20 research outputs found

    Razvijanje vodstvene kompetentnosti

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    Quality of leadership is one of the most important determinants of organisational effectiveness. A lot of time and resources are devoted to developing competent leaders. The purpose of this paper is to high­ light the significance of the concept of leadership competency and its implications for the education of managers. The focus of this analysis is the role of these competencies in encