35,786 research outputs found

    Airfoil shape and thickness effects on transonic airloads and flutter

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    A transient pulse technique is used to obtain harmonic forces from a time-marching solution of the complete unsteady transonic small perturbation potential equation. The unsteady pressures and forces acting on a model of the NACA 64A010 conventional airfoil and the MBB A-3 supercritical airfoil over a range of Mach numbers are examined in detail. Flutter calculations at constant angle of attack show a similar flutter behavior for both airfoils, except for a boundary shift in Mach number associated with corresponding Mach number shift in the unsteady aerodynamic forces. Differences in the static aeroelastic twist behavior for the two airfoils are significant

    Predictions of entry heating for lower surface of shuttle orbiter

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    A broad base of thermocouple and phase change paint data was assembled and correlated to the nominal design 14414.1 and proposed STS-1 (first flight of the space transportation system) entry trajectories. Averaged data from phase change paint tests compared favorably with thermocouple data for predicting heating rates. Laminar and turbulent radiation equilibrium heating rates were computed on the lower surface of the Shuttle orbiter for both trajectories, and the lower surface center line results were compared both with aerodynamic heating design data and with flight values from the STS-1 and STS-2 trajectories. The peak laminar heating values from the aerodynamic heating design data book were generally 40 to 60 percent higher than the laminar estimates of this study, except at the 55 percent location of maximum span where the design data book values were less than 10 percent higher. Estimates of both laminar and turbulent heating rates compared favorably with flight data

    GEMPAK: An arbitrary aircraft geometry generator

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    A computer program, GEMPAK, has been developed to aid in the generation of detailed configuration geometry. The program was written to allow the user as much flexibility as possible in his choices of configurations and the detail of description desired and at the same time keep input requirements and program turnaround and cost to a minimum. The program consists of routines that generate fuselage and planar-surface (winglike) geometry and a routine that will determine the true intersection of all components with the fuselage. This paper describes the methods by which the various geometries are generated and provides input description with sample input and output. Also included are descriptions of the primary program variables and functions performed by the various routines. The FORTRAN program GEMPAK has been used extensively in conjunction with interfaces to several aerodynamic and plotting computer programs and has proven to be an effective aid in the preliminary design phase of aircraft configurations

    Conversation therapy for agrammatism: exploring the therapeutic process of engagement and learning by a person with aphasia.

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    A recent systematic review of conversation training for communication partners of people with aphasia has shown that it is effective, and improves participation in conversation for people with chronic aphasia. Other research suggests that people with aphasia are better able to learn communication strategies in an environment which closely mirrors that of expected use, and that cognitive flexibility may be a better predictor of response to therapy than severity of language impairment. This study reports results for a single case, one of a case series evaluation of a programme of conversation training for agrammatism that directly involves a person with aphasia (PWA) as well as their communication partner. It explores how a PWA is able to engage with and learn from the therapy, and whether this leads to qualitative change in post-therapy conversation behaviours

    Topological Phases in Neuberger-Dirac operator

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    The response of the Neuberger-Dirac fermion operator D=\Id + V in the topologically nontrivial background gauge field depends on the negative mass parameter m0m_0 in the Wilson-Dirac fermion operator DwD_w which enters DD through the unitary operator V=Dw(Dwā€ Dw)āˆ’1/2V = D_w (D_w^{\dagger} D_w)^{-1/2}. We classify the topological phases of DD by comparing its index to the topological charge of the smooth background gauge field. An exact discrete symmetry in the topological phase diagram is proved for any gauge configurations. A formula for the index of D in each topological phase is derived by obtaining the total chiral charge of the zero modes in the exact solution of the free fermion propagator.Comment: 27 pages, Latex, 3 figures, appendix A has been revise

    Flow instabilities in transonic small disturbance theory

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    The dynamics of unsteady transonic small disturbance flows about two-dimensional airfoils is examined, with emphasis on the behavior in the region where the steady state flow is nonunique. It is shown that nonuniqueness results from an extremely long time scale instability which occurs in a finite Mach number and angle of attack range. The similarity scaling rules for the instability are presented and the possibility of similar behavior in the Euler equations is discussed

    Mechanism of enhanced light output in InGaN-based microlight emitting diodes

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    Micro-light emitting diode (LED) arrays with diameters of 4 to 20 mum have been fabricated and were found to be much more efficient light emitters compared to their broad-area counterparts, with up to five times enhancement in optical power densities. The possible mechanisms responsible for the improvement in performance were investigated. Strain relaxation in the microstructures as measured by Raman spectroscopy was not observed, arguing against theories of an increase in internal quantum efficiency due to a reduction of the piezoelectric field put forward by other groups. Optical microscope images show intense light emission at the periphery of the devices, as a result of light scattering off the etched sidewalls. This increases the extraction efficiency relative to broad area devices and boosts the forward optical output. In addition, spectra of the forward emitted light reveal the presence of resonant cavity modes [whispering gallery (WG) modes in particular] which appear to play a role in enhancing the optical output

    Experience with transonic unsteady aerodynamic calculations

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    Comparisons of calculated and experimental transonic unsteady pressures and airloads for four of the AGARD Two Dimensional Aeroelastic Configurations and for a rectangular supercritical wing are presented. The two dimensional computer code, XTRAN2L, implementing the transonic small perturbation equation was used to obtain results for: (1) pitching oscillations of the NACA 64A010A; NLR 7301 and NACA 0012 airfoils; (2) flap oscillations for the NACA 64A006 and NRL 7301 airfoils; and (3) transient ramping motions for the NACA 0012 airfoils. Results from the three dimensional code XTRAN3S are compared with data from a rectangular supercritical wing oscillating in pitch. These cases illustrate the conditions under which the transonic inviscid small perturbation equation provides reasonable predictions

    Spiral vortices traveling between two rotating defects in the Taylor-Couette system

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    Numerical calculations of vortex flows in Taylor-Couette systems with counter rotating cylinders are presented. The full, time dependent Navier-Stokes equations are solved with a combination of a finite difference and a Galerkin method. Annular gaps of radius ratio Ī·=0.5\eta=0.5 and of several heights are simulated. They are closed by nonrotating lids that produce localized Ekman vortices in their vicinity and that prevent axial phase propagation of spiral vortices. Existence and spatio temporal properties of rotating defects, of modulated Ekman vortices, and of the spiral vortex structures in the bulk are elucidated in quantitative detail.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Ability and Responsibility: An Appeal in Behalf of Missions

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    ...the test of a true Church is more a practical than a dogmatic or historical one; it is an earnest devotion to the world\u27s salvation. ... All Churches, acting under the charter of Christianity, professing to hold their credentials from the Lord Jesus, are thus presumed to be missionary Churches, because Christianity itself is essentially missionary.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/ecommonsatsdigitalresources/1335/thumbnail.jp
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