20 research outputs found

    The Three-dimensional Structure of Bovine Platelet Factor 4 at 3.0-Å Resolution

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    Platelet factor 4 (PF4), which is released by platelets during coagulation, binds very tightly to negatively charged oligosaccharides such as heparin. To date, six other proteins are known that are homologous in sequence with PF4 but have quite different functions. The structure of a tetramer of bovine PF4 complexed with one Ni(CN)42− molecule has been determined at 3.0 Å resolution and refined to an R factor of 0.28. The current model contains residues 24–85, no solvent, and one overall temperature factor. Residues 1–13, which carried an oligosaccharide chain, were removed with elastase to induce crystallization; residues 14–23 and presumably 86–88 are disordered in the electron density map. Because no heavy atom derivative was isomorphous with the native crystals, the complex of PF4 with one Ni(CN)42− molecule was solved using a single, highly isomorphous Ni(CN)42− derivative and the iterative, single isomorphous replacement method. The secondary structure of the PF4 subunit, from amino- to carboxyl-terminal end, consists of an extended loop, three strands of antiparallel β-sheet arranged in a Greek key, and one α-helix. The tetramer contains two extended, six-stranded β-sheets, each formed by two subunits, which are arranged back-to-back to form a “β-bilayer” structure with two buried salt bridges sandwiched in the middle. The carboxyl-terminal α-helices, which contain lysine residues that are thought to be intimately involved in binding heparin, are arranged as antiparallel pairs on the surface of each extended β-sheet

    The refined crystal structure of a fully active semisynthetic ribonuclease at 1.8 Å resolution

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    A fully active, semisynthetic analog of bovine ribonuclease A, comprised of residues 1-118 of the molecule in a noncovalent complex with the synthetic peptide analog of residues 111-124, has been crystallized in space group P3(2)21 from a solution of 1.3 M ammonium sulfate and 3.0 M cesium chloride at pH 5.2. The crystallographic structure was determined by rotation and translation searches utilizing the coordinates for ribonuclease A reported by Wlodawer and Sjolin (Wlodawer, A., and Sjolin, L. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 2720-2728) and has been refined at 1.8-A resolution to an agreement factor of 0.204. Most of the structure of the semisynthetic enzyme closely resembles that found in ribonuclease A with the synthetic peptide replacing the C-terminal elements of the naturally occurring enzyme. No redundant structure is seen; residues 114-118 of the larger chain and residues 111-113 of the peptide do not appear in our map. The positions of those residues at or near the active site are very similar to, if not identical with, those previously reported by others, except for histidine 119, which occupies predominantly the B position seen as a minor site by Borkakoti et al. (Borkakoti, N., Moss, D. S., and Palmer, R. A. (1982) Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B Struct. Crystallogr. Cryst. Chem. 38,2210-2217) and not at all by Wlodawer and Sjolin (1983)

    Characterization and assembly of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa aspartate transcarbamoylase-pseudo dihydroorotase complex

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a virulent pathogen that has become more threatening with the emergence of multidrug resistance. The aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) of this organism is a dodecamer comprised of six 37 kDa catalytic chains and six 45 kDa chains homologous to dihydroorotase (pDHO). The pDHO chain is inactive but is necessary for ATCase activity. A stoichiometric mixture of the subunits associates into a dodecamer with full ATCase activity. Unlike other known ATCases, the P. aeruginosa catalytic chain does not spontaneously assemble into a trimer. Chemical-crosslinking and size-exclusion chro- matography showed that P. aeruginosa ATCase is monomeric which accounts for its lack of catalytic activity since the active site is a composite comprised of residues from adjacent monomers in the trimer. Circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated that the ATCase chain adopts a structure that contains secondary structure elements although neither the ATCase nor the pDHO subunits are very stable as determined by a thermal shift assay. Formation of the complex increases the melting temperature by about 30 ̊C. The ATCase is strongly inhibited by all nucleotide di- and triphosphates and exhibits extreme cooperativity. Previous studies suggested that the regulatory site is located in an 11-residue extension of the amino end of the catalytic chain. However, deletion of the extensions did not affect catalytic activity, nucleotide inhibition or the assembly of the dodecamer. Nucleotides destabilized the dode- camer which probably accounts for the inhibition and apparent cooperativity of the substrate saturation curves. Contrary to previous interpretations, these results suggest that P. aerugi- nosa ATCase is not allosterically regulated by nucleotides

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation Reveals Correlated Inter-Lobe Motion in Protein Lysine Methyltransferase SMYD2

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    SMYD proteins are an exciting field of study as they are linked to many types of cancer- related pathways. Cardiac and skeletal muscle development and function also depend on SMYD proteins opening a possible avenue for cardiac-related treatment. Previous crystal structure studies have revealed that this special class of protein lysine methyltransferases have a bilobal structure, and an open–closed motion may regulate substrate specificity. Here we use the molecular dynamics simulation to investigate the still-poorly-understood SMYD2 dynamics. Cross-correlation analysis reveals that SMYD2 exhibits a negative cor- related inter-lobe motion. Principle component analysis suggests that this correlated dynamic is contributed to by a twisting motion of the C-lobe with respect to the N-lobe and a clamshell-like motion between the lobes. Dynamical network analysis defines possible allo- steric paths for the correlated dynamics. There are nine communities in the dynamical net- work with six in the N-lobe and three in the C-lobe, and the communication between the lobes is mediated by a lobe-bridging β hairpin. This study provides insight into the dynam- ical nature of SMYD2 and could facilitate better understanding of SMYD2 substrate specificity

    The structure of residues 7-16 of the Aɑ-chain of human fibrinogen bound to bovine thrombin at 2.3 Å resolution

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    The tetradecapeptide Ac-D-F-L-A-E-G-G-G-V-R-G-P-R-V-OMe, which mimics residues 7f-20f of the A alpha-chain of human fibrinogen, has been co-crystallized with bovine thrombin from ammonium sulfate solutions in space group P2(1) with unit cell dimensions of a = 83.0 A, b = 89.4 A, c = 99.3 A, and beta = 106.6 degrees. Three crystallographically independent complexes were located in the asymmetric unit by molecular replacement using the native bovine thrombin structure as a model. The standard crystallographic R-factor is 0.167 at 2.3-A resolution. Excellent electron density could be traced for the decapeptide, beginning with Asp-7f and ending with Arg-16f in the active site of thrombin; the remaining 4 residues, which have been cleaved from the tetradecapeptide at the Arg-16f/Gly-17f bond, are not seen. Residues 7f-11f at the NH2 terminus of the peptide form a single turn of alpha-helix that is connected by Gly-12f, which has a positive phi angle, to an extended chain containing residues 13f-16f. The major specific interactions between the peptide and thrombin are 1) a hydrophobic cage formed by residues Tyr-60A, Trp-60D, Leu-99, Ile-174, Trp-215, Leu-9f, Gly-13f, and Val-15f that surrounds Phe-8f; 2) a hydrogen bond linking Phe-8f NH to Lys-97 O;3) a salt link between Glu-11f and Arg-173; 4) two antiparallel beta-sheet hydrogen bonds between Gly-14f and Gly-216; and 5) the insertion of Arg-16f into the specificity pocket. Binding of the peptide is accompanied by a considerable shift in two of the loops near the active site relative to human D-phenyl-L-prolyl-L-arginyl chloromethyl ketone (PPACK)-thrombin

    Structural changes that accompany the reduced catalytic efficiency of two semisynthetic ribonuclease analogs

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    The structures of two catalytically defective semi-synthetic RNases obtained by replacing aspartic acid 121 with asparagine or alanine have been determined and refined at a resolution of 2.0 A (R = 0.186 and 0.172, respectively). When these structures are compared with the refined 1.8-A structure (R = 0.204) of the fully active aspartic acid-containing enzyme (Martin, P.D., Doscher, M.S., and Edwards, B. F. P. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 15930-15938), numerous and widespread changes, much greater in number and magnitude than the small structural variations noted previously between the semisynthetic complex and RNase A, are found to have occurred. These changes include the movement of the loop containing residues 65-72 away from the active site, a more or less generalized relocation of crystallographically bound water molecules, and a number of rearrangements in the hydrogen bonding network at the active site. Most changes are far removed from the immediate site of the modifications and are distributed essentially throughout the molecule. The details of many of these changes are unique to each analog. In the asparagine analog, a destabilization in the positioning of active site residue His-119 also appears to have occurred

    The Crystal Structure of Recombinant Human Neutrophil-activating Peptide-2 (M6L) at 1.9-Å Resolution

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    Neutrophil-activating peptide-2 (NAP-2) is a 70-residue carboxyl-terminal fragment of platelet basic protein, which is found in the a-granules of human platelets. NAP-2, which belongs to the CXC family of chemokines that includes Interleukin-B and platelet factor 4, binds to the interleukin-8 type II receptor and induces a rise in cytosolic calcium, chemotaxis of neutrophils, and exocytosis. Crystals of recombinant NAP-2 in which the single methionine at position 6 was replaced by leucine to facilitate expression belong to space group PI (unit cell parameters a = 40.8, b = 43.8, and c = 44.7 A and a = 98.4°, fl = 120.3°, and \u27Y = 92.8°), with 4 molecules of NAP-2 (Mr = 7600) in the asymmetric unit. The molecular replacement solution calculated with bovine platelet factor 4 as the starting model was refined using rigid body refinement, manual fitting in solvent-leveled electron density maps, simulated annealing, and restrained least squares to an R-factor of 0.188 for 2 fT data between 7.0- and 1.9-A resolution. The final refined crystal structure includes 265 solvent molecules. The overall tertiary structure, which is similar to that of platelet factor 4 and interleukin-8, includes an extended amino-terminal loop, three strands of antiparallel fl-sheet arranged in a Greek key fold, and one a-helix at the carboxyl terminus. The Ghr-Leu-Arg sequence that is critical for receptor binding is fully defined by electron density and exhibits multiple conformations

