37 research outputs found

    Tata Bahasa Kaili (1998)

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    Ensangan Masyarakat Dayak Kerabat Kabupaten Sekadau

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    This research aims to describe the essence, sounds, rhythm, and the meaning of ensangan. The method used is descriptive method, qualitative research, and structural approach. Data source for the research comes from ensangan sung by informants. The data are texts or lyrics of ensangan that contain sound, rhythm, and meaning. Data gathering is conducted by direct observation, recording, and interview. The tools are the researcher herself as the main instrument. Data is processed by transcription, translation, identification, interpretation, and making conclusion. Based on the research, Ensangan is an oral literature called lyrical poetry. Ensangan consists of wedding ensangan, guests hosting ensangan, advice, ease sadness, spirit bosster, and medication (belian't or berajah). Texts structure dominated by euphony, which is used to create happy, spiritful atmosphere. Ensangan also carry values that can be taught to students such as: responsibility, brotherhood, discussion, and unity

    Biomass from Paddy Waste Fibers as Sustainable Acoustic Material

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    Utilization of biomass for green products is still progressing in the effort to provide alternative clean technology. This paper presents the utilization of natural waste fibers from paddy as acoustic material. Samples of sound absorbing material from paddy waste fibers were fabricated. The effect of the fiber density, that is, the fiber weight and the sample thickness, and also the air gap on the sound absorption coefficient is investigated through experiment. The paddy fibers are found to have good acoustic performance with normal incidence absorption coefficient greater than 0.5 from 1 kHz and can reach the average value of 0.8 above 2.5 kHz. This result is comparable against that of the commercial synthetic glass wool. Attachment of a single layer of polyester fabric is shown to further increase the absorption coefficient

    Effect of garlic on cardiovascular disorders: a review

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    Garlic and its preparations have been widely recognized as agents for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and other metabolic diseases, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, thrombosis, hypertension and diabetes. Effectiveness of garlic in cardiovascular diseases was more encouraging in experimental studies, which prompted several clinical trials. Though many clinical trials showed a positive effect of garlic on almost all cardiovascular conditions mentioned above, however a number of negative studies have recently cast doubt on the efficary of garlic specially its cholesterol lowering effect of garlic. It is a great challenge for scientists all over the world to make a proper use of garlic and enjoy its maximum beneficial effect as it is the cheapest way to prevent cardiovascular disease. This review has attempted to make a bridge the gap between experimental and clinical study and to discuss the possible mechanisms of such therapeutic actions of garlic


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    ABSTRAK          Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1)  penggunaan input optimal yang memaksimumkan  keuntungan, (2) output optimal yang memaksimumkan keuntungan, (3) keuntungan maksimal yang dapat dicapai  KUB  dan Non KUB, (4)  keuntungan per unit produksi yang dapat dicapai KUB  Non KUB telah dilaksanakan di Desa Pemepek Kabupaten Lombok Tengah dengan Metode Analisis Deskriptif pada 16 responden KUB dan Non KUB. Analisis data dengan melihat turunan pertama dan kedua dari model kuadratis dan uji Z.             Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1). Jumlah penggunaan input optimal yang memaksimalkan keuntungan pada KUB adalah bahan baku nira 3.02 liter, kayu bakar 1.16 ikat, kayu korot 57.21 gram dan tenaga kerja wanita 0.04 HKO sedangkan pada Non KUB bahan baku nira 0.47 liter, kayu bakar 0.42 ikat, kayu korot 44.07 gram, tenaga kerja wanita 0.15 HKO dan minyak kelapa 394.10 mililiter. (2) Tingkat produksi optimal yang memaksimalkan keuntungan pada KUB sebesar 16,35 kg dan pada Non KUB tidak diperoleh tingkat output yang memaksimalkan keuntungan tetapi diperoleh tingkat kerugian minimal pada output 20.34 kg dan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan diatas nol harus memproduksi minimal 40.68 kg. Untuk mendapatkan output optimal pada Non KUB dapat dlakukan  dengan menaikan fungsi TR dengan cara meningkatkan kualitas produk dengan menggunakan input kayu korot dan minyak kelapa.sehingga harga produk meningkat. (3) Keuntungan maksimal yang dicapai KUB sebesar Rp 64 865 pada tingkat output 16.35 kg dan pada Non KUB tidak diperoleh keuntungan maksimal tapi diperoleh kerugian minimal pada tingkat output 20.34 kg sebesar Rp 38 000.dan (4)  Keuntungan per unit produksi  pada KUB sebesar Rp 317 berbeda nyata terhadap keuntungan perunit produksi pada Non KUB sebesar -Rp 920.   ABSTRACT             This research was carried out (1) optimum input to maximize profit (2)  optimum output to maximize profit (3) maximum profit to KUB and Non KUB, and (4) profit perunit product to KUB and Non KUB.  This research was conducted at Desa Pemepek Village Central District with Descriptive Analysis Methods method on 16 respondends from KUB and Non KUB. For extended analysis were first and second derivatives from Quadratic model of Cost and profit function and Z test were used. Result of analysis shows were (1) The optimum input to maximize  profit by KUB are sap 3.02 liter, firewood 1.16 set, korotwood 57.21 gram, women manpower 0.04 mandays and by Non KUB are sap 0.47 liter, firewood 0.42 set, korotwood 44.07 gram, women power 0.15 mandays, coconut oil 394.10 mililiter, (2) Optimum product to maximize profit by KUB are 16.35 kg and Non KUB 20.34 kg,  (3) Maximum profit by KUB are Rp 64 865 and by Non KUB -Rp 30 000., (4) Profit per unit product by KUB are Rp 317 and Non KUB –Rp 920


