47 research outputs found

    Advances on mechanical designs for assistive ankle-foot orthoses

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    Assistive ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are powerful solutions to assist or rehabilitate gait on humans. Existing assistive AFO technologies include passive, quasi-passive, and active principles to provide assistance to the users, and their mechanical configuration and control depend on the eventual support they aim for within the gait pattern. In this research we analyze the state-of-the-art of assistive AFOs and classify the different approaches into clusters, describing their basis and working principles. Additionally, we reviewed the purpose and experimental validation of the devices, providing the reader with a better view of the technology readiness level. Finally, the reviewed designs, limitations, and future steps in the field are summarized and discussed.Comment: Figures appear at the end. Article submitted to Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (currently under review

    Feasible Wrench Set Computation for Legged Robots

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    During locomotion, legged robots interact with the ground by sequentially establishing and breaking contact. The interaction wrenches that arise from contact are used to steer the robot Center of Mass (CoM) and reject perturbations that make the system deviate from the desired trajectory and often make them fall. The feasibility of a given control target (desired CoM wrench or acceleration) is conditioned by the contact point distribution, ground friction, and actuation limits. In this work, we develop a method to compute the set of feasible wrenches that a legged robot can exert on its CoM through contact. The presented method can be used with any amount of non-co-planar contacts and takes into account actuation limits and limitations based on an inelastic contact model with Coulomb friction. This is exemplified with a planar biped model standing with the feet at different heights. Exploiting assumptions from the contact model, we explain how to compute the set of wrenches that are feasible on the CoM when the contacts remain in position as well as the ones that are feasible when some of the contacts are broken. Therefore, this method can be used to assess whether a switch in contact configuration is feasible while achieving a given control task. Furthermore, the method can be used to identify the directions in which the system is not actuated (i.e. a wrench cannot be exerted in those directions). We show how having a joint be actuated or passive can change the non-actuated wrench directions of a robot at a given pose using a spatial model of a lower-extremity exoskeleton. Therefore, this method is also a useful tool for the design phase of the system. This work presents a useful tool for the control and design of legged systems that extends on the current state of the art.Comment: \c{opyright} 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Changes in H-Reflex Recruitment After Trans-Spinal Direct Current Stimulation With Multiple Electrode Configurations

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    Trans-spinal direct current stimulation (tsDCS) is an electro-modulatory tool with possible application in the rehabilitation of spinal cord injury. TsDCS generates a small electric field, aiming to induce lasting, functional neuromodulation in the targeted neuronal networks. Earlier studies have shown significant modulatory effects after application of lumbar tsDCS. However, for clinical application, a better understanding of application specific factors is required. Our goal was to investigate the effect of different electrode configurations using lumbar spinal tsDCS on spinal excitability. We applied tsDCS (2.5 mA, 15 min) in 10 healthy subjects with three different electrode configurations: (1) Anode and cathode placed over vertebra T11, and the posterior left shoulder respectively (LSC-S) (one polarity), and (2) Both electrodes placed in equal distance (ED) (7 cm) above and below vertebra T11, investigated for two polarities (ED-Anodal/Cathodal). The soleus H-Reflex is measured before, during and after tsDCS in either electrode configuration or a sham condition. To account for genetic predispositions in response to direct current stimulation, subject BDNF genotype was assessed. Stimulation in configuration ED-Cathodal induced an amplitude reduction of the H-reflex, 30 min after tsDCS with respect to baseline, whereas none of the other configurations led to significant post intervention effects. BDNF genotype did not correlate with post intervention effects. Furthermore, we failed to replicate effects shown by a previous study, which highlights the need for a better understanding of methodological and subject specific influences on tsDCS outcome. The H-reflex depression after tsDCS (Config. ED-Cathodal) provides new insights and may foster our understanding of the working mechanism of tsDCS.</p

    Estimation of Human Hip and Knee Multi-Joint Dynamics Using the LOPES Gait Trainer

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    Pelvis perturbations in various directions while standing in staggered stance elicit concurrent responses in both the sagittal and frontal plane.

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    Increasing knowledge on human balance recovery strategies is important for the development of balance assistance strategies using assistive devices like a powered lower-limb exoskeleton. One of the postures which is relevant for this scenario, but underexposed in research, is staggered stance, a posture with one foot in front. We therefore aimed to gain a better understanding of balance recovery in staggered stance. We studied balance responses at joint- and muscle levels to pelvis perturbations in various directions while standing in this posture. Ten healthy individuals participated in this study. We used one actuator beside and one behind the participant to apply 150 ms perturbations in mediolateral (ML), anteroposterior (AP) and diagonal directions, with a magnitude of 3, 6, 9 and 12% of the participant's body weight (BW). Meanwhile, motion capture, ground reaction forces and moments, and electromyography of the muscles around the ankles and hips were recorded. The perturbations caused movements of the centre of mass (CoM) and centre of pressure (CoP) in the direction of the perturbation. These were often accompanied by motions in a direction different from the perturbation direction. After perturbations perpendicular to the line between both feet, large and significant AP deviations were present of the CoM (-0.27 till 0.40 cm/%BW, p < 0.029) and CoP (-0.99 till 0.80 cm/%BW, p < 0.001). Also, stronger responses on joint and muscle level were present after these perturbations, compared to AP and diagonal perturbations collinear with the line between both feet. The hip, knee and ankle joints contributed differently to the balance responses after the different perturbation directions. To conclude, standing in a staggered stance posture makes individuals more vulnerable to perturbations perpendicular to the line between both feet, requiring larger responses on joint level as well as contributions in the sagittal plane

    Disentangling acceleration-, velocity-, and duration-dependency of the short- and medium-latency stretch reflexes in the ankle plantarflexors

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    Motorized assessment of the stretch reflex is instrumental to gain understanding of the stretch reflex, its physiological origin and to differentiate effects of neurological disorders, like spasticity. Both short-latency (M1) and medium-latency (M2) stretch reflexes have been reported to depend on the velocity and acceleration of an applied ramp-and-hold perturbation. In the upper limb, M2 has also been reported to depend on stretch duration. However, wrong conclusions might have been drawn in previous studies as the interdependence of perturbation parameters (amplitude, duration, velocity, and acceleration) possibly created uncontrolled, confounding effects. We disentangled the duration-, velocity-, and acceleration-dependence and their interactions of the M1 and M2 stretch reflex in the ankle plantarflexors. To disentangle the parameter interdependence, 49 unique ramp-and-hold joint perturbations elicited reflexes in 10 healthy volunteers during a torque control task. Linear mixed model analysis showed that M1 depended on acceleration, not velocity or duration, whereas M2 depended on acceleration, velocity, and duration. Simulations of the muscle spindle Ia afferents coupled to a motoneuron pool corroborated these experimental findings. In addition, this simulation model did show a nonlinear M1 velocity- and duration-dependence for perturbation parameters outside the experimental scope. In conclusion, motorized assessment of the stretch reflex or spasticity using ramp-and-hold perturbations should be systematically executed and reported. Our systematic motorized and simulation assessments showed that M1 and M2 depend on acceleration, velocity, and duration of the applied perturbation. The simulation model suggested that these dependencies emerge from: muscle-tendon unit and muscle cross-bridge dynamics, Ia sensitivity to force and yank, and motoneuron synchronization

    Impaired foot placement strategy during walking in people with incomplete spinal cord injury

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    BACKGROUND: Impaired balance during walking is a common problem in people with incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI). To improve walking capacity, it is crucial to characterize balance control and how it is affected in this population. The foot placement strategy, a dominant mechanism to maintain balance in the mediolateral (ML) direction during walking, can be affected in people with iSCI due to impaired sensorimotor control. This study aimed to determine if the ML foot placement strategy is impaired in people with iSCI compared to healthy controls. METHODS: People with iSCI (n = 28) and healthy controls (n = 19) performed a two-minute walk test at a self-paced walking speed on an instrumented treadmill. Healthy controls performed one extra test at a fixed speed set at 50% of their preferred speed. To study the foot placement strategy of a participant, linear regression was used to predict the ML foot placement based on the ML center of mass position and velocity. The accuracy of the foot placement strategy was evaluated by the root mean square error between the predicted and actual foot placements and was referred to as foot placement deviation. Independent t-tests were performed to compare foot placement deviation of people with iSCI versus healthy controls walking at two different walking speeds. RESULTS: Foot placement deviation was significantly higher in people with iSCI compared to healthy controls independent of walking speed. Participants with iSCI walking in the self-paced condition exhibited 0.40 cm (51%) and 0.33 cm (38%) higher foot placement deviation compared to healthy controls walking in the self-paced and the fixed-speed 50% condition, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Higher foot placement deviation in people with iSCI indicates an impaired ML foot placement strategy in individuals with iSCI compared to healthy controls

