26,616 research outputs found

    The western Wabigoon Subprovince, Superior Province, Canada: Archean greenstone succession in rifted basement complex

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    The Wabigoon Subprovince, interposed between the predominantly metasedimentary-plutonic and gneissic English River and Quetico Subprovinces to the north and south respectively, exposed Archean greenstone and granitoid rocks for a strike length of greater than 700 km. Based on predominating rock types, the western part of the subprovince is divided into two terrains: the northern Wabigoon volcano-sedimentary and pluonic terrain (NWW) and the Wabigoon Diapiric Axis terrain (WDA). Both the NWW and WDA are described according to volcanic sequence, geological faults, chemical composition and evolutionary history

    Representing Structural Information of Helical Charge Distributions in Cylindrical Coordinates

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    Structural information in the local electric field produced by helical charge distributions, such as dissolved DNA, is revealed in a straightforward manner employing cylindrical coordinates. Comparison of structure factors derived in terms of cylindrical and helical coordinates is made. A simple coordinate transformation serves to relate the Green function in cylindrical and helical coordinates. We also compare the electric field on the central axis of a single helix as calculated in both systems.Comment: 11 pages in plain LaTex, no figures. Accepted for publication in PRE March, 199

    Nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions from Full Lattice QCD

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    We present a comprehensive study of the lowest moments of nucleon generalized parton distributions in N_f=2+1 lattice QCD using domain wall valence quarks and improved staggered sea quarks. Our investigation includes helicity dependent and independent generalized parton distributions for pion masses as low as 350 MeV and volumes as large as (3.5 fm)^3, for a lattice spacing of 0.124 fm. We use perturbative renormalization at one-loop level with an improvement based on the non-perturbative renormalization factor for the axial vector current, and only connected diagrams are included in the isosinglet channel.Comment: 40 pages, 49 figures; Revised chiral extrapolations in sections A-K, main conclusions unchange

    A selfconsistent theory of current-induced switching of magnetization

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    A selfconsistent theory of the current-induced switching of magnetization using nonequilibrium Keldysh formalism is developed for a junction of two ferromagnets separated by a nonmagnetic spacer. It is shown that the spin-transfer torques responsible for current-induced switching of magnetization can be calculated from first principles in a steady state when the magnetization of the switching magnet is stationary. The spin-transfer torque is expressed in terms of one-electron surface Green functions for the junction cut into two independent parts by a cleavage plane immediately to the left and right of the switching magnet. The surface Green functions are calculated using a tight-binding Hamiltonian with parameters determined from a fit to an {\it ab initio} band structure.This treatment yields the spin transfer torques taking into account rigorously contributions from all the parts of the junction. To calculate the hysteresis loops of resistance versus current, and hence to determine the critical current for switching, the microscopically calculated spin-transfer torques are used as an input into the phenomenological Landau-Lifshitz equation with Gilbert damping. The present calculations for Co/Cu/Co(111) show that the critical current for switching is 107A/cm2\approx 10^7A/cm^2, which is in good agreement with experiment.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figure

    Calculation of the nucleon axial charge in lattice QCD

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    Protons and neutrons have a rich structure in terms of their constituents, the quarks and gluons. Understanding this structure requires solving Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). However QCD is extremely complicated, so we must numerically solve the equations of QCD using a method known as lattice QCD. Here we describe a typical lattice QCD calculation by examining our recent computation of the nucleon axial charge.Comment: Prepared for Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC 2006), Denver, Colorado, June 25-29 200

    Nucleon structure in the chiral regime with domain wall fermions on an improved staggered sea

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    Moments of unpolarized, helicity, and transversity distributions, electromagnetic form factors, and generalized form factors of the nucleon are presented from a preliminary analysis of lattice results using pion masses down to 359 MeV. The twist two matrix elements are calculated using a mixed action of domain wall valence quarks and asqtad staggered sea quarks and are renormalized perturbatively. Several observables are extrapolated to the physical limit using chiral perturbation theory. Results are compared with experimental moments of quark distributions and electromagnetic form factors and phenomenologically determined generalized form factors, and the implications on the transverse structure and spin content of the nucleon are discussed.Comment: Talks of J.W. Negele and D.B. Renner at Lattice 200

    First Lattice Study of the NN-P11(1440)P_{11}(1440) Transition Form Factors

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    Experiments at Jefferson Laboratory, MIT-Bates, LEGS, Mainz, Bonn, GRAAL, and Spring-8 offer new opportunities to understand in detail how nucleon resonance (NN^*) properties emerge from the nonperturbative aspects of QCD. Preliminary data from CLAS collaboration, which cover a large range of photon virtuality Q2Q^2 show interesting behavior with respect to Q2Q^2 dependence: in the region Q21.5GeV2Q^2 \le 1.5 {GeV}^2, both the transverse amplitude, A1/2(Q2)A_{1/2}(Q^2), and the longitudinal amplitude, S1/2(Q2)S_{1/2}(Q^2), decrease rapidly. In this work, we attempt to use first-principles lattice QCD (for the first time) to provide a model-independent study of the Roper-nucleon transition form factor.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, double colum

    Nucleon structure from mixed action calculations using 2+1 flavors of asqtad sea and domain wall valence fermions

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    We present high statistics results for the structure of the nucleon from a mixed-action calculation using 2+1 flavors of asqtad sea and domain wall valence fermions. We perform extrapolations of our data based on different chiral effective field theory schemes and compare our results with available information from phenomenology. We discuss vector and axial form factors of the nucleon, moments of generalized parton distributions, including moments of forward parton distributions, and implications for the decomposition of the nucleon spin.Comment: 68 pages, 47 figures. Main revision points: improved discussion of chiral fits and systematic uncertainties, several minor refinements. Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    The jet of Markarian 501 from millions of Schwarzschild radii down to a few hundreds

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    Aims: The TeV BL Lac object Markarian 501 is a complex, core dominated radio source, with a one sided, twisting jet on parsec scales. In the present work, we attempt to extend our understanding of the source physics to regions of the radio jet which have not been accessed before. Methods: We present new observations of Mrk 501 at 1.4 and 86 GHz. The 1.4 GHz data were obtained using the Very Large Array (VLA) and High Sensitivity Array (HSA) in November 2004, in full polarization, with a final r.m.s. noise of 25 microJy/beam in the HSA total intensity image; the 86 GHz observations were performed in October 2005 with the Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA), providing an angular resolution as good as 110 x 40 microarcseconds. Results: The sensitivity and resolution provided by the HSA make it possible to detect the jet up to ~700 milliarcseconds (corresponding to a projected linear size of ~500 pc) from its base, while the superior resolution of the 86 GHz GMVA observations probes the innermost regions of the jet down to ~200 Schwarzschild radii. The brightness temperature at the jet base is in excess of 6e10 K. We find evidence of limb brightening on physical scales from <1 pc to ~40 pc. Polarization images and fits to the trend of jet width and brightness vs. distance from the core reveal a magnetic field parallel to the jet axis.Comment: 10 pages, accepted by A&

    Physical Nucleon Properties from Lattice QCD

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    We demonstrate that the extremely accurate lattice QCD data for the mass of the nucleon recently obtained by CP-PACS, combined with modern chiral extrapolation techniques, leads to a value for the mass of the physical nucleon which has a systematic error of less than one percent.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure