378 research outputs found

    Syair Burung Simbangan (1995)

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    Corrosion Studies on Ss-321 in Natrium-Hydroxide Solution

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    Corrosion Studies On Ss-321 In Natrium-Hydroxide Solution. Experimental corrosionstudies on commercial SS-321 have been carried out. The experiments were carried out in a sodiumhydroxide medium with a concentration variation of 0.4 M. 0.5 M, 0.6 M, and0.7Mcorresponding topHvalues of 13.6, 13.69, 13.78, and 13.84 respectively. The experiments were carried out using a type ofM-273 EG&Gpotentiostat/galvanometer test instrument. The post-corrosion samples' microstructure wereanalyzed with the aid of EDS (energy dispersive spectroscopy) equipped SEM instrument to detect thepresence of any viable corrosion byproducts. Forfurther verification x-ray diffraction method was alsoused to detect any possible emerging corrosion byproducts on the samples' surfaces correlated to theSEM-EDS result. Experimental results confirm that A1SI-321 commercial alloys immersed in a natriumhydroxide corrosion medium with a variation of concentration experience very little or almost nocorrosion, so that according to the so-called Fontana's criteria these test-materials turn out to have anexcellent resistance toward natrium hydroxide corrosion. This is also evidenced by the very low corrosionrate value measured in this study. EDS study and X-ray diffraction results indicate that the possibleensuing corrosion byproducts are iron oxides, chromeoxides and silicon oxides

    Undang-undang Sultan Adam (analisis makna dengan pendekatan hermeneutik).

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    Undang-Undang Sultan Adam (UUSA) adalah undang-undang yang dibuat pada zaman Sultan Adam, seorang sultan yang memerintah Kerajaan Banjar tahun 1825—1857. Seperti halnya teks sastera lama, teks UUSA memiliki makna yang khas yang sebahagian besar hanya berlaku pada zaman Kerajaan Banjar. UUSA ditulis pada hari Kamis,15 Muharam 1251, pukul sembilan. Penelitian ini berupaya mendeskripsikan tentang hal apa saja yang melatarbelakangi kelahiran UUSA dan makna apa saja yang terkandung dalam UUSA. Untuk mengetahui latar belakang dan makna yang terkandung dalam UUSA digunakan pendekatan hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. Pertama, kelahiran UUSA dilatarbelakangi oleh pertikaian dua mazhab, yakni mazhab ahlusunah waljamaah dan ahlal albidaah. Mazhab ahlusunah waljamaah mengaku mengamalkan tarikat samaniyah sedangkan mazhab ahlal albidaah dituduh mengamalkan tarikat wahdatul wujud. Kedua, makna keseluruhan teks UUSA adalah: (1) UUSA menggambarkan bahawa Kerajaan Banjar adalah sebuah kerajaan teokrasi, (2) sebagai kerajaan teokrasi maka ulama dan atau organisasi keagamaan sangat berperan dalam menyelenggarakan pemerintahan, (3) organisasi keagamaan yang sah menurut UUSA adalah mazhab Safii yang beraliran Ahlusunah waljamaah beserta amalan tarikat samaniyah, (4) UUSA disusun berdasarkan pikiran seorang ulama Kerajaan Banjar yang bernama Haji Djamaloedin (5) UUSA bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan agama dan iktikad, pegangan para hakim memutuskan perkara, dan sebagai counter (upaya perlawanan) terhadap organisasi keagamaan lain yang tumbuh pada masa itu

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika dengan Metode Inkuiri Terbimbing di Kelas VI Sdn 12 Matan Hilir Utara

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    The results of the study are the results achieved by students as evidence of the success of the learning process in the field of knowledge , skills , attitudes and values ??. Factor because the teacher as the center inpormasi because teachers only use the lecture method to force students to memorize math formulas , especially about the area of ??a circle without trying to help students learn to rediscover the formula students to be low. To achieve that purpose : (1) . describe the implementation of learning plans (2) Describe the steps of learning (3) . Describe the impact of the use of inquiry method with rectangular approach on learning outcomes . Descriptive research methods in the form of action research that is collaborative , research subjects teachers and students of class VI Elementary School 12 North Matan Hilir district ketapan totaling 12 students consists of 7 men and 5 women . student learning outcomes in the first cycle an average value of 57.9 with mastery learning students with KKM 60 by 4 students from 12 students or by 33.33 % , on sikus II obtained an average value of 71.08 with 11 students completeness of 12 students or 91.66 %

    Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Inovatif Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    The main purpose of this paper is to uncover the results of a survey study regarding teacher opinions on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in learning. For this purpose, marker-based cellular augmented reality applications have been developed and computer hardware is used as training material. In addition, teachers are given training for four days to get to know the basics of augmented reality technology, the software used, the environment to create marker-based AR objects. The data was collected through surveys and open-ended questions on teachers who are members of the English MGMP Kab. 50 cities. The tools and technology needed to develop AR and development experience are also shared. According to the survey results teachers are very enthusiastic about using augmented reality in their learning. The result of this article is the perception of the use of Augmented Reality technology for the development of instructional media by English teachers in the positive category

