukchi Sea. • Major tephra concentration peak fingerprinted to the ∼3.6 ka Aniakchak eruption. • New electron microprobe and LA-ICP-MS glass data applicable for the Western Arctic. • Re-evaluation of the Aniakchak tephra volume. • Redeposited tephra shards map pathways of sediment transport. Abstract Developing chronologies for sediments in the Arctic Ocean and its continental margins is an important but challenging task. Tephrochronology is a promising tool for independent age control for Arctic marine sediments and here we present the results of a cryptotephra study of a Holocene sedimentary record from the Chukchi Sea. Volcanic glass shards were identified and quantified in sediment core HLY0501-01 and geochemically characterized with single-shard electron microprobe and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). This enabled us to reveal a continuous presence of glass shards with identifiable chemical compositions throughout the core. The major input of glasses into the sediments is geochemically fingerprinted to the ∼3.6 ka Aniakchak caldera II eruption (Alaska), which provides an important chronostratigraphic constraint for Holocene marine deposits in the Chukchi-Alaskan region and, potentially, farther away in the western Arctic Ocean. New findings of the Aniakchak II tephra permit a reevaluation of the eruption size and highlight the importance of this tephra as a hemispheric late Holocene marker. Other identified glasses likely originate from the late Pleistocene Dawson and Old Crow tephras while some cannot be correlated to certain eruptions. These are present in most of the analyzed samples, and form a continuous low-concentration background throughout the investigated record. A large proportion of these glasses are likely to have been reworked and brought to the depositional site by currents or other transportation agents, such as sea ice. Overall, our results demonstrate the potential for tephrochronology for improving and developing chronologies for Arctic Ocean marine records, however, at some sites reworking and redistribution of tephra may have a strong impact on the record of primary tephra deposition

    TephraKam: geochemical database of glass compositions in tephra and welded tuffs from the Kamchatka volcanic arc (northwestern Pacific)

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    Tephra layers produced by volcanic eruptions are widely used for correlation and dating of various deposits and landforms, for synchronization of disparate paleoenvironmental archives, and for reconstruction of magma origin. Here we present our original database TephraKam, which includes chemical compositions of volcanic glass in tephra and welded tuffs from the Kamchatka volcanic arc. The database contains 7049 major element analyses obtained by electron microprobe and 738 trace element analyses obtained by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) on 487 samples collected in proximity of their volcanic sources in all volcanic zones in Kamchatka. The samples characterize about 300 explosive eruptions, which occurred in Kamchatka from the Pliocene until historic times. Precise or estimated ages for all samples are based on published 39Ar/40Ar dates of rocks and 14C dates of host sediments, statistical age modelling and geologic relationships with dated units. All data in TephraKam is supported by information about source volcanoes and analytical details. Using the data, we present an overview of geochemical variations of Kamchatka volcanic glasses and discuss application of this data for precise identification of tephra layers, their source volcanoes, temporal and spatial geochemical variations of pyroclastic rocks in Kamchatka

    Holocene tephra from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin, Arctic Ocean: Implications for sediment chronostratigraphy and volcanic history

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    Developing chronologies for sediments in the Arctic Ocean and its continental margins is an important but challenging task. Tephrochronology is a promising tool for independent age control for Arctic marine sediments and here we present the results of a cryptotephra study of a Holocene sedimentary record from the Chukchi Sea. Volcanic glass shards were identified and quantified in sediment core HLY0501-01 and geochemically characterized with single-shard electron microprobe and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). This enabled us to reveal a continuous presence of glass shards with identifiable chemical compositions throughout the core. The major input of glasses into the sediments is geochemically fingerprinted to the ∼3.6 ka Aniakchak caldera II eruption (Alaska), which provides an important chronostratigraphic constraint for Holocene marine deposits in the Chukchi-Alaskan region and, potentially, farther away in the western Arctic Ocean. New findings of the Aniakchak II tephra permit a reevaluation of the eruption size and highlight the importance of this tephra as a hemispheric late Holocene marker. Other identified glasses likely originate from the late Pleistocene Dawson and Old Crow tephras while some cannot be correlated to certain eruptions. These are present in most of the analyzed samples, and form a continuous low-concentration background throughout the investigated record. A large proportion of these glasses are likely to have been reworked and brought to the depositional site by currents or other transportation agents, such as sea ice. Overall, our results demonstrate the potential for tephrochronology for improving and developing chronologies for Arctic Ocean marine records, however, at some sites reworking and redistribution of tephra may have a strong impact on the record of primary tephra deposition

