33 research outputs found

    Spirituality and Mental Health Care in a Religiously Homogeneous Country: Definitions, Opinions, and Practices Among Polish Mental Health Professionals

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    This qualitative study involved a sample of 121 Polish mental health professionals who were interviewed about their definitions of spirituality and their opinions and practices concerning the inclusion of clients’ spirituality in therapy. Using inductive content analysis, we identified seven categories regarding the definitions of spirituality: (1) relationship, (2) transcendence, (3) dimension of functioning, (4) a specific human characteristic, (5) searching for the meaning of life, (6) value-based lifestyle, and (7) elusiveness and indefinability. The majority of respondents claimed to include elements of spirituality in therapy. However, some participants included spirituality only under certain circumstances or conditions, or did not include it at all, citing lack of need, lack of a clear definition of spirituality, their own insufficient knowledge, lack of experience, fear, or concern over ethical inappropriateness. Implicit techniques were primarily used when working on clients’ spirituality. This article deepens the knowledge on including spirituality in mental health care, with special consideration for a specific context of a highly religious and religiously homogenous culture

    It does matter who we are grateful to: A latent profile analysis

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    Scientific interest in trait gratitude has burgeoned in recent years. However, the majority of studies on this subject do not take into account that the level of gratitude may differ depending on the target. The primary aim of this study was to examine the heterogeneity of a sample of 765 young adults with respect to gratitude toward different interpersonal targets. Six targets of gratitude were considered: mother, father, grandparent(s), sibling(s), partner, and friend(s). Using latent profile analysis, five profiles of young adults with similar combinations of gratitude toward different people were identified: (1) primarily grateful to parents (35.4%), (2) primarily grateful to mother and partner (24.1%), (3) highly grateful to all measured targets (17.1%), (4) primarily grateful to partner and friend(s) (13%), and (5) not highly grateful to any measured target (10.4%). Latent profiles differed in terms of gender, well-being and coping strategies. The study suggests that considering different interpersonal targets of gratitude and using the person-oriented approach may considerably deepen the knowledge on trait gratitude and its relationship with other variables

    Text Topic Interest, Willingness to Read and the Level of Reading Comprehension Among Adults : the Role of Gender and Education Level

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    The aim of the study was to examine the relations between variables connected with the reader (interest in the text topic and willingness to read it) and the level of reading comprehension among adults, aft er controlling for text diffi culty. The study involved 1549 users of Polish aged from 18 to 87. Open-ended questions were used to measure reading comprehension. It was proved that the model taking into account variables related to the reader better predicted reading comprehension than the model only taking into account text diffi culty. Moderation analysis showed a little stronger relation between text topic interest and reading comprehension in the group of women than in the group of men. It was also noted that among adults with lower levels of education text topic interest and willingness to read it were more strongly related to the level of comprehension than among better educated people. The discussion focuses on the role of psychological factors in reading comprehension

    Visiting a gynecologist and the patient–physician relationship among women who have sex with women

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    Introduction: The aim of the article is to present the results of the study concerning the frequency of visiting a gy-necologist and the experiences of the patient–physician relationship between women who have sex with women. Material and methods: 243 women who have had at least one sexual intercourse with another woman participated in the study. The questionnaire measuring women’s experiences in the patient-gynecologist relationship and their needs and expectancies was constructed. Results: Women who have had sex solely with women visited a gynecologist least often. 8.2% women informed their general practitioner and 35.3% their gynecologist about their sexual experiences with women. 31.7% of examined women would like to inform their GP and 69.1% their gynecologist about their sex with women. Women disclosed their sexual experiences with women most often due to the need of correcting physician’s wrong assumptions about their sexual life. The examined women would like to obtain more information from gynecologists, especially related to sexually transmitted diseases and safe sex methods. Three aspects of health care system which should be changed were pointed out by the women: 1) awareness of the existence of sex between women, 2) professional approach and knowledge, 3) tolerance and respect. Conclusions: There is a growing need for improving in Poland the GPs’ and particularly the gynecologists’ aware-ness and knowledge about sex between women in order to enhance the quality of health services. The results of the study should also be taken into account when designing health care campaigns dedicated to women

    Visiting a gynecologist and the patient–physician relationship among women who have sex with women

