58 research outputs found

    Towards Detecting Compromised Accounts on Social Networks

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    Compromising social network accounts has become a profitable course of action for cybercriminals. By hijacking control of a popular media or business account, attackers can distribute their malicious messages or disseminate fake information to a large user base. The impacts of these incidents range from a tarnished reputation to multi-billion dollar monetary losses on financial markets. In our previous work, we demonstrated how we can detect large-scale compromises (i.e., so-called campaigns) of regular online social network users. In this work, we show how we can use similar techniques to identify compromises of individual high-profile accounts. High-profile accounts frequently have one characteristic that makes this detection reliable -- they show consistent behavior over time. We show that our system, were it deployed, would have been able to detect and prevent three real-world attacks against popular companies and news agencies. Furthermore, our system, in contrast to popular media, would not have fallen for a staged compromise instigated by a US restaurant chain for publicity reasons

    EvilCohort: Detecting Communities of Malicious Accounts on Online Services

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    Cybercriminals misuse accounts on online services (e.g., webmails and online social networks) to perform malicious activity, such as spreading malicious content or stealing sensitive information. In this paper, we show that accounts that are accessed by botnets are a popular choice by cybercriminals. Since botnets are composed of a finite number of infected computers, we observe that cybercriminals tend to have their bots connect to multiple online accounts to perform malicious activity. We present EVILCOHORT, a system that detects online accounts that are accessed by a common set of infected machines. EVILCOHORT only needs the mapping between an online account and an IP address to operate, and can therefore detect malicious accounts on any online service (webmail services, online social networks, storage services) regardless of the type of malicious activity that these accounts perform. Unlike previous work, our system can identify malicious accounts that are controlled by botnets but do not post any malicious content (e.g., spam) on the service. We evaluated EVILCOHORT on multiple online services of different types (a webmail service and four online social networks), and show that it accurately identifies malicious accounts

    BotSwindler: Tamper Resistant Injection of Believable Decoys in VM-Based Hosts for Crimeware Detection

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    We introduce BotSwindler, a bait injection system designed to delude and detect crimeware by forcing it to reveal during the exploitation of monitored information. The implementation of BotSwindler relies upon an out-of-host software agent that drives user-like interactions in a virtual machine, seeking to convince malware residing within the guest OS that it has captured legitimate credentials. To aid in the accuracy and realism of the simulations, we propose a low overhead approach, called virtual machine verification, for verifying whether the guest OS is in one of a predefined set of states. We present results from experiments with real credential-collecting malware that demonstrate the injection of monitored financial bait for detecting compromises. Additionally, using a computational analysis and a user study, we illustrate the believability of the simulations and we demonstrate that they are sufficiently human-like. Finally, we provide results from performance measurements to show our approach does not impose a performance burden

    Ensemble Learning for Low-Level Hardware-Supported Malware Detection

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    Abstract. Recent work demonstrated hardware-based online malware detection using only low-level features. This detector is envisioned as a first line of defense that prioritizes the application of more expensive and more accurate software detectors. Critical to such a framework is the detection performance of the hardware detector. In this paper, we explore the use of both specialized detectors and ensemble learning tech-niques to improve performance of the hardware detector. The proposed detectors reduce the false positive rate by more than half compared to a single detector, while increasing the detection rate. We also contribute approximate metrics to quantify the detection overhead, and show that the proposed detectors achieve more than 11x reduction in overhead compared to a software only detector (1.87x compared to prior work), while improving detection time. Finally, we characterize the hardware complexity by extending an open core and synthesizing it on an FPGA platform, showing that the overhead is minimal.

    Ki-67: level of evidence and methodological considerations for its role in the clinical management of breast cancer: analytical and critical review

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    The other guys: automated analysis of marginalized malware

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