    A full holocene tephrochronology for the Kamchatsky Peninsula region: Applications from Kamchatka to North America

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    Geochemically fingerprinted widespread tephra layers serve as excellent marker horizons which can directly link and synchronize disparate sedimentary archives and be used for dating various deposits related to climate shifts, faulting events, tsunami, and human occupation. In addition, tephras represent records of explosive volcanic activity and permit assessment of regional ashfall hazard. In this paper we report a detailed Holocene tephrochronological model developed for the Kamchatsky Peninsula region of eastern Kamchatka (NW Pacific) based on ∼2800 new electron microprobe analyses of single glass shards from tephra samples collected in the area as well as on previously published data. Tephra ages are modeled based on a compilation of 223 14C dates, including published dates for Shiveluch proximal tephra sequence and regional marker tephras; new AMS 14C dates; and modeled calibrated ages from the Krutoberegovo key site. The main source volcanoes for tephra in the region are Shiveluch and Kliuchevskoi located 60–100 km to the west. In addition, local tephra sequences contain two tephras from the Plosky volcanic massif and three regional marker tephras from Ksudach and Avachinsky volcanoes located in the Eastern volcanic front of Kamchatka. This tephrochronological framework contributes to the combined history of environmental change, tectonic events, and volcanic impact in the study area and farther afield. This study is another step in the construction of the Kamchatka-wide Holocene tephrochronological framework under the same methodological umbrella. Our dataset provides a research reference for tephra and cryptotephra studies in the northwest Pacific, the Bering Sea, and North America

    A full holocene tephrochronology for the Kamchatsky Peninsula region: Applications from Kamchatka to North America

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    Highlights • Reconstruction of the Holocene tephrochronological model for Kamchatsky Peninsula. • New major element EPMA glass data for ∼60 tephras from seven volcanoes. • New Bayesian age estimates for 40 marker tephra layers based on 223 14C dates. • This study supports future work on volcanic and tectonic hazards. • Reference tephra dataset applicable for Kamchatka, northwest Pacific, North America. Abstract Geochemically fingerprinted widespread tephra layers serve as excellent marker horizons which can directly link and synchronize disparate sedimentary archives and be used for dating various deposits related to climate shifts, faulting events, tsunami, and human occupation. In addition, tephras represent records of explosive volcanic activity and permit assessment of regional ashfall hazard. In this paper we report a detailed Holocene tephrochronological model developed for the Kamchatsky Peninsula region of eastern Kamchatka (NW Pacific) based on ∼2800 new electron microprobe analyses of single glass shards from tephra samples collected in the area as well as on previously published data. Tephra ages are modeled based on a compilation of 223 14C dates, including published dates for Shiveluch proximal tephra sequence and regional marker tephras; new AMS 14C dates; and modeled calibrated ages from the Krutoberegovo key site. The main source volcanoes for tephra in the region are Shiveluch and Kliuchevskoi located 60–100 km to the west. In addition, local tephra sequences contain two tephras from the Plosky volcanic massif and three regional marker tephras from Ksudach and Avachinsky volcanoes located in the Eastern volcanic front of Kamchatka. This tephrochronological framework contributes to the combined history of environmental change, tectonic events, and volcanic impact in the study area and farther afield. This study is another step in the construction of the Kamchatka-wide Holocene tephrochronological framework under the same methodological umbrella. Our dataset provides a research reference for tephra and cryptotephra studies in the northwest Pacific, the Bering Sea, and North America