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     WSTĘP: Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie rezultatów badania własnego dotyczącego uczęszczania do ginekologa i doświadczeń związanych z relacją pacjentka–lekarz wśród kobiet mających stosunki seksualne z kobietami.MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badaniem objęto 243 kobiety, które odbyły choć raz w życiu stosunek seksualny z kobietą. Skonstruowano ankietę zawierającą pytania na temat dotychczasowych doświadczeń kobiet w relacji pacjentka– –ginekolog oraz ich potrzeb i oczekiwań w tym zakresie.WYNIKI: Grupą najrzadziej uczęszczającą do ginekologa były kobiety odbywające stosunki seksualne w ciągu życia wyłącznie z kobietami. 8,2% kobiet poinformowała lekarza ogólnego o swoich kontaktach seksualnych z kobietami; w przypadku ginekologa było to 35,3%. 31,7% procent chciałoby, by lekarz ogólny, a 69,1% by ginekolog wiedział o ich seksualnych doświadczeniach z kobietami. Kontakty seksualne z kobietami były najczęściej ujawniane przez pacjentki w wyniku potrzeby skorygowania błędnych założeń lekarza. Badane chciałyby uzyskiwać od ginekologów więcej informacji, zwłaszcza na temat chorób przenoszonych drogą płciową w trakcie seksu kobiet oraz metod zabezpieczania się. Badane wskazały trzy najważniejsze potrzeby zmian w relacji pacjentka–lekarz: 1) świadomość, że istnieje seks między kobietami, 2) merytoryczne podejście, profesjonalizm i wiedza, 3) tolerancja i szacunek.WNIOSKI: Niezbędne jest zwiększenie w Polsce świadomości i wiedzy lekarzy, a zwłaszcza ginekologów w zakresie seksu między kobietami w celu poprawy jakości świadczonych usług medycznych. Rezultaty badania powinny też być uwzględniane podczas konstruowania zdrowotnych kampanii społecznych kierowanych do kobiet. Introduction: The aim of the article is to present the results of the study concerning the frequency of visiting a gynecologistand the experiences of the patient–physician relationship between women who have sex with women.Material and methods: 243 women who have had at least one sexual intercourse with another woman participatedin the study. The questionnaire measuring women’s experiences in the patient-gynecologist relationship and theirneeds and expectancies was constructed.Results: Women who have had sex solely with women visited a gynecologist least often. 8.2% women informed theirgeneral practitioner and 35.3% their gynecologist about their sexual experiences with women. 31.7% of examinedwomen would like to inform their GP and 69.1% their gynecologist about their sex with women. Women disclosedtheir sexual experiences with women most often due to the need of correcting physician’s wrong assumptionsabout their sexual life. The examined women would like to obtain more information from gynecologists, especially related to sexually transmitted diseases and safe sex methods. Three aspects of health care system which shouldbe changed were pointed out by the women: 1) awareness of the existence of sex between women, 2) professionalapproach and knowledge, 3) tolerance and respect.Conclusions: There is a growing need for improving in Poland the GPs’ and particularly the gynecologists’ awarenessand knowledge about sex between women in order to enhance the quality of health services. The results ofthe study should also be taken into account when designing health care campaigns dedicated to women

    The Effect of Baseline Patterns of Spiritual Coping, Forgiveness, and Gratitude on the Completion of an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program

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    The purpose of this study was to identify distinct profiles of persons beginning alcohol addiction therapy with similar baseline configurations of spiritual coping, forgiveness, and gratitude. The associations between latent profile membership and the completion of therapy were also examined. The sample was composed of 358 alcohol-dependent persons receiving an outpatient treatment program. The Spiritual Coping Questionnaire, the Forgiveness Scale, and the Gratitude Questionnaire were used to assess the baseline levels of spirituality-related variables. Using latent profile analysis, five profiles were identified: (1) both moderately positive and negative dimensions of spirituality (33.2%), (2) moderately positive dimensions of spirituality (21.0%), (3) predominantly negative dimensions of spirituality (20.2%), (4) mixed dimensions of spirituality with the lowest positive religious coping (14.0%), and (5) highly positive dimensions of spirituality (11.6%). Notably, the latent profiles differed in terms of the treatment completion rates. The results suggest the need to carry out a multidimensional assessment of spiritual functioning of persons beginning alcohol addiction therapy to provide treatment that is adjusted to patients’ spiritual potential and deficits

