164 research outputs found
Utilization of the Cepheid Xpert® CT/NG Sample Adequacy Control to Determine the Influence of the Urethral Swab on Cellular Content in Post-Swab versus Pre-Swab Urine
Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae assay performance in males is typically determined using post-swab urine, though pre-swab urine is used in practice. We collected swabs and urine from men and used the Cepheid Xpert® CT/NG sample adequacy control to determine the effect of swab collection on urine cellular content. No difference was observed
Delay in Seeking Healthcare Services Following Onset of Urethritis Symptoms in Men
Background: Symptom awareness, behavioral factors, and other barriers associated with timely sexually transmitted infection (STI) health care provision in men is not well studied.
Methods: Men attending an STI clinic answered a questionnaire regarding their symptoms, sexual behavior, and sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics. Characteristics of symptomatic men were compared between those who did and did not delay seeking health care services. Delayed care seeking was defined as clinic attendance longer than 7 days after symptoms, whereas early care seeking was defined as clinic attendance of 7 days or less.
Results: Over a quarter (n = 43 [27.7%]) of men with urethritis symptoms (urethral discharge or dysuria) delayed seeking care for more than 7 days. Compared with men who sought treatment within 7 days, those that delayed care worried for longer periods that their symptoms were STI-related, were more likely to attempt self-treatment of STI symptoms, were more likely to continue engaging in sexual activity, and were less likely to use a condom during their last sexual encounter. Conversely, men that delayed care seeking were less likely to have urethral discharge on physical examination, to have 5 or more polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and to test positive for Neisseria gonorrhoeae. When compared with men that sought care earlier, men that delayed care seeking had fewer overall and new partners in the past 30 days.
Conclusions: Our data suggest that over a quarter of men aware of STI symptoms delay seeking health services. Interventions that promote better patient understanding of the importance of symptom recognition and that facilitate timely access to care may provide new opportunities to reduce STI transmission
Meatal Swabs Contain Less Cellular Material and Are Associated with a Decrease in Gram Stain Smear Quality Compared to Urethral Swabs in Men
Urethral swabs are the samples of choice for point-of-care Gram stain testing to diagnose Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection and nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) in men. As an alternative to urethral swabs, meatal swabs have been recommended for the collection of urethral discharge to diagnose N. gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis infection in certain populations by nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT), as they involve a less invasive collection method. However, as meatal swabs could be sampling a reduced surface area and result in fewer collected epithelial cells compared to urethral swabs, the adequacy of meatal swab specimens to collect sufficient cellular material for Gram stain testing remains unknown. We enrolled 66 men who underwent either urethral or meatal swabbing and compared the cellular content and Gram stain failure rate. We measured the difference in swab cellular content using the Cepheid Xpert CT/NG sample adequacy control crossing threshold (SACCT) and determined the failure rate of Gram stain smears (GSS) due to insufficient cellular material. In the absence of discharge, meatal smears were associated with a significant reduction in cellular content (P = 0.0118), which corresponded with a GSS failure rate significantly higher than that for urethral swabs (45% versus 3%, respectively; P < 0.0001). When discharge was present, there was no difference among results from urethral and meatal swabs. Therefore, if GSS testing is being considered for point-of-care diagnosis of N. gonorrhoeae infection or NGU in men, meatal swabs should be avoided in the absence of a visible discharge
Defining the Urethritis Syndrome in Men Using Patient Reported Symptoms
To evaluate self-reported symptoms to guide urethritis diagnosis, symptomatic men being evaluated for urethritis were asked about seven symptoms captured during history-taking. Discharge and dysuria were significantly associated with urethritis and, when combined with genital irritation and itching, identified 95% of urethritis cases; odor and urinary frequency performed poorly
Rate of Decline in Nontreponemal Antibody Titers and Seroreversion After Treatment of Early Syphilis
Syphilis management is complex and demonstration of treatment response requires monitoring of nontreponemal antibody titers for a ≥ 4-fold decline and/or seroreversion to nonreactive titers
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