2,571 research outputs found

    Sub-millimetre observations of hyperluminous infrared galaxies

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    We present sub-mm photometry for 11 Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxies (HLIRGs) and use radiative transfer models for starbursts and AGN to investigate the IR emission. In all sources both a starburst and AGN are required to explain the IR emission. The mean starburst fraction is 35%, with a range spanning 80% starburst dominated to 80% AGN dominated. In all cases the starburst dominates at rest-frame wavelengths >50 microns, with star formation rates >500 solar masses per year. The trend of increasing AGN fraction with increasing IR luminosity seen in IRAS galaxies peaks in HLIRGs, and is not higher than the fraction seen in bright ULIRGs. The AGN and starburst luminosities correlate, suggesting that a common physical factor, plausibly the dust masses, governs their luminosities. Our results suggest that the HLIRG population is comprised both of ULIRG-like galaxy mergers, and of young galaxies going through their maximal star formation periods whilst harbouring an AGN. The coeval AGN and starburst activity in our sources implies that starburst and AGN activity, and the peak starburst and AGN luminosities, can be coeval in active galaxies generally. When extrapolated to high-z our sources have comparable sub-mm fluxes to sub-mm survey sources. At least some sub-mm survey sources are therefore likely to be comprised of similar galaxy populations to those found in the HLIRG population. It is also plausible from these results that high-z sub-mm sources harbour heavily obscured AGN. The differences in X-ray and sub-mm properties between HLIRGs at z~1 and sub-mm sources at z~3 implies evolution between the two epochs. Either the mean AGN obscuration level is greater at z~3 than at z~1, or the fraction of IR-luminous sources at z~3 that contain AGN is smaller than that at z~1.Comment: 15 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    557 GHz Observations of Water Vapor Outflows from VY CMa and W Hydrae

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    We report the first detection of thermal water vapor emission in the 557 GHz, 1101011_{10} - 1_{01} ground state transition of ortho-H2_2O toward VY Canis Majoris. In observations obtained with the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS), we measured a flux of 450\sim 450 Jy, in a spectrally resolved line centered on a velocity vLSR=25v_{LSR} = 25 km s1^{-1} with a full width half maximum of 35\sim 35 km s1^{-1}, somewhat dependent on the assumed line shape. We analyze the line shape in the context of three different radial outflow models for which we provide analytical expressions. We also detected a weaker 557 GHz emission line from W Hydrae. We find that these and other H2_2O emission line strengths scale as suggested by Zubko and Elitzur (2000).Comment: Astrophysical Journal Letters, accepte

    Starburst and AGN activity in ultraluminous infrared galaxies

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    (Abridged) We examine the power source of 41 local Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies using archival infrared and optical photometry. We fit the observed Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) with starburst and AGN components; each component being drawn from a family of templates. We find all of the sample require a starburst, whereas only half require an AGN. In 90% of the sample the starburst provides over half the IR emission, with a mean fractional luminosity of 82%. When combined with other galaxy samples we find that starburst and AGN luminosities correlate over 6 decades in IR luminosity suggesting that a common factor governs both luminosities, plausibly the gas masses in the nuclear regions. We find that the mid-IR 7.7 micron line-continuum ratio is no indication of the starburst luminosity, or the fractional AGN luminosity, and therefore that this ratio is not a reliable diagnostic of the power source in ULIRGs. We propose that the scatter in the radio-IR correlation in ULIRGs is due to a skewed starburst IMF and/or relic relativistic electrons from a previous starburst, rather than contamination from an obscured AGN. We show that most ULIRGs undergo multiple starbursts during their lifetime, and by inference that mergers between more than two galaxies may be common amongst ULIRGs. Our results support the evolutionary model for ULIRGs proposed by Farrah et al 2001, where they can follow many different evolutionary paths of starburst and AGN activity in transforming merging spiral galaxies into elliptical galaxies, but that most do not go through an optical QSO phase. The lower level of AGN activity in our local sample than in z~1 HLIRGs implies that the two samples are distinct populations. We postulate that different galaxy formation processes at high-z are responsible for this difference.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The mass function

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    We present the mass functions for different mass estimators for a range of cosmological models. We pay particular attention to how universal the mass function is, and how it depends on the cosmology, halo identification and mass estimator chosen. We investigate quantitatively how well we can relate observed masses to theoretical mass functions.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, to appear in ApJ

