591 research outputs found

    Синтез и свойства реагентов на основе иодзамещенных гидроксиполиэтил бензоатов

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    Поиск новых органических производных иода и изучение препаративных возможностей данных соединений в окислительных процессах позволит ввести в практику органического синтеза новые реагенты для окисления. В результате работы получены новые соединения - иодзамещенные гидроксиполиэтил бензоаты. При окислении данных соединений будут получены водорастворимые соединения поливалентного иода, которые в свою очередь должны проявить свойства мягких окислителей в окислительных превращениях спиртов. Таким образом, становится актуальным синтез и изучение препаративных возможностей легко извлекаемых реагентов с требуемой окислительной активностью.The search for new organic derivatives of iodine and the study of the preparative capabilities of these compounds in oxidative processes will make it possible to introduce new reagents for oxidation into the practice of organic synthesis. As a result of the work, new compounds — iodosubstituted hydroxypolyethyl benzoates — were obtained. During the oxidation of these compounds, water-soluble compounds of polyvalent iodine will be obtained, which in turn should exhibit the properties of soft oxidizing agents in the oxidative transformations of alcohols. Thus, the synthesis and study of the preparative capabilities of easily recoverable reagents with the required oxidative activity becomes relevant

    Analyzing embedded device programming specifications in critical system to design programming guidelines

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    Безопасность программного обеспечения является важной характеристикой, показывающей вероятность правильности работы программы при различных условиях эксплуатации. Однако разработчики встроенного программного обеспечения не всегда уделяют должное внимание этому аспекту, особенно в критически важных системах. В данной работе рассматриваются международные стандарты и сертификаты безопасности программного обеспечения. На основе исходного кода снятого с производства электрохирургического медицинского аппарата ЭХВЧ-80 компании НПО "НИКОР" анализируются вопросы обоснованности выбора языка программирования и использованной архитектуры. Приводится алгоритм работы программы, а также описаны основные задачи, выполняемые микроконтроллером. В заключительной части статьи, на основе анализа программного обеспечения автор предлагает рекомендации по упрощению поддержки и возможные варианты уменьшения ошибок, как в коде, так и в архитектуре разрабатываемого приложения. Результаты исследования позволяют повысить безопасность ПО, особенно в критически важных системах.Software safety is an important characteristic, which indicates the probability of correct program operationunder different operating conditions. However, embedded software developers do not always focus on this aspect,especially in critical systems. The present article discusses the international software security standards andcertificates. The author studies the source code of the presently discontinued electrosurgical device EHVCh-80 byNPO "NIKOR" and analyzes the issues of validity of choosing the programming language and architecture. Thepaper provides the algorithm of the program's operation and describes the main tasks performed by themicrocontroller. In conclusion, the author uses the results of this software's analysis to offer recommendations tosimplify software support and possible options to reduce errors, both in the code and in the architecture of thedeveloped application. The results of this research allow increasing software safety, especially in critical systems

    Influence of riparian forest and agricultural land use on community structure and ecosystem function in headwater streams