    The mononuclear metal center of type-I dihydroorotase from aquifex aeolicus

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    Abstract Background Dihydroorotase (DHO) is a zinc metalloenzyme, although the number of active site zinc ions has been controversial. E. coli DHO was initially thought to have a mononuclear metal center, but the subsequent X-ray structure clearly showed two zinc ions, α and β, at the catalytic site. Aquifex aeolicus DHO, is a dodecamer comprised of six DHO and six aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATC) subunits. The isolated DHO monomer, which lacks catalytic activity, has an intact α-site and conserved β-site ligands, but the geometry of the second metal binding site is completely disrupted. However, the putative β-site is restored when the complex with ATC is formed and DHO activity is regained. Nevertheless, the X-ray structure of the complex revealed a single zinc ion at the active site. The structure of DHO from the pathogenic organism, S. aureus showed that it also has a single active site metal ion. Results Zinc analysis showed that the enzyme has one zinc/DHO subunit and the addition of excess metal ion did not stimulate catalytic activity, nor alter the kinetic parameters. The metal free apoenzyme was inactive, but the full activity was restored upon the addition of one equivalent of Zn2+ or Co2+. Moreover, deletion of the β-site by replacing the His180 and His232 with alanine had no effect on catalysis in the presence or absence of excess zinc. The 2.2 Å structure of the double mutant confirmed that the β-site was eliminated but that the active site remained otherwise intact. Conclusions Thus, kinetically competent A. aeolicus DHO has a mononuclear metal center. In contrast, elimination of the putative second metal binding site in amidohydrolyases with a binuclear metal center, resulted in the abolition of catalytic activity. The number of active site metal ions may be a consideration in the design of inhibitors that selectively target either the mononuclear or binuclear enzymes

    The Structure of a Complex of Bovine ɑ-Thrombin and Recombinant Hirudin at 2.8-Å Resolution

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    Crystals of the complex of bovine alpha-thrombin with recombinant hirudin variant 1 have space group C222(1) with cell constants a = 59.11, b = 102.62, and c = 143.26 A. The orientation and position of the thrombin component was determined by molecular replacement and the hirudin molecule was fit in 2 magnitude of Fo - magnitude of Fc electron density maps. The structure was refined by restrained least squares and simulated annealing to R = 0.161 at 2.8-A resolution. The binding of hirudin to thrombin is generally similar to that observed in the crystals of human thrombin-hirudin. Several differences in the interactions of the COOH-terminal polypeptide of hirudin, specifically of residues Asp-55h, Phe-56h, Glu-57h, and Glu-58h, and a few differences in the interactions of the hirudin core, specifically of residues Asp-5h, Ser-19h, and Asn-20h, with thrombin from human thrombin-hirudin suggest that there is some flexibility in the binding of these 2 molecules. Most of the residues in the 9 subsites that bind fibrinopeptide A7-16 to thrombin also interact with the NH2-terminal domain of hirudin. The S1 subsite is a notable exception in that only 1 of its 6 residues, namely Ser-214, interacts with hirudin. The only difference between human and bovine thrombins that appears to influence the binding of hirudin is the replacement of Lys-149E by an acidic glutamate in the bovine enzyme

    Regulation of Respiration and Apoptosis by Cytochrome c Threonine 58 Phosphorylation

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    Cytochrome c (cytc) is a multifunctional protein, acting as an electron carrier in the electron transport chain (ETC), where it shuttles electrons from bc1 complex to cytochrome c oxidase (COX), and as a trigger of type II apoptosis when released from the mitochondria. We previously showed that cytc is regulated in a highly tissue-specific manner: Cytc isolated from heart, liver, and kidney is phosphorylated on Y97, Y48, and T28, respectively. Here, we have analyzed the effect of a new Cytc phosphorylation site, threonine 58, which we mapped in rat kidney Cytc by mass spectrometry. We generated and overexpressed wild-type, phosphomimetic T58E, and two controls, T58A and T58I cytc; the latter replacement is found in human and testis-specific Cytc. In vitro, COX activity, caspase-3 activity, and heme degradation in the presence of H2o2 were decreased with phosphomimetic Cytc compared to wild-type. Cytc-knockout cells expressing T58E or T58I Cytc showed a reduction in intact cell respiration, mitochondrial membrane potential (∆Ψm), ROS production, and apoptotic activity compared to wild-type. We propose that, under physiological conditions, Cytc is phosphorylated, which controls mitochondrial respiration and apoptosis. Under conditions of stress Cytc phosphorylations are lost leading to maximal respiration rates, ∆Ψm hyperpolarization, ROS production, and apoptosis