19 research outputs found

    Aprendizaje de la agroecologĂ­a basado en los fenĂłmenos: Un prerrequisito para la transdisciplinariedad y la acciĂłn responsable

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    Phenomenon-based learning in agroecology provides a rationale and platform for bridging academia and society. Learning based on reflective experiences on farms and in communities has provided the foundation and the core of an agroecology course in Norway since 2000. Student teams work with university teachers and stakeholders in ‘open-ended cases’ to identify key constraints and future possibilities. This learning strategy uses real-world situations on the farm and in the community where solutions are not already known to instructor or clients. Employing natural science and social science methods, the teams examine and evaluate production, economic, environmental, and social dimensions, as integrated into whole systems. The students then design and evaluate future scenarios and work out plans of action. The result has been a strong foundation for responsible action in students’ future endeavors in education and development.El aprendizaje de la agroecología basado en los fenómenos proporciona una lógica y una plataforma para crear puentes entre la academia y la sociedad. El aprendizaje basado en experiencias reflexivas en granjas y en comunidades ha proporcionado el fundamento y el núcleo de un curso de agroecología en Noruega desde el año 2000 en la Universidad Noruega de las Ciencias de la Vida (NMBU). Los equipos de estudiantes trabajan con profesores de la Universidad y con las personas interesadas utilizando “casos abiertos” con el fin de identificar las principales limitaciones y las posibilidades futuras. Esta estrategia de aprendizaje utiliza situaciones del mundo real en la granja y en la comunidad, donde ni el instructor ni los clientes conocen de entrada las soluciones. Utilizando métodos de las ciencias sociales y de las ciencias naturales, los equipos examinan y evalúan las dimensiones productivas, económicas, ambientales y sociales, integradas en sistemas completos. Después, los estudiantes diseñan y evalúan escenarios futuros y piensan planes de acción. El resultado ha sido una base sólida para la acción responsable en los proyectos futuros de los estudiantes en los campos de la educación y el desarrollo

    ErnĂŠringskvalitet - definisjoner, metoder og helhetlige aspekter

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    Bakgrunnen for utredningen har vĂŠrt behovet for en nĂŠrmere belysning av begrepet ernĂŠringskvalitet og ernĂŠringskvalitetens stilling i Ăžkologisk landbruk

    Music and sustainability education – a contradiction?

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    AbstractSustainability education is an interdisciplinary endeavor and should thus in-clude music as well. In this paper, I explore the under-researched field of music and sustainability education. My central thesis is that music and attentive listening have a potential of strengthening students’ aesthetic experience and world bonding, two essential elements of their sustainability engagement. The paper consists of a review of research on art, music and sustainability education, an elaboration on eco-acoustics and efforts to apply music to the sonic world, and a discussion of the training of music-sustainability competencies. In the existing research on music and sustainability education, I find a latent tension between those who regard music as a means for teaching for sustainability, and those who view music as genuine knowledge that there is need of in sustainability education. Perhaps the greatest fallacy is to reduce music to a mere tool to reach sustainability goals. Then music’s aesthetic and creative potential is lost. We need fresh and unconventional ideas to cope with the present situation in a desirable future direction. Listening as world engagement, I discuss in relation to the skills of doing music: listening to music, performing music, and making music. I argue that there is much to learn from soundscape artists when it comes to refining students’ ears for the environment’s sonic expressions. Such a refinement presupposes, however, an interdisciplinary commitment in school of practicing the skill of listening, also in other subjects than music.Keywords: music, aesthetic experience, attentive listening, sustainability educationMusikk og utdanning for bĂŠrekraft – en motsetning?SammendragUtdanning for bĂŠrekraftig utvikling forutsetter tverrfaglig samarbeid og skal derfor ogsĂ„ inkludere musikkfaget. I artikkelen diskuterer jeg musikkens potensielle rolle i utdanning for bĂŠrekraftig utvikling, et til nĂ„ lite utforsket tema. Min antakelse er at musikk og oppmerksom lytting har potensial til Ă„ styrke elevers estetiske erfaring og forbundethet med verden, to forutsetninger for deres engasjement for en bĂŠrekraftig fremtid. Artikkelen bestĂ„r av en gjennomgang av eksisterende forskning pĂ„ kunst, musikk og bĂŠrekraft i undervisningen, en drĂžfting av Ăžko-akustikk, musikk og oppmerksom lytting, og en diskusjon av oppĂžving av kompetanser som er felles for musikk og utdanning for bĂŠrekraft. Min utforsking av eksisterende forskning viser en latent spenning mellom dem som anser musikk som et middel i undervisning for bĂŠrekraft og dem som oppfatter musikk som genuin kunnskap for en bĂŠrekraftig utvikling. Dersom musikk gjĂžres til et rent redskapsfag for Ă„ nĂ„ bĂŠrekraftmĂ„lene, gĂ„r dens estetisk-kreative egenart tapt. For Ă„ bevege oss mot en bĂŠrekraftig fremtid trengs ukonvensjonelle ideer og djerv handling. Lytting som estetisk erfaring diskuterer jeg i forhold til musikkfagets tre kompetanser: Ă„ lytte til musikk, Ă„ fremfĂžre musikk og Ă„ lage musikk. Jeg argumenterer for at det er mye Ă„ lĂŠre av soundscape-kunstnere nĂ„r det gjelder Ă„ oppĂžve elevers evne til Ă„ bli var omgivelsenes lydlige uttrykk. OppĂžving av en oppmerksom lytting forutsetter en tverrfaglig vilje i skolen til Ă„ Ăžve lytteevnen, ogsĂ„ i andre fag enn musikkfaget.NĂžkkelord: musikk, estetisk erfaring, oppmerksom lytting, utdanning for bĂŠrekraftig utviklin