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    Riparian forest buffers are often promoted to improve stream water quality and instream habitat in agricultural areas because the vegetation can filter runoff, reduce bank erosion, and restore channel morphology. However, previous studies have found that protecting narrow strips of riparian areas, typically 30-50 meters wide along streams, may be insufficient for restoring stream biological integrity in highly degraded watersheds. I examined nine headwater streams that varied in the amount of riparian forest and watershed agriculture to determine the extent to which riparian forest buffers can mitigate the effects of cropland agricultural activities. The nine sites were equally divided into three land use groups: 1) “Forested” streams with high percent riparian forest and low watershed agriculture, 2) “Buffered” streams with high percent riparian forest and high watershed agriculture, and 3) “Agricultural” streams with low percent riparian forest and high watershed agriculture. Sampling was conducted seasonally over three years to explore temporal patterns in community structure and ecosystem function related to land use, instream habitat, and water quality parameters. While there were significant seasonal and annual differences, relationships among streams within different land use groups remained relatively consistent throughout the study. Streams with low percent forest buffer had significantly higher daily maximum temperature, nitrate-nitrogen levels, and primary productivity than the two high forest buffer land use groups. Although there were greater abundances of macroinvertebrates and fish in streams with low forest buffer, assemblages were dominated by pollution tolerant taxa. In contrast, streams with high percent forest buffer and low watershed agriculture had the best biotic integrity. Greater proportions of piscivores in these streams was attributed to increased maximum depth and improved habitat structure from woody debris along with better water quality. Ordinations based on fish community composition revealed significant differences among all three land use groups due to differences in trophic structure. In addition, the fish assemblage matrix was significantly correlated to environmental patterns that clustered streams into each land use group. Macroinvertebrate assemblages were less sensitive to land use changes at both the riparian zone and watershed scale likely due to the dominance of sandy, unstable substrates in all sites. Results suggest instream conditions that were strongly controlled by the amount of riparian forest buffer in the watershed (e.g., basal resources, nutrient levels, and depth) had the greatest influence on stream community structure. Stable isotope analysis (13C and 15N) was performed to examine food web structure and energy flow within each stream to determine how land use changes affect ecosystem function and identify potential mechanisms for observed differences in community structure. To date, few studies have used a food web approach to investigate effects of row crop agriculture on headwater streams. Agricultural streams with low percent riparian forest had compressed food webs with low trophic diversity and high trophic redundancy. In contrast, forested and buffered streams had larger trophic niche areas with greater variability in both resource use and trophic position among invertebrates and fishes. Results suggest fish communities in agricultural streams occupied lower trophic positions and had greater reliance on periphyton production than forested and buffered streams. Although trophic diversity measures tended to be smaller in buffered sites, food web structure in forested and buffered streams were relatively similar despite a large range in watershed agriculture (48% - 81%) between these two land use groups. To further examine differences in food web structure, stable isotope and gut content analyses were combined to better quantify fish diets and explain variation in trophic position among species and land use groups. Gut content analysis revealed that fish in forested streams had a more diverse diet that included greater numbers of terrestrial invertebrates and aquatic invertebrate predators, whereas fish in agricultural streams consumed more aquatic herbivores (e.g., gastropods) and decapods. Diets shifts of the omnivorous creek chub followed differences in basal resource biomass among streams, with greater proportions of algae consumed by creek chubs in agricultural sites contrasted by greater detritus consumption in forested sites. Stable isotope analysis mixing model results supported differences indicated by gut content analysis, particularly increased contributions of terrestrial invertebrates to fish diets in forested streams. Results suggest the higher trophic positions of fish in forested streams were due to greater consumption of predatory invertebrates that inserted an intermediate link in the food chain. Together these studies highlight the importance of riparian forest buffers for restoring community structure, maintaining trophic diversity in food webs, and elevating fish trophic position in agricultural headwater streams. My research provides further support for conservation programs that target riparian areas in efforts to protect stream ecosystem function in agriculturally impacted watersheds

    Reliable and randomized data distribution strategies for large scale storage systems

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    The ever-growing amount of data requires highly scalable storage solutions. The most flexible approach is to use storage pools that can be expanded and scaled down by adding or removing storage devices. To make this approach usable, it is necessary to provide a solution to locate data items in such a dynamic environment. This paper presents and evaluates the Random Slicing strategy, which incorporates lessons learned from table-based, rule-based, and pseudo-randomized hashing strategies and is able to provide a simple and efficient strategy that scales up to handle exascale data. Random Slicing keeps a small table with information about previous storage system insert and remove operations, drastically reducing the required amount of randomness while delivering a perfect load distribution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Проблемы геологии и освоения недр. Т. 2

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    В сборнике отражены проблемы палеонтологии, стратиграфии, тектоники, исторической и региональной геологии, минералогии, геохимии, петрологии, литологии, полезных ископаемых, металлогении, гидрогеологии, гидрогеохимии, инженерной геологии, геофизики, нефтяной геологии, геоинформационных систем в геологии, разработки нефтяных и газовых месторождений, переработки углеводородного и минерального сырья, нефтегазопромыслового оборудования, бурения нефтяных и газовых скважин, техники и технологии разведки и добычи, транспорта и хранения нефти и газа, горного дела, технологии и техники разведки месторождений полезных ископаемых, геоэкологии, гидрогеоэкологии, охраны и инженерной защиты окружающей среды, комплексного использования минерального сырья, землеустройства, экономики минерального сырья и горного права

    Site evaluation, design, operation, and installation of home sewage systems in Iowa

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    The demand for on-site waste treatment systems for dwellings not served by sewer systems continues to grow in Iowa. On-site systems, when properly designed and maintained, provide a viable means of treating septic tank effluent. A research project was initiated at Iowa State University to provide information for solving problems associated with design, location, and maintenance of on-site systems in Iowa. This publication is designed to report the results of the interdisciplinary research and provide information for sanitarians, extension personnel, and contractors on waste treatment systems.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/specialreports/1083/thumbnail.jp

    Das Projekt "Mars One"

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