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    Perbedaan Resiko Gangguan Psikososial pada Remaja Positive Smartphone Addiction dan Negative Addiction di SMA Kota Sungai Penuh Tahun 2019

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    Excessive use of smartphones poses a risk of addiction, smartphone addiction will affect psychological health which has an effect on psychosocial disorders. Teenagers are a vulnerable period that easily accepts new cultures, smartphone technology culture is one that lurks teenagers. Objective: This study is to determine the differences in the risk of psychosocial disorders in adolescents with positive smartphone addiction with negative smartphone addiction. This research is a quantitative study with cross sectional design, data collection using the smartphone addiction scale (Short-version) questionnaire and pediatric symptom checklist (PSC-17), the population of adolescents in high schools in Sungai Penuh city, a sample of 350 people , the conscientious variable consists of the independent variable smartphone addiction and the dependent variable psychosocial disorders in adolescents. There was a difference in the risk of psychosocial disorders in adolescents, 60/25 men experienced psychosocial disorders (p = 0,000) OR 3,936. In adolescent girls 50/47 experience psychosocial disorders (0.004) OR 2,437. Teen positive smartphone addiction is at greater risk for experiencing psychosocial disorder


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    Smartphone Addiction menjadi perhatian kesehatan dunia (WHO), kasus Smartphone Addiction meningkat setiap tahun terutama pada remaja. Smartphone Addiction yang di tidak tangani mempengaruhi psikologis remaja yang berefek ke gangguan psikososial. Smartphone addiction scale-short version merupakan salah satu instrumen kuesioner untuk mendeteksi smartphone addiction dan pediatric symptom cheklist (PSC-17), instrumen kuesioner untuk mendeteksi gangguan psikososial. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan Smartphone Addiction dengan gangguan psikososial pada remaja. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional, pengambilan sampel menggunakan Metode Multi Stage Random Sampling. Hasil Uji Squre di poroleh p=value 0,000 (0,05). kesimpulan ada hubungan Smartphone Addiction dengan gangguan psikososial pada remaja. Kata kunci : smartphone Addiction, gangguan psikososial, psiksososial remaja. Daftar Pustaka : 101 (1991-2019