6 research outputs found

    Uticaj gela Carisolv na zdrav, demineralizovan i karijesno izmenjen dentin - studija in vitro

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    Pain and discomfort during dental interventions caused by high-speed dental burs are the most frequent reasons for avoiding dental visits. Numerous possibilities have been offered in the last decade aiming to replace burs for caries removal, one of them is chemo-mechanical method of caries elimination. The aim of this study was to analyze micromorphological changes caused by Carisolv on sound, demineralized and carious (softened) dentin using SEM. Material and Methods Study included 30 teeth (20 intact and 10 with carious lesions) extracted for orthodontic reasons. Carisolvā„¢ system (MediTeam, Sweden) that contains Carisolv gel and specific nickel-titanium hand instruments was used for chemo-mechanical caries elimination. In our study only Carisolv gel was applied on sound, demineralized and carious dentin for 20 min. Dentin surface was analyzed using scanning electronic microscope (SEM). Results SEM showed that Carisolv gel affected soft carious dentin only with no changes on sound dentin regardless of demineralization status. Conclusion Carisolv did not affect sound and demineralized dentin while it selectively dissolved carious dentin.Bol i nelagodnost tokom stomatoloÅ”kih intervencija prouzrokovani svrdlima visokoturažnog kolenjaka najčeŔći su razlozi za izbegavanje posete stomatologu. Poslednjih godina pojavile su se brojne mogućnosti koje bi izostavile svrdlo kao način uklanjanja karijesa, a jedan od njih je hemijsko- mehanička metoda uklanjanja karijesa. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se analiziraju mikromorfoloÅ”ke promene nastale nakon primene gela Carisolv na zdrav, demineralizovan i karijesno izmenjen dentin pomoću skening- elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Materijal i metode rada U istraživanju je koriŔćeno 30 zuba ekstrahovanih iz ortodontskih razloga (20 intaktnih i 10 s karijesnim lezijama). KoriŔćen je sistem Carisolv ā„¢ (MediTeam, Å vedska), materijal za hemijsko- mehaničko uklanjanje karijesa koji je sastoji od gela Carisolv i specifičnih nikl-titanijumskih ručnih instrumenata. U naÅ”oj studiji koriŔćen je samo gel Carisolv, koji je aplikovan na zdrav, demineralizovan i karijesno izmenjen dentin tokom 20 minuta. Skening- elektronski mikroskop je primenjen za analizu povrÅ”ine dentina. Rezultati SEM analiza je pokazala da ovaj gel utiče samo na karijesni dentin, dok na zdrav dentin nije imao nikakvog uticaja bez obzira na stanje demineralizacije. Zaključak Carisolv nije pokazao nikakve promene na zdravom i demineralizovanom dentinu, ali je uticao na selektivno rastvaranje i uklanjanje dentina izmenjenog karijesom

    Biodentintm - materijal za reparaciju furkalnih perforacija - prikaz serije slučajeva

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    Introduction. So far, the most promising and most commonly used materials in endodontic treatment and retreatment were calcium silicate cements. However, due to the shortage of this material and treatment failures, a new bioactive material was introduced - Biodentinetm. It is a calcium silicate based technology, with excellent handling characteristics and biocompatibility. It can be used in various indications, including dentine substitution and endodontic therapy. Case reports. The clinical cases demonstrated excellent healing potential after the treatment with Biodentinetm. Conclusion . The bio-silicate technology is highly promising, mostly due to its chemical properties and easy clinical manipulation. The short setting time and high mechanical strength makes Biodentinetm a material easy to handle, highly biocompatible, with a wide range of indications.Uvod. Do sada, najčeŔće koriŔćeni materijali u endodonciji, i ujedno materijali koji najviÅ”e i obećavaju u endodontskom tretmanuĀ­ i retretmanu su bili kalcijum-silikatni cementi. Međutim, u skladu sa nedostacima ovog materijala i neuspesima tretmana, javio se novi materijal Biodentinetm. On je napravljen na kalcijum-silikatnoj tehnologiji sa odličnom biokompatibilnoŔću kao i karakteristikama u vezi sa aplikacijom materijala. Može da se koristi kod različitih indikacija, uključujući supstituciju dentina i endodontsku terapiju. Prikaz slučajeva. Klinički slučajevi pokazuju odličan potencijal lečenja nakon tretmanaĀ­ Biodentinomtm. Zaključak. Biosilikatna tehnologija veoma obećava najviÅ”e zbog hemijskih karakteristika i lake kliničke manipulacije. Kratko radno vreme i velika mehanička jačina čini Biodentinetm materijalom koji je jednostavan za koriŔćenje, visoke biokompatibilnosti i sa velikim opsegom indikacija

    Adaptabilnost različitih kanalnih punjenja za dentin korenskog kanala - analiza elektronski skeniranih mikrofotografija