    A semantic analysis of the fishery vocabulary of the Hulu dialect of Banjarese

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    This study aimed to examine the fishery vocabulary in the Hulu dialect of Banjarese (upper river dialect) at the Central and North Hulu Sungai Regencies, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, and recording with 23 native speakers of the Banjarese language. They were permanent residents in the study locations, male and female residents aged 25-70, and they knew about their traditional fishing activities. Semantic analysis was used in scrutinizing the data. The initial vocabulary data from the informants was first identified and described. Each lexeme of the fishery vocabulary in the Hulu dialect of Banjarese was analyzed based on its lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, and semantic function. The words were then explained, paraphrased, and further categorized based on their types of meaning and function. The results showed that the fishery vocabulary of the Hulu dialect of Banjarese has 30 lexical meanings, comprising 28 nouns and two verbs. They are categorized into five types: (1) fishing gear, traps, and net, (2) fish containers, (3) fishing bait, (4) fish species, and (5) fishing activities. The fishery vocabulary in the Hulu dialect of Banjarese depicts the cultural wealth of these people. These lexemes can be maintained if the people continue to preserve the use of environment-friendly fishing gear that depicts their environmental and local wisdom

    Learning Management System Berbasis Cloud sebagai Alternatif Pembelajaran Bagi Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    The purpose of this paper is to see an increase in the knowledge of Majelis Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) of Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota after a training of Cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) using Moodlecloud and ask their opinions about the use of LMS in learning in their Subjects. The experimental design used to see the increase in the knowledge of the participants in this training was pre-experimental using the one-group pre-test post-test design. The teachers involved in the training were 15 people. Their opinion on the use of LMS for learning was asked through a questionnaire. The data shows that there is an increase in the teacher's knowledge in managing LMS using Moodlecloud, and from the questionnaire it appears that they agree that the use of LMS in their learning is interesting, practical, motivating and easy to use. From the interviews, it was also concluded that they were very enthusiastic in using this media as an additional alternative to their respective subject learnin

    Kajian Pengembangan Industri Furniture Kayu melalui Pendekatan Kluster Industri di Jawa Tenga H

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    Produk furniture kayu Propinsi Jawa Tengah sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan mengingat keunggulan komparatif yang dimiliki industri tersebut berupa potensi jenis kayu jati yang khas belum dimanfaatkan dengan nilai tambah yang optimal dan keterampilan tenaga kerja (pengrajin furniture kayu) belum dihargai secara wajar. Ekspor yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha Indonesia masih melalui perantara ( buyer ), sehingga industri furniture sangat tergantung pada pembeli dari luar negeri dan nilai tambahnya banyak dinikmati oleh pihak di luar negeri. Untuk itu industri furniture kayu perlu melakukan Perubahan strategi kepada strategi ekspor langsung. Salah satu alternatif pengembangan strategi tersebut digunakan pendekatan kluster industri yang didasarkan pada aspek penciptaan “kompetensi inti” ( Core Competence ). Pengembangan industri furniture kayu dengan pendekatan kluster industri merupakan upaya dalam mengatasi berbagai permasalahan melalui pendekatan yang terintegrasi, realistik dan efektif. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji pengembangan industri furniture kayu melalui pendekatan kluster industri khususnya di Jawa Tengah. Analisis data dilakukan dengan secara deskriptif dengan lokasi pengkajian didasarkan pada banyaknya sentra industri furniture kayu yaitu Kabupaten Jepara, Sukoharjo dan Semarang. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa ada 4 faktor yang menyusun daya saing dalam pengembangan industri furniture kayu di Jawa Tengah yaitu; (i) strategi Perusahaan, struktur dan persaingan, (ii) kondisi faktor-faktor, (iii) kondisi permintaan (demand), dan (iv) industri pendukung. Keunggulan komparatif industri tersebut adalah kekayaan alam dan keunggulan kompetitif yaitu hasil kreasi sumberdaya manusia seperti kemampuan manajemen dan keunggulan teknologi. Kluster industri furniture kayu secara garis besar terdiri dari sub kluster industri inti (utama), sub kluster industri pendukung, dan sub kluster infrastruktur dan lembaga penunjang. Komisi kluster dibentuk dengan anggota Kadin Daerah, Asmindo Daerah, PEMDA (propinsi dan kabupaten) dan kluster industri untuk menjembatani pemerintah dan industri dengan tujuan menjaga kelangsungan/daya saing kluster industri serta sinkronisasinya dengan pengembangan ekonomi wilayah. Diharapkan pengembangan ini dapat mencapai efisiensi kolektif yang tercipta dari sinergisme antara sub kluster Perusahaan inti, industri pendukung, dan lembaga-lembaga penunjang
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