26 research outputs found

    On the importance of conceptual models in the organization of knowledge - a brief feature on the IFLA models

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    Nutritive value for growing pigs of pekilo protein and torula yeast grown in spent sulphite liquour

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    The digestibility and nutritive value of pekilo protein (Paecilomyces varioti), and torula yeast (Candida utilis) were determined for four pigs weighing 35—50kg. The proportion of pekilo or torula was 30% of the barley-based diet. The crude fat was determined by the standard ether extraction method and by the HCl-ether method. The first method indicated a low fat content and a highly negative digestibility of fat, but the second showed that the pig is able to digest and absorb a large part of the ether-insoluble fat. The energy value thereby increased 14 % for pekilo and 12 % for torula over those obtained by the conventional ether method. The same energy value was obtained for barley by both methods. The energy values (HCI-ether method) obtained for pekilo and torula were 0.96 and 0.95 F.U./kg DM(F. U. = 0.7 kg starch), or 13.41 and 12.98 MJ ME/kg DM, respectively. The protein values, corrected for nucleic acid nitrogen, were 434 and 358g DCP/kg DM. The only significant difference between pekilo and torula was the DCP value (P< 0.001). The nitrogen balances in the pekilo and torula trials were very high and identical (24.4 and 24.0 g N/d), confirming the value of these feeds as protein supplements to cereal feeds for pigs

    Effect of nitrogen fertilization on the protein quality of timothy grass and silage

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    Timothy grass given N fertilizer at the rates of 40, 80 and 120 kg N/ha was preserved in 3 glass-fibre silos of 0.4 m3. The crude protein content of DM in the grass increased with the increase of N fertilization as follows: N40 14.8 %, N80 18.4 % and N120 22.1 %, but the proportion of true protein in crude protein decreased: N40 82 %, N80 78 % and N120 76 %. The proportion of watersoluble N in the total N in the grass was: N40 27 %, N80 30 % and N120 33 %. The higher was the N fertilization level, the more rapidly was the protein of the grass degraded in the rumen. The amino acid profile of the protein was similar at all the N fertilization levels. The quality of all the silages was good. The NH3-N fraction of total N was 2.8—3.9 % and the proportion of water-soluble N in total N was 51—55 %, In silage the decrease during ensiling in the proportion of true protein in crude protein and the increase in the proportion of water-soluble N in total N were smaller than in the other silages. The rumen degradability of protein during the first two hours was also lowest in this silage

    Valkuaisen ja energian suhde lypsylehmien rehussa

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Lihasian rehu: Kuoretonta ohraa verrattiin normaaliohraan

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Sulfiittijäteliemessä viljeltyjen kotimaisten mikrobituotteiden rehuarvo lihasialla

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    The digestibility and nutritive value of pekilo protein (Paecilomyces varioti), and torula yeast (Candida utilis) were determined for four pigs weighing 35—50kg. The proportion of pekilo or torula was 30% of the barley-based diet. The crude fat was determined by the standard ether extraction method and by the HCl-ether method. The first method indicated a low fat content and a highly negative digestibility of fat, but the second showed that the pig is able to digest and absorb a large part of the ether-insoluble fat. The energy value thereby increased 14 % for pekilo and 12 % for torula over those obtained by the conventional ether method. The same energy value was obtained for barley by both methods. The energy values (HCI-ether method) obtained for pekilo and torula were 0.96 and 0.95 F.U./kg DM(F. U. = 0.7 kg starch), or 13.41 and 12.98 MJ ME/kg DM, respectively. The protein values, corrected for nucleic acid nitrogen, were 434 and 358g DCP/kg DM. The only significant difference between pekilo and torula was the DCP value (P< 0.001). The nitrogen balances in the pekilo and torula trials were very high and identical (24.4 and 24.0 g N/d), confirming the value of these feeds as protein supplements to cereal feeds for pigs.Pekilon ja silvan(torula-hiiva) rehuarvo määritettiin neljällä 35—50 kg painoisella lihasialla sulavuuskokeessa, missä perusrehuna oli ohra ja pekiloa tai silvaa oli 30 % dieetistä. Raakarasva määritettiin sekä virallisen rehuanalyysin eetterimenetelmällä että 4 N HCI-keiton jälkeen eetterillä. Edellisellä saatiin matala rasvapitoisuus ja vahvasti negatiivinen sulavuuskerroin. Jälkimmäinen osoitti, että sika pystyy sulattamaan niin paljon eetteriin liukenematonta rasvaa, että HCI-eetterimenetelmällä tulee pekilolle 14 % ja Silvalle 12 % parempi ja nähtävästi oikeampi ry-arvo. Ohralle sen sijaan saatiin sama energia-arvo kummallakin rasvamäärityksellä. Menetelmän tarkistus lienee siten tarpeen vain joillakin erikoisilla rehuilla, kuten juuri mikrobituotteilla. Todetut energia-arvot olivat pekilolle ja Silvalle 0.96 ja 0.95 ry/kg ka tai muuntokelpoisena energiana 13.41 ja 12.98 MJ ME/kg ka. Srv-arvoihin tehtiin nukleiinihappokorjaus, mikä alensi arvoja noin 10%. Korjatut arvot olivat pekilolle 434 ja Silvalle 358 g srv/kg ka. Valkuaisarvo oli ainoa, missä nämä kaksi rehua merkitsevästi poikkesivat toisistaan (