    GĂ„rdsstudier - definisjon, utforming og helhetlige betingelser

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    Rapporten er basert pÄ gÄrdsstudier av sju gÄrder i tidsrommet 1990 - 92, og registreringer gjort i 30 bruks-prosjektet pÄ disse gÄrdene. Rapporten omhandler bla. en framstilling av fordeler og ulemper med gÄrdsstudier som forskningsstrategi og en diskusjon av gÄrdsstudier som redskap for helhetlig forskning innen Þkologisk landbruk

    An Argument for Reversing the Bases of Science Education - A Phenomenological Alternative to Cognitionism

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    This paper is a phenomenological critique of some of the basic notions informing much of the researchin and practice of science education (SE) today. It is suggested that the philosophical grounds of S Eare in need of three “reversals of primacy”: the ontological primacy of the perceptual lifeworld must replace that of abstract scientific models; the epistemological primacy of attentive practice must replace that of conceptual cognition; and the pedagogical primacy of cultivating competencies must replace that of imparting ready-made knowledge. Four arguments for a phenomenological approach to SE are presented and some consequences for the training of science teachers are discussed; some of which are already being implemented at the science teacher education of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences

    Local, organic food initiatives and their potentials for transforming the conventional food system

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    L’objectif de cet article est de discuter l’importance des initiatives locales dans la distribution de produits biologiques. Le sujet est abordĂ© d’une part en fonction de la relation entre ce type d’initiatives et le systĂšme agroalimentaire conventionnel et d’autre part en fonction de la possibilitĂ© du dĂ©veloppement d’un systĂšme agroalimentaire plus durable. BasĂ© sur trois Ă©tudes scandinaves, concernant des produits biologiques en NorvĂšge et au Danemark, cet article souligne le fait que les diffĂ©rents acteurs intreviewĂ©s jouent Ă  la fois sur le tableau du local et du biologique et sur le tableau du conventionnel. En dĂ©pit de diffĂ©rences structurelles distinctes, les deux systĂšmes, et les conventions qui leur sont rattachĂ©es, s’influencent mutuellement. Afin de mettre au point une agriculture plus durable, il semble donc important de mettre en valeur le fondement global de l’agriculture Ă©cologique, qui repose non seulement sur des valeurs biologiques et locales, mais encore sur des aspects Ă©conomiques, sociaux et culturels qui doivent ĂȘtre pris en considĂ©ration.The aim of this article is to discuss the importance of local initiatives for distribution of organic food. This subject is discussed both in relation to how such initiatives may affect the overall conventional food system and the possible implications for development of a more sustainable food system. The article is based on findings from three different cases of local, organic food in Norway and Denmark. We found that actors within the cases are both involved with local, organic food initiatives and at the same time part of the overall conventional food system. Even though there are distinctive structural differences between these distribution systems, they mutually affect each other. This means that conventions normally associated with local, organic food systems may ‘rub off’ to the conventional food system and vice versa. In order to develop solutions for more sustainable distribution of food it seems necessary to emphasise the holistic foundations of organic agriculture which implies that not only the ecological and local, but also the economic, social and even cultural aspects of sustainability have to be considered

    Local, organic food initiatives and their potentials for transforming the conventional food system