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi teknis dan efisiensi harga penggunaan faktor produksi pada Industri rumahtangga gula aren telah dilakukan di Desa Pemepek Lombok Tengah dengan metode analisis desktriptif pada 16 responden yaitu masing-masing 8 responden pada Kelompok Usaha bersama (KUB) dan Non KUB. Pengembangan analisis menggunakan model fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas dengan OLS, MLE dan Z-test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi teknis dari penggunaan faktor produksi nira segar, kayu bakar, kayu korot, tenaga kerja wanita dan minyak kelapa pada industri rumahtangga gula aren KUB dan Non KUB telah tercapai dan tidak ada satupun input yang efisien dari aspek harga. Faktor produksi nira segar, tenaga kerja wanita dan minyak kelapa digunakan secara tidak efisien, sedangkan faktor produksi kayu bakar dan kayu korot penggunaannya belum efisien. Demikian juga pada industri rumahtangga gula aren Non KUB tidak ada satupun faktor produksi digunakan secara efisien. Faktor produksi yang tidak digunakan secara efisien yaitu bahan baku nira segar, kayu bakar, tenaga kerja wanita sedangkan belum efisien penggunaannya adalah faktor produksi kayu korot dan minyak kelapa. ABSTRACT This research was carried out to measure technical and price efficiency usages of inputs in Palm Sugar Household Industry. The study was conducted at Pemepek Village Central Lombok using descriptive analysis method interviewing 16 respondents from KUB and Non KUB with 8 respondents each. For extended analysis both Cobb-Douglass production function OLS, MLE and Z-test were used. The result of analysis indicated that technical efficiency of production factors such as fresh “nira”, firewood, korot wood, woman labour and palm oil have been efficient in both KUB and Non-KUB and none of these inputs were efficient in term of price. Production factors such as fresh “nira”, woman labour and palm oil were used inefficiently while firewood and korot wood had not efficient yet. The same case found in Non-KUB where none of production factors have been used efficiently. Firewood, korot wood, woman labour and palm oil at KUB and Non KUB have technically efficient while production factors such as sap (fresh nira), firewood, korot wood, woman labour and palm oil have not reached price efficiency

    Pendampingan Pembiayaan pada Unit Bisnis Agroindustri Minyak Kelapa Dara di Kabupaten Lombok Utara

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    Tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah: mendampingi Anggota Kelompok Barisan Kemitraan PT Telkom dalam mendapatkan pembiayaan dengan biaya modal yang minimal dan pemanfaatannya secara efektif dan efisien. Pencapaian tujuan tersebut dilaksanakan pelatihan dan pendampingan pembiayaan pada anggota kelompok Barisan Kemitraan PT Telkom yang mengusahakan agroindustri minyak kelapa dara. Metode yang diterapkan adalah metode pelatihan dan pendidikan orang dewasa (andragogy). Pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi pelatihan dan pendampingan pemenuhan persyaratan, pengusulan, penilaian kelayakan, dan pengalokasian pembiayaan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian adalah: transfer teknologi melalui literasi teknologi dan pendampingan pembiayaan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan pengolahan minyak kelapa dara, dan terbentuk unit bisnis agroindustri VCO, serta mengalokasikan pembiayaan terdiri atas modal investasi 53,8% dan modal kerja 46,2%; alokasi ini dinilai efektif dan efisien yang ditunjukkan oleh perolehan nilai tambah sebesar Rp 83.200/liter dengan ratio nilai tambah terhadap nilai output 54,75%, dan ratio nilai tambah terhadap biaya bahan baku 1,85

    Blood vessels from bone marrow

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    Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

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