    Nutritive value for growing pigs of pekilo protein and torula yeast grown in spent sulphite liquour

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    vokkirjasto Aj-KSulfiittijäteliemessä viljeltyjen kotimaisten mikrobiotuotteiden rehuarvo lihasiall

    Kotimaisten mikrobituotteiden rehuarvo sialla

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Typpilannoitustason vaikutus timotein ja siitä valmistetun säilörehun valkuaisen laatuun

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    Timothy grass given N fertilizer at the rates of 40, 80 and 120 kg N/ha was preserved in 3 glass-fibre silos of 0.4 m3. The crude protein content of DM in the grass increased with the increase of N fertilization as follows: N40 14.8 %, N80 18.4 % and N120 22.1 %, but the proportion of true protein in crude protein decreased: N40 82 %, N80 78 % and N120 76 %. The proportion of watersoluble N in the total N in the grass was: N40 27 %, N80 30 % and N120 33 %. The higher was the N fertilization level, the more rapidly was the protein of the grass degraded in the rumen. The amino acid profile of the protein was similar at all the N fertilization levels. The quality of all the silages was good. The NH3-N fraction of total N was 2.8—3.9 % and the proportion of water-soluble N in total N was 51—55 %, In silage the decrease during ensiling in the proportion of true protein in crude protein and the increase in the proportion of water-soluble N in total N were smaller than in the other silages. The rumen degradability of protein during the first two hours was also lowest in this silage.Vertailtavana oli timotein kolme N lannoitustasoa: 40, 80 ja 120 kg N/ha. Näistä valmistettiin säilörehut 0.4 m3:n lasikuitusiiloihin. Typpilannoitustason noustessa timoteiruohon kuiva-aineen raakavalkuaispitoisuus nousi seuraavasti: N40 14.8%, N80 18.4 % ja N120 22.1 %. Raakavalkuaissato oli eri N lannoitustasoilla N40 285, N80 398 ja N120 447 kg/ha ja kuiva-ainesato vastaavasti N40 1927, N80 2165 ja N120 2023 kg/ha. Typpilannoitustason noustessa puhdasvalkuaisen osuus raakavalkuaisesta laski timoteiruohossa seuraavasti: N40 82 %, N80 78 % ja N120 76 % ja vastaavasti liukoisen typen osuus kokonaistypestä nousi, N40 27 %, N80 30 % ja N120 33 %. Myös timotein valkuaisen pötsihajoavuus lisääntyi timotein typpilannoitustason noustessa. Valkuaisen aminohappokoostumuksessa ei näillä typpilannoitustasoilla ollut eroja. Säilörehut olivat laadultaan hyviä. Rehujen pH oli ≤4, ammoniumtypen osuus oli 22.3.98—3.9 % ja liukoisen typen osuus 51—55 % kokonaistypestä. Säilönnän aikana puhdasvalkuaisen osuus raakavalkuaisesta laski ja liukoisen typen osuus kokonaistypestä nousi vähiten N120 säilörehussa. Myös valkuaisen pötsihajoavuus oli 2 ensimmäisen tunnin aikana matalin tässä rehussa