7 research outputs found

    Cirkulær guide : Fællesnordisk vejledning til udvikling af "den cirkulære kommune" i Norden

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    Cirkulær økonomi i kommunen handler om en kredsløbsfokuseret grøn omstilling på tværs af forvaltninger og i alle kommunens aktiviteter. Igennem planlægning, myndighedsopgaver, indkøb, udbud og erhvervsfremmeindsatser kan kommunen accelerere den cirkulære omstilling i erhvervslivet og i services til borgerne. Denne vejledning opsamler og formidler erfaringer og metoder på cirkulære initiativer fra kommuner over hele Norden, så indsatsen kan blive endnu mere dynamisk og effektfuld

    Measuring waste prevention and reuse: digital opportunities : Using the digitalisation of society to inform policy

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    The data generated in our digital society can be harnessed to generate policy-relevant indicators on waste prevention and reuse, and be used to fill in the gaps left by official data and statistics. This project elaborates where the greatest potentials lie for improving the monitoring of waste prevention and reuse, and presents a roadmap for improving the monitoring of waste prevention in the Nordic countries. This is based mapiping the EU reporting demands for waste prevention and reuse and the methods currently employed in the Nordic countries to measure waste prevention and reuse, as well as an investigation of the methods used in other European countries together with a suite of case studies of novel methods for measuring waste prevention and reuse

    Incentives and barriers for Nordic PSS solutions:Product service system in the Nordics

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    This report marks the culmination of the project's third phase, Product Service Systems in the Nordics, focusing on understanding the challenges and enablers surrounding PSS models in the Nordics.Building a literature review of 140 academic articles, mapping and analysis of 275 PSS providers, 40+ interviews with Nordic PSS providers and policy agents, and separate national and joint Nordic workshops across the Nordic countries, this report offers empirical insights into existing barriers, the regulatory landscape affecting Nordic PSS models, and practical tools, templates and guidance relevant to PSS providers

    Low-Carbon Circular Transition in the Nordics : Part I. Areas with significant circular transition potential

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    The study was aimed at generating insight on the potential of circular economy in the Nordic region and providing recommendations for unlocking this potential. This report covers the first part of the study. Based on a review of circular economy priorities in the Nordic countries, the study revealed focus areas where the Nordic countries share strategic interests. These combine some key industrial branches – the bioeconomy; the food and beverage industry; real estate and construction; and transport, logistics, and mobility – with two significant drivers of change: digitalisation and new circular business models. In the next phase of the work, the aim will be to understand the circularity transition’s impacts on the climate, environment, and economy in the Nordic region while also identifying the obstacles to transition.