    Zagadnienie transseksualizmu na przykładzie filmów "Transameryka" i "Nie czas na łzy" (Boys don't cry)

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    Two films raising the topic of transsexualism were analyzed: Transamerica and Boys don’t cry. The article focuses on those scenes in the films which reflect quite accurately the state of scientific knowledge of the subject (eg. the process of sex reassignment surgery, a matter‑of‑fact approach towards a transsexual patient, transphobia in society, little knowledge of transsexualism — confusing it with other manifestations of human sexuality). Also, the attention was drawn to issues which were oversimplified in the films, especially suggesting psychological causes of transsexualism. In the summary a subtle but significant difference between the films in presenting transsexualism was pointed out: the stereotypical patterns in Transamerica and the more complex creation of the main character in Boys don’t cry

    The role of spirituality and belief in free will in the perception of self-efficacy among young adult

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    Th e primary goal of the study was to examine the relationships between spirituality, belief in free will and perceived self-effi cacy among young adults. In order to develop the preliminary adaptation of the FAD-Plus questionnaire, used for measuring the lay beliefs in free will and three related constructs, Study 1 was carried out among 485 young adults. Th e tool had satisfactory psychometric properties. Study 2, in which 340 students participated, verifi ed the role of believing in free will as a potential mediator between spirituality and perceived self-effi cacy. In the case of male students, total mediation was found, and in the case of female students, partial mediation was noted. Th e studies indicate the need to put greater emphasis on the spiritual sphere and the sense of free will in the education provided foryoung adults

    Empirical Verification of the Polish Formula of Text Difficulty

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    Empirical Verification of the Polish Formula of Text DifficultyThe aim of the study was to verify the accuracy of the formula for assessing the difficulty of texts written in Polish (Pisarek 1969). The study involved 1,309 persons aged between 15 and 84. 15 texts were used, each approximately 300 words long, representing different subjects and varied difficulty level. Text comprehension was checked with multiple choice tests, the cloze procedure and open-ended questions. Significant correlations between the difficulty of a text and its comprehension were found (rmc(15) = -0.529, p = 0.043; ropen = -0.519, p = 0.047; rcloze = -0.656, p = 0.008). The results confirmed relative accuracy and usefulness of Pisarek's readability formula. The discussion includes proposed ways of improving the current form of the formula

    Cognitive and behavioral determinants of eating disorders in obese women

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    WSTĘP. Celem pracy było określenie poznawczo-behawioralnych czynników determinujących zaburzenia odżywiania w otyłości. U osób otyłych internalizacja ideału szczupłej sylwetki może przyczynić się do podejmowania nieprawidłowych zachowań charakterystycznych dla zaburzeń odżywiania. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Zbadano 62 osoby, w tym 32 pacjentki z otyłością i 30 kobiet zdrowych z prawidłową masą ciała. Do badań wykorzystano Kwestionariusz Zaburzeń Odżywiania Garnera i wsp. (1984). WYNIKI. Przeprowadzone badania na podstawie analizy regresji wykazały, że do czynników poznawczo-behawioralnych zaburzeń odżywiania u kobiet z otyłością należą: niezadowolenie z własnego ciała, zachowania bulimiczne oraz świadomość interoceptywna. WNIOSKI. Rezultaty przedstawionych badań mogą zostać wykorzystane w leczeniu otyłości, zwłaszcza u kobiet z wysokim poziomem niezadowolenia z własnego ciała.INTRODUCTION. The aim of the current study were to determine the cognitive and behavioral factors of eating disorders in obesity. In obese population internalization of cultural norms concerning beauty and thinness may contribute to negative eating disorder behaviour. MATERIAL AND METHODS. 62 subjects were included in this study. There were 32 patients with obesity and 30 women with normal body weight. We used The Eating Disorder Inventory by Garner et al. (1984). RESULTS. The regression analysis revealed that body dissatisfaction, bulimia and interoceptive awareness were cognitive and behavioral determinants of eating disorder in obese women. CONCLUSIONS. Our results have implications for psychological treatment of obesity especially in women with high level of body dissatisfaction