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the importance of local initiatives for distribution of organic food. This subject is discussed both in relation to how such initiatives may affect the overall conventional food system and the possible implications for development of a more sustainable food system. The article is based on findings from three different cases of local, organic food in Norway and Denmark. We found that actors within the cases are both involved with local, organic food initiatives and at the same time part of the overall conventional food system. Even though there are distinctive structural differences between these distribution systems, they mutually affect each other. This means that conventions normally associated with local, organic food systems may ‘rub off’ to the conventional food system and vice versa. In order to develop solutions for more sustainable distribution of food it seems necessary to emphasise the holistic foundations of organic agriculture which implies that not only the ecological and local, but also the economic, social and even cultural aspects of sustainability have to be considered

    Local, organic food initiatives and their potentials for transforming the conventional food system

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    L’objectif de cet article est de discuter l’importance des initiatives locales dans la distribution de produits biologiques. Le sujet est abordĂ© d’une part en fonction de la relation entre ce type d’initiatives et le systĂšme agroalimentaire conventionnel et d’autre part en fonction de la possibilitĂ© du dĂ©veloppement d’un systĂšme agroalimentaire plus durable. BasĂ© sur trois Ă©tudes scandinaves, concernant des produits biologiques en NorvĂšge et au Danemark, cet article souligne le fait que les diffĂ©rents acteurs intreviewĂ©s jouent Ă  la fois sur le tableau du local et du biologique et sur le tableau du conventionnel. En dĂ©pit de diffĂ©rences structurelles distinctes, les deux systĂšmes, et les conventions qui leur sont rattachĂ©es, s’influencent mutuellement. Afin de mettre au point une agriculture plus durable, il semble donc important de mettre en valeur le fondement global de l’agriculture Ă©cologique, qui repose non seulement sur des valeurs biologiques et locales, mais encore sur des aspects Ă©conomiques, sociaux et culturels qui doivent ĂȘtre pris en considĂ©ration.The aim of this article is to discuss the importance of local initiatives for distribution of organic food. This subject is discussed both in relation to how such initiatives may affect the overall conventional food system and the possible implications for development of a more sustainable food system. The article is based on findings from three different cases of local, organic food in Norway and Denmark. We found that actors within the cases are both involved with local, organic food initiatives and at the same time part of the overall conventional food system. Even though there are distinctive structural differences between these distribution systems, they mutually affect each other. This means that conventions normally associated with local, organic food systems may ‘rub off’ to the conventional food system and vice versa. In order to develop solutions for more sustainable distribution of food it seems necessary to emphasise the holistic foundations of organic agriculture which implies that not only the ecological and local, but also the economic, social and even cultural aspects of sustainability have to be considered

    Phenomenon-based learning in agroecology: A prerequisite for transdisciplinarity and responsible action

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    El aprendizaje de la agroecologĂ­a basado en los fenĂłmenos proporciona una lĂłgica y una plataforma para crear puentes entre la academia y la sociedad. El aprendizaje basado en experiencias reflexivas en granjas y en comunidades ha proporcionado el fundamento y el nĂșcleo de un curso de agroecologĂ­a en Noruega desde el año 2000 en la Universidad Noruega de las Ciencias de la Vida (NMBU). Los equipos de estudiantes trabajan con profesores de la Universidad y con las personas interesadas utilizando “casos abiertos” con el fin de identificar las principales limitaciones y las posibilidades futuras. Esta estrategia de aprendizaje utiliza situaciones del mundo real en la granja y en la comunidad, donde ni el instructor ni los clientes conocen de entrada las soluciones. Utilizando mĂ©todos de las ciencias sociales y de las ciencias naturales, los equipos examinan y evalĂșan las dimensiones productivas, econĂłmicas, ambientales y sociales, integradas en sistemas completos. DespuĂ©s, los estudiantes diseñan y evalĂșan escenarios futuros y piensan planes de acciĂłn. El resultado ha sido una base sĂłlida para la acciĂłn responsable en los proyectos futuros de los estudiantes en los campos de la educaciĂłn y el desarrolloABSTRACT: Phenomenon-based learning in agroecology provides a rationale and platform for bridging academia and society. Learning based on reflective experiences on farms and in communities has provided the foundation and the core of an agroecology course in Norway since 2000. Student teams work with university teachers and stakeholders in ‘open-ended cases’ to identify key constraints and future possibilities. This learning strategy uses real-world situations on the farm and in the community where solutions are not already known to instructor or clients. Employing natural science and social science methods, the teams examine and evaluate production, economic, environmental, and social dimensions, as integrated into whole systems. The students then design and evaluate future scenarios and work out plans of action. The result has been a strong foundation for responsible action in students’ future endeavors in education and development