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    Introduction. The aim of this in vitro study was to test and analyze the sealing ability of three endodontic materials used for permanent obturation, in between the dentin walls and the gutta-percha points, using a scanning electron microscope. Material and Methods. Forty-five recently extracted single-root teeth, treated by a step-back technique, were divided into three groups (15 teeth in each); the canals were filled with three different permanent obturation materials: N2 - zinc oxide root canal cement, Gutta Flow (Coltene), and Endomethasone N (Septodont). Their sealing ability and adhesive properties were analyzed using field emission gun scanning electron microscope, at the time when they were applied between the dentin walls of the canal and the gutta-percha. Results. The results of the scanning electron microscope analysis have shown that all the three sealers have good adhesion properties when used over the root canal walls in the apical third. Good adaptation of the filling used for the root canal walls in the middle and the cervical third was found only in teeth obturated using Gutta Flow, while samples obturated by N2 - zinc oxide root canal cement and Endomethasone showed the weakest adhesion, and greatest number of cracks between the sealer and the canal wall. Conclusion. When using a single-cone obturation technique, compared to other obturation materials, Gutta Flow shows considerably better adaptation to the root canal wall and the gutta-percha points in the apical, middle, and the cervical third of the root.Uvod. Cilj ove in vitro studije je testiranje i analiziranje sposobnosti zaptivanja tri različita endodontska materijala koji se upotrebljavaju za definitivno punjenje između dentinskih zidova i gutaperke poena, primenom elektronskog mikroskopa. Materijal i metode. Četrdeset pet ekstrahovanih jednokorenih zuba, tretiranih step-back tehnikom bili su podeljeni u tri grupe (po 15 zuba u svakoj od njih), kanali su bili ispunjeni trima različitim materijalima za definitivnu opturaciju kanala: cink-oksid eugenolom, Gutta Flow (Coltene) i Endomethasone N (Septodont). Elektronskim mikroiskopom sa emisijom polja analizirani su adhezivna sposobnost i zaptivanje materijala za punjenje između dentinskih zidova korencskog kanala i gutaperke. Rezultati. Analiza elektronski skeniranih mikrofotografija pokazala je da sva tri materijala imaju dobru adheziju karakterističnu za njihovu primenu na zidovima kanala korena u apikalnoj trećini. Dobra adaptacija punjenja za zidove kanala korena u srednje i cervikalne trećine pronađena je samo na uzorke opturisanih metodom Gutta Flow, a uzorci koji su bili opturisani sa cink-oksid eugenolom, i Endomethason-om N imali su najslabiju adheziju i najveće prisustvo pukotina između silera i zida kanala. Kada se primenjuje single-cone tehnika za opturaciju kanala, Gutta Flow pokazuje znatno bolju adaptaciju za zid korenskog kanala i gutaperke u apikalni deo kao i u srednjoj i cervikalnoj trećini korena u poređenju sa drugim materijalima za opturaciju kanala

    Evaluation of microleakage of root canals filled with different obturation techniques: in vitro

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    Introduction: The ideal root canal filling should close all communications with the periodontium, be well condensed along the entire length of the root canal space and be well adapted to the canal walls. Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the average apical and coronary microleakage in the root canals of teeth obturated by the method of worm vertical condensation in combination with the injection of liquid worm gutta-percha and teeth obturated by single cone technique. Materials and method: For this experimental study, 20 single-rooted human teeth with straight roots were used. The teeth were cleaned of tissue debris. Root canals were prepared using the coronary apical processing technique using rotating ProTaper files. The teeth were randomly divided into 2 groups of 10 teeth depending on the method of obturation (single to and hot vertical condensation). Results: The results obtained from our research showed the occurrence of microfluid in all examined samples. Conclusion: The worm vertical condensation/ injection of liquid worm gutta-percha in combination with AH plus, if performed correctly up to the apex itself, shows a minimum microflow

    Work related muskuloskeletal disorders among dentists at the university dental clinic in Skopje

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    Introduction Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the most common types of work-related diseases that affect health workers, especially dentists. The aim of our study was to examine the presence of musculoskeletal disorders among dentists at the university dental clinic in correlation with risk factors. Materials and methods A questionnaire survey was carried out among 78 dental practitioners aged between 20 to 60 years old, employed at the university dental clinic. Questions included data on physical and psychosocial workload, perceived general health and occurrence of musculoskeletal complaints in the past 12 months, chronic complaints, frequency and length of breaks, exercising habits as well as medical care seeking. Results Pain in the back, neck and shoulders (84.6% / 85.9%) was the most common complaint among the majority of respondents, while reduced range of movement was noticed among significantly fewer subjects, mostly between 40-60 years of age.Ā Prolonged statistic position was considered to be one of the main causes of MSDs (82.05%) while 73.08% of respondents stated at least two more reasons beside this one. Conclusion The percentage of MSDs prevalence among dentists in public health sector is high. More extensive surveys should be undertaken to cover larger group of dentists from both private and public sector, in order to obtain complete analysis of the prevalence of occupational disorders in our country

    Expression of Fibronectin and Tenascin after Direct Capping of the Pulp with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and BiodentineĀ®

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    BACKGROUND: Caries is a destructive process leading to progressive demineralization of the inorganic part of the tooth, accompanied by enzyme disintegration of the organic component of the tooth tissue. Considering the fact that caries activity can be stopped if the demineralization process is stopped, it is clear that the objectives of caries treatment are focused toward elimination of etiological factors and stimulation of regeneration of the dental tissues. That is why in the last years treatment of the caries disease is targeted to remineralization of the initial carious lesions, as well as on the biological behavior of the pulp-dentine complex after application of certain medications. AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate impact of the two materials for direct capping, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and BiodentineĀ®, on the expression of glycoproteins fibronectin (FN), and tenascin (TN), responsible for dentinogenesis. METHODS: In the tests were used materials MTA and Biodentine, as agents for direct capping of pulp exposure. From 60 extracted teeth included in this in vitro study, tissue cuts were made. Each of them was then analyzed on a light microscope to determine the amount of two extracellular matrix glycoproteins, FN-C, and TN-C. RESULTS: Our study show that there is an expressed immunoreactivity for FN and for TN in the fibronectin bridge under MTA and BiodentineĀ® after 8, and even after 30 days of their application. CONCLUSION: Based on this study, we can conclude that both materials ā€“ MTA and Biodentine ā€“ may induce reparative dentinogenesis, in which FN and TN have certainly a major role in the formation of the fibronectin matrix