    Lyman-alpha Damping Wing Constraints on Inhomogeneous Reionization

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    One well-known way to constrain the hydrogen neutral fraction, x_H, of the high-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM) is through the shape of the red damping wing of the Lya absorption line. We examine this method's effectiveness in light of recent models showing that the IGM neutral fraction is highly inhomogeneous on large scales during reionization. Using both analytic models and "semi-numeric" simulations, we show that the "picket-fence" absorption typical in reionization models introduces both scatter and a systematic bias to the measurement of x_H. In particular, we show that simple fits to the damping wing tend to overestimate the true neutral fraction in a partially ionized universe, with a fractional error of ~ 30% near the middle of reionization. This bias is generic to any inhomogeneous model. However, the bias is reduced and can even underestimate x_H if the observational sample only probes a subset of the entire halo population, such as quasars with large HII regions. We also find that the damping wing absorption profile is generally steeper than one would naively expect in a homogeneously ionized universe. The profile steepens and the sightline-to-sightline scatter increases as reionization progresses. Of course, the bias and scatter also depend on x_H and so can, at least in principle, be used to constrain it. Damping wing constraints must therefore be interpreted by comparison to theoretical models of inhomogeneous reionization.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures; submitted to MNRA

    Pacer cell response to periodic Zeitgebers

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    Almost all organisms show some kind of time periodicity in their behavior. Especially in mammals the neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus form a biological clock regulating the activity-inactivity cycle of the animal. This clock is stimulated by the natural 24-hour light-dark cycle. In our model of this system we consider each neuron as a so called phase oscillator, coupled to other neurons for which the light-dark cycle is a Zeitgeber. To simplify the model we first take an externally stimulated single phase oscillator. The first part of the phase interval is called the active state and the remaining part is the inactive state. Without external stimulus the oscillator oscillates with its intrinsic period. An external stimulus, be it from activity of neighboring cells or the periodic daylight cycle, acts twofold, it may delay the change form active to inactive and it may advance the return to the active state. The amount of delay and advance depends on the strength of the stimulus. We use a circle map as a mathematical model for this system. This map depends on several parameters, among which the intrinsic period and phase delay and advance. In parameter space we find Arnol'd tongues where the system is in resonance with the Zeitgeber. Thus already in this simplified system we find entrainment and synchronization. Also some other phenomena from biological experiments and observations can be related to the dynamical behavior of the circle map

    Squelched Galaxies and Dark Halos

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    There is accumulating evidence that the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function might be very different in different locations. The luminosity function might be rising in rich clusters and flat or declining in regions of low density. If galaxies form according to the model of hierarchical clustering then there should be many small halos compared to the number of big halos. If this theory is valid then there must be a mechanism that eliminates at least the visible component of galaxies in low density regions. A plausible mechanism is photoionization of the intergalactic medium at a time before the epoch that most dwarf galaxies form in low density regions but after the epoch of formation for similar systems that ultimately end up in rich clusters. The dynamical timescales are found to accommodate this hypothesis in a flat universe with Omega_m < 0.4. If small halos exist but simply cannot be located because they have never become the sites of significant star formation, they still might have dynamical manifestations. These manifestations are hard to identify in normal groups of galaxies because small halos do not make a significant contribution to the global mass budget. However, it could be entertained that there are clusters of halos where there are only small systems, clusters that are at the low mass end of the hierarchical tree. There may be places where only a few small galaxies managed to form, enough for us to identify and use as test probes of the potential. It turns out that such environments might be common. Four probable groups of dwarfs are identified within 5 Mpc and the assumption they are gravitationally bound suggests M/L_B ~ 300 - 1200 M_sun/L_sun, 6 +/- factor 2 times higher than typical values for groups with luminous galaxies.Comment: Accepted ApJ 569, (April 20), 2002, 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Phenotypic heterogeneity of peripheral monocytes in healthy dogs

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    Monocytes are key cells of the innate immune system. Their phenotypic and functional roles have been investigated in humans, mice and other animals, such as the rat, pig and cow. To date, detailed phenotypic analysis of monocytes has not been undertaken in dogs. Two important surface markers in human monocytes are CD14 and MHC class II (MHC II). By flow cytometry, we demonstrated that canine monocytes can be subdivided into three separate populations: CD14posMHC IIneg, CD14posMHC IIpos and CD14negMHC IIpos. Both light and transmission electron microscopy confirmed the monocytic identity of all three populations. The CD14posMHC IIneg population could be distinguished on an ultrastructural level by their smaller size, the presence of more numerous, larger granules, and more pseudopodia than both of the other populations