21 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Dynamics in Multimode Optical Fibers

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    Multimode optical fibers have recently reemerged as a viable platform for addressing a number of long-standing issues associated with information bandwidth requirements and power-handling capabilities. The complex nature of heavily multimoded systems can be effectively exploited to observe altogether novel physical effects arising from spatiotemporal and intermodal linear and nonlinear processes. Here, we have studied nonlinear dynamics in multimode optical fibers (MMFs) in both the normal and anomalous dispersion regimes. In the anomalous dispersion regime, the nonlinearity leads to a formation of spatiotemporal 3-D solitons. Unlike in single-mode fibers, these solitons are not unique and their properties can be modified through the additional degrees of freedom offered by these multimoded settings. In addition, soliton related processes such as soliton fission and dispersive wave generation will be also drastically altered in such multimode systems. Our theoretical work unravels some of the complexities of the underlying dynamics and helps us better understand these effects. The nonlinear dynamics in such multimode systems can be accelerated through a judicious fiber design. A cancelation of Raman self-frequency shifts and Blue-shifting multimode solitons were observed in such settings as a result of an acceleration of intermodal oscillations. Spatiotemporal instabilities in parabolic-index multimode fibers will also be discussed. In the normal dispersion regime, this effect can be exploited to generate an ultrabroad and uniform supercontinuum that extends more than 2.5 octaves. To do so, the unstable spectral regions are pushed away from the pump, thus sweeping the entire spectrum. Multimode parabolic pulses were also predicted and observed in passive normally dispersive tapered MMFs. These setting can obviate the harsh bandwidth limitation present in single-mode system imposed by gain medium and be effectively used for realizing high power multimode fiber lasers. Finally, an instant and efficient second-harmonic generation was observed in the multimode optical fibers. Through a modification of initial conditions, the efficiency of this process could be enhanced to a record high of %6.5

    Arrayed Waveguide Lens for Beam Steering

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    Integrated planar lenses are critical components for analog optical information processing that enable a wide range of applications including beam steering. Conventional planar lenses require gradient index control which makes their on-chip realization challenging. Here, we introduce a new approach for beam steering by designing an array of coupled waveguides with segmented tails that allow for simultaneously achieving planar lensing and off-chip radiation. The proposed arrayed waveguide lens is built on engineering the evanescent coupling between adjacent channels to realize a photonic lattice with an equi-distant ladder of propagation constants that emulates the continuous parabolic index profile. Through coupled-mode analysis and full-wave numerical simulations, we show that selective excitation of waveguide channels enables beam steering with large field-of-views of ∼60°. The proposed arrayed waveguide lens can serve as a compact component in integrated photonic circuits for applications in imaging, sensing, and metrology

    Systematic Approach For Designing Zero-Dgd Coupled Multi-Core Optical Fibers

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    An analytical method is presented for designing N-coupled multi-core fibers with zero differential group delay. This approach effectively reduces the problem to a system of N - 1 algebraic equations involving the associated coupling coefficients and propagation constants, as obtained from coupled mode theory. Once the parameters of one of the cores are specified, the roots of the resulting N - 1 equations can be used to determine the characteristics of the remaining waveguide elements. Using this technique, a number of pertinent geometrical configurations are investigated to minimize intermodal dispersion

    Akhmediev Breathers In Nonlinear Partially Coherent Environments

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    We show that Akhmediev breathers can appear even in partially coherent nonlinear systems. We find that the degree of coherence can significantly affect the onset of these waves and can critically alter their ensuing dynamics

    Akhmediev Breathers In Nonlinear Partially Coherent Environments

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    We show that Akhmediev breathers can appear even in partially coherent nonlinear systems. We find that the degree of coherence can significantly affect the onset of these waves and can critically alter their ensuing dynamics

    Scattering Properties Of Pt-Symmetric Objects

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    We investigate the scattering response of parity-time (PT) symmetric structures. We show that, due to the local flow of energy between gain and loss regions, such systems can deflect light in unusual ways, as a function of the gain/loss contrast. Such structures are highly anisotropic and their scattering patterns can drastically change as a function of the angle of incidence. In addition, we derive a modified optical theorem for PT-symmetric scattering systems, and discuss its ramifications

    Zero-Dgd Multicore Optical Fibers

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    An analytical method is presented for designing N-coupled multi-core fibers with zero differential group delay. Using this technique a number of pertinent geometrical configurations are investigated in order to eliminate intermodal dispersion among supermodes

    Analysis Of Parametric Instabilities In Parabolic Multimode Fibers Under High Intensity Conditions

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    We systematically study geometric parametric instabilities in parabolic multimode fibers. We show, both analytically and experimentally, that global dispersion processes and selffocusing effects can substantially affect the spectral positions and widths of the generated sidebands