    Changes in H-reflex recruitment after trans-spinal direct current stimulation with multiple electrode configurations

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    Trans-spinal direct current stimulation (tsDCS) is an electro-modulatory tool with possible application in the rehabilitation of spinal cord injury. TsDCS generates a small electric field, aiming to induce lasting, functional neuromodulation in the targeted neuronal networks. Earlier studies have shown significant modulatory effects after application of lumbar tsDCS. However, for clinical application, a better understanding of application specific factors is required. Our goal was to investigate the effect of different electrode configurations using lumbar spinal tsDCS on spinal excitability. We applied tsDCS (2.5 mA, 15 min) in 10 healthy subjects with three different electrode configurations: (1) Anode and cathode placed over vertebra T11, and the posterior left shoulder respectively (LSC-S) (one polarity), and (2) Both electrodes placed in equal distance (ED) (7 cm) above and below vertebra T11, investigated for two polarities (ED-Anodal/Cathodal). The soleus H-Reflex is measured before, during and after tsDCS in either electrode configuration or a sham condition. To account for genetic predispositions in response to direct current stimulation, subject BDNF genotype was assessed. Stimulation in configuration ED-Cathodal induced an amplitude reduction of the H-reflex, 30 min after tsDCS with respect to baseline, whereas none of the other configurations led to significant post intervention effects. BDNF genotype did not correlate with post intervention effects. Furthermore, we failed to replicate effects shown by a previous study, which highlights the need for a better understanding of methodological and subject specific influences on tsDCS outcome. The H-reflex depression after tsDCS (Config. ED-Cathodal) provides new insights and may foster our understanding of the working mechanism of tsDCS.Biomechatronics & Human-Machine Contro

    Changes in H-Reflex Recruitment After Trans-Spinal Direct Current Stimulation With Multiple Electrode Configurations

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    Trans-spinal direct current stimulation (tsDCS) is an electro-modulatory tool with possible application in the rehabilitation of spinal cord injury. TsDCS generates a small electric field, aiming to induce lasting, functional neuromodulation in the targeted neuronal networks. Earlier studies have shown significant modulatory effects after application of lumbar tsDCS. However, for clinical application, a better understanding of application specific factors is required. Our goal was to investigate the effect of different electrode configurations using lumbar spinal tsDCS on spinal excitability. We applied tsDCS (2.5 mA, 15 min) in 10 healthy subjects with three different electrode configurations: (1) Anode and cathode placed over vertebra T11, and the posterior left shoulder respectively (LSC-S) (one polarity), and (2) Both electrodes placed in equal distance (ED) (7 cm) above and below vertebra T11, investigated for two polarities (ED-Anodal/Cathodal). The soleus H-Reflex is measured before, during and after tsDCS in either electrode configuration or a sham condition. To account for genetic predispositions in response to direct current stimulation, subject BDNF genotype was assessed. Stimulation in configuration ED-Cathodal induced an amplitude reduction of the H-reflex, 30 min after tsDCS with respect to baseline, whereas none of the other configurations led to significant post intervention effects. BDNF genotype did not correlate with post intervention effects. Furthermore, we failed to replicate effects shown by a previous study, which highlights the need for a better understanding of methodological and subject specific influences on tsDCS outcome. The H-reflex depression after tsDCS (Config. ED-Cathodal) provides new insights and may foster our understanding of the working mechanism of tsDCS