    Dynamics of Permafrost Coasts of Baydaratskaya Bay (Kara Sea) Based on Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data

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    Arctic coasts composed of frozen deposits are extremely sensitive to climate change and human impact. They retreat with average rates of 1–2 m per year, depending on climatic and permafrost conditions. In recent decades, retreat rates have shown a tendency to increase. In this paper, we studied the coastal dynamics of two key sites (Ural and Yamal coasts) of Baydaratskaya Bay, Kara Sea, where a gas pipeline had been constructed. Based on multi-temporal aerial and satellite imagery, we identified coastal erosion rates at several time lapses, in natural conditions and under human impact, and discussed their temporal variability. In addition to planimetric (m/yr), we calculated volumetric (m3/m/yr) retreat rates of erosional coasts using ArcticDEM. We also estimated the influence of geomorphology, lithology, and permafrost structure of the coasts on spatial variations of their dynamics. Erosional coasts of the Ural key site retreat with higher mean rates (1.2 m/yr and 8.7 m3/m/yr) as compared to the Yamal key site (0.3 m/yr and 3.7 m3/m/yr) due to their exposure to higher open sea waves, more complex lithology, higher ice content and lower coastal bluffs. Since the 1960s, coastal retreat rates have been growing on both coasts of Baydaratskaya Bay; we relate this effect with Arctic climate warming. From the 1960s to 2005, such growth was moderate, while in 2005–2016 it became rapid, which may be explained by the enhanced wave and thermal action or by the onset of industrial development. The adjacent coastal segments, originally accumulative, remained relatively stable from the 1960s to 2005. After 2005, a considerable part of them began to retreat as a result of changing weather conditions and/or increasing human impact

    Large-magnitude Pauzhetka caldera-forming eruption in Kamchatka: Astrochronologic age, composition and tephra dispersal

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    Highlights • First identification of distal tephra from the Pauzhetka caldera offshore Kamchatka. • Geochemical correlation of Pauzhetka proximal altered ignimbrite to distal tephra. • Pauzhetka caldera-forming eruption has an astrochronologic age of 421.2 ± 6.6 ka. • The eruption had DRE volume of 150–170 km3 and magnitude of 7.60–7.65. • Pauzhetka tephra marks Termination V in the NW Pacific and Okhotsk Sea sediments. Correlation of individual tephra layers over large areas permits the assessment of eruption magnitude and synchronization of disparate sedimentary archives. The middle Pleistocene Pauzhetka caldera with a diameter of ~30 km is one of the largest in Kamchatka. Distal tephra from the caldera-forming eruption has, however, never been found, hampering precise estimates of the eruption volume and magnitude. In this paper, we report first geochemical identification of distal tephra from the Pauzhetka caldera in the Northwest (NW) Pacific and Okhotsk Sea sediments recovered by ODP 145 cores 881B, 882A and 884B, and IMAGES cores MD01-2415 and MD01-2416. Distal tephras are rhyolites of narrow compositional range allowing their reliable identification among the studied marine cores using major and trace element data. Geochemical correlation of the distal tephra to the proximal strongly welded and altered ignimbrite was performed based on immobile trace elements determined in situ by laser ablation ICP-MS. Based on this case study, we propose that a number of trace elements (U, Th, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti, REE, Y and Sc) are immobile during on-shore alteration of welded tuffs and can be used for correlation of pristine glass and altered rock groundmass allowing direct identification of volcanic source of distal tephra. Our new data on the spatial dispersal of the airborne Pauzhetka tephra in the NW Pacific sediments defines its minimum dense rock equivalent (DRE) volume of ~46 km3. Together with the exposed volcanic material around the caldera, the total DRE volume is estimated at 150–170 km3 (3.8–4.4 × 105 Mt) corresponding to the eruption magnitude of 7.60–7.65. Stratigraphic position of the Pauzhetka tephra in the studied cores at transition between marine isotope stage 12 and 11c (Termination V) yields a precise astrochronologic age of 421.2 ± 6.6 ka (weighted mean ± 2σ), which is 27 ka younger than the published average 39Ar/40Ar dates on plagioclase from the proximal ignimbrite. Due to the characteristic composition and precise age, the Pauzhetka tephra may serve as a regional marker for Termination V in the NW Pacific and Okhotsk Sea sediments. A multidisciplinary approach adopted in this study is useful for identification and precise dating of the past explosive eruptions in Kamchatka and other volcanic arcs

    The first continuous late Pleistocene tephra record from Kamchatka Peninsula (NW Pacific) and its volcanological and paleogeographic implications

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    The Kamchatka volcanic arc (NW Pacific) is one of the most productive arcs in the world, known for its highly explosive activity. At the same time, the Kamchatkan record of late Pleistocene explosive eruptions has remained fragmentary. Here we present the first continuous record of Kamchatkan explosive activity between ~12 and 30 ka, which includes ~70 eruptions and extends the earlier reconstructed Holocene sequence for another 20 ka. Our record is based on geochemical correlations of 14C-dated tephras that represent all Kamchatka volcanic zones and are buried in lacustrine deposits along the 200 km stretch of the Central Kamchatka Depression (CKD). The accompanying geochemical database of volcanic glass compositions includes 3104 new electron microprobe and 221 LA-ICP-MS analyses. The data show that during the period under study, large silicic explosive eruptions peaked at 30e25 ka. Later times were mostly associated with the moderate activity from northern CKD volcanoes Shiveluch and Zarechny. Our tephra record provides the first tephrochronological model for dating and correlating Central Kamchatka late Pleistocene deposits and gives us some insight into the timing of glacial advances in the Kliuchevskoi volcanic group and volcanic response to the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum and glacial unloading at its termination. In addition, studied sections of lacustrine deposits tightly linked by tephra markers suggest the existence of a large lake system within the CKD for ~20 kyr until its final discharge at ~12 ka BP

    The first continuous late Pleistocene tephra record from Kamchatka Peninsula (NW Pacific) and its volcanological and paleogeographic implications

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    Highlights • First continuous MIS 2 explosive eruptions record from the Kamchatka volcanic arc. • 25 major tephra markers with a potential for regional and hemispheric correlations. • The largest (M ≥ 6.5) eruption originated from the Gorely eruptive center ∼28 ka BP. • The high quality geochemical data for over 70 tephra layers. • A newly proposed large glacial paleolake system in the Central Kamchatka Depression. Abstract The Kamchatka volcanic arc (NW Pacific) is one of the most productive arcs in the world, known for its highly explosive activity. At the same time, the Kamchatkan record of late Pleistocene explosive eruptions has remained fragmentary. Here we present the first continuous record of Kamchatkan explosive activity between ∼12 and 30 ka, which includes ∼70 eruptions and extends the earlier reconstructed Holocene sequence for another 20 ka. Our record is based on geochemical correlations of 14C-dated tephras that represent all Kamchatka volcanic zones and are buried in lacustrine deposits along the 200 km stretch of the Central Kamchatka Depression (CKD). The accompanying geochemical database of volcanic glass compositions includes 3104 new electron microprobe and 221 LA-ICP-MS analyses. The data show that during the period under study, large silicic explosive eruptions peaked at 30–25 ka. Later times were mostly associated with moderate activity from northern CKD volcanoes Shiveluch and Zarechny. Our tephra record provides the first tephrochronological model for dating and correlating Central Kamchatka late Pleistocene deposits and gives us some insight into the timing of glacial advances in the Kliuchevskoi volcanic group and volcanic response to the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum and glacial unloading at its termination. In addition, studied sections of lacustrine deposits tightly linked by tephra markers suggest the existence of a large lake system within the CKD for ∼20 kyr until its final discharge at ∼12 ka BP