24 research outputs found

    On the internal bacterial flora of the European lobster, Homarus vulgaris L., and its susceptibility of gaffkaemia

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    Bath-vaccination against vibriosis

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    Registration of diseases during traditional biological surveys

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    Oppdrett av laksefisk i norske kystfarvann: Vibriose

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    Lobster import: two outbreaks of Gaffkemia in Norway

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    In autumn 1976 two small consigmnents of Homarus americanus were imported from Canada to two different lobster ponds in Western Norway. The import was followed by outbreaks of gaffkemia in Homarus vulgaris in the same places. The affected areas have been disinfected and are out of use until October this year

    Accumulation and disposal of some byproducts from vinylchloride production in cod liver

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    Pseudobranchial tumors in blue whiting from Norwegian waters.

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    During a cruise off the Norwegian coast from Lofoten to Kristiansund in March 1982 all blue whiting caught were examined for pseudobranchial tumours. 10.7% were found to carry such tumours. The possible relation of the condition of the fish to the tumours is discussed

    Report on an epizootic of vibriosis in the young saithe population along the Norwegian Sea

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    From July to November 1974 an epizootic of vibriosis occurred in the young saithe population along the western Norwegian coast. Diseased fish showed external lesions. Vibriosis is the economically most important disease in sea-rearing of salmonids. The disease in the saithe population did not seem to affect the farm fish, indicating host species pathogenity in the bacterial strains

    Mariculture : A proposal

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