824 research outputs found

    RAMPEX - a new spin experiment (presented for HELION97, 20-24 Jan 1997, Kobe, Japan)

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    RAMPEX - Russian-AMerican Polarization EXperiment - is dedicated to studies of one-spin asymmetries which have twist-3 and also twist-2 origin, in hard and semi-hard inclusive processes on the polarized propane-diol target. A special consideration has been given for the prospects of using polarized 3He target. The studies will be performed at the Serpukhov accelerator at 70 GeV/c (proton beam) and 40 GeV/c (pi- beam).Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    BCS - BEC crossover and quantum hydrodynamics in p-wave superfluids with a symmetry of the A1 - phase

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    We solve the Leggett equations for the BCS - BEC crossover in the three dimension resonance p-wave superfluid with the symmetry of the A1 - phase. We calculate the sound velocity, the normal density, and the specific heat for the BCS-domain (\mu > 0), BEC-domain (\mu < 0), and close to important point \mu = 0 in 100% polarized case. We find the indications of quantum phase - transition close to the point \mu(T = 0) = 0. Deep in the BCS and BEC-domains the crossover ideas of Leggett and Nozieres, Schmitt-Rink work pretty well. We discuss the spectrum of orbital waves, the paradox of intrinsic angular momentum and complicated problem of chiral anomaly in the BCS A1 - phase at T = 0. We present two different approaches to a chiral anomaly: one based on supersymmetric hydrodynamics, another one on the formal analogy with the Dirac equation in quantum electrodynamics. We evaluate the damping of nodal fermions due to different decay processes in superclean case at T = 0 and find that we are in a ballistic regime \omega\tau >> 1. We propose to use aerogel or nonmagnetic impurities to reach hydrodynamic regime \omega\tau<< 1 at T = 0. We discuss the concept of the spectral flow and exact cancellations between time-derivatives of anomalous and quasiparticle currents in the equation for the total linear momentum conservation. We propose to derive and solve the kinetic equation for the nodal quasiparticles both in the hydrodynamic and in the ballistic regimes to demonstrate this cancellation explicitly. We briefly discuss the role of the other residual interactions different from damping and invite experimentalists to measure the spectrum and damping of orbital waves in A-phase of 3He at low temperatures.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    On the chains of star complexes and superclouds in spiral arms

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    The relation is studied between occurrence of a regular chain of star complexes and superclouds in a spiral arm, and other properties of the latter. A regular string of star complexes is located in the north-western arm of M31; they have about the same size 0.6 kpc with spacing of 1.1 kpc. Within the same arm segment the regular magnetic field with the wavelength of 2.3 kpc was found by Beck et al. (1989). We noted that this wavelength is twice as large as the spacing between complexes and suggested that they were formed in result of magneto-gravitational instability developed along the arm. In this NW arm, star complexes are located inside the gas-dust lane, whilst in the south-western arm of M31 the gas-dust lane is upstream of the bright and uniform stellar arm. Earlier, evidence for the age gradient has been found in the SW arm. All these are signatures of a spiral shock, which may be associated with unusually large (for M31) pitch-angle of this SW arm segment. Such a shock may prevent the formation of the regular magnetic field, which might explain the absence of star complexes there. Anti-correlation between shock wave signatures and presence of star complexes is observed in spiral arms of a few other galaxies. Regular chains of star complexes and superclouds in spiral arms are rare, which may imply that a rather specific mechanism is involved in their formation, and the most probable one is the Parker-Jeans instability. The spiral pattern of our Galaxy is briefly discussed; it may be of M101 type in the outer parts. The regular bi-modal spacing of HI superclouds is found in Carina and Cygnus (Outer) arms, which may be an indirect evidence for the regular magnetic field along these arms.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Quantum eigenstate tomography with qubit tunneling spectroscopy

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    Measurement of the energy eigenvalues (spectrum) of a multi-qubit system has recently become possible by qubit tunneling spectroscopy (QTS). In the standard QTS experiments, an incoherent probe qubit is strongly coupled to one of the qubits of the system in such a way that its incoherent tunneling rate provides information about the energy eigenvalues of the original (source) system. In this paper, we generalize QTS by coupling the probe qubit to many source qubits. We show that by properly choosing the couplings, one can perform projective measurements of the source system energy eigenstates in an arbitrary basis, thus performing quantum eigenstate tomography. As a practical example of a limited tomography, we apply our scheme to probe the eigenstates of a kink in a frustrated transverse Ising chain.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    On the Spiral Structure of the Milky Way Galaxy

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    We consider the possible pattern of the overall spiral structure of the Galaxy, using data on the distribution of neutral (atomic), molecular, and ionized hydrogen, on the base of the hypothesis of the spiral structure being symmetric, i.e. the assumption that spiral arms are translated into each other for a rotation around the galactic center by 180{\deg} (a two-arm pattern) or by 90{\deg} (a four-arm pattern). We demonstrate that, for the inner region, the observations are best represented with a four-arm scheme of the spiral pattern, associated with all-Galaxy spiral density waves. The basic position is that of the Carina arm, reliably determined from distances to HII regions and from HI and H2 radial velocities. This pattern is continued in the quadrants III and IV with weak outer HI arms; from their morphology, the Galaxy should be considered an asymmetric multi-arm spiral. The kneed shape of the outer arms that consist of straight segments can indicate that these arms are transient formations that appeared due to a gravitational instability in the gas disk. The distances between HI superclouds in the two arms that are the brightest in neutral hydrogen, the Carina arm and the Cygnus (Outer) arm, concentrate to two values, permitting to assume the presence of a regular magnetic field in these arms.Comment: 21 pages, 14 fugures; accepted for publication in Astronomichesky Journal (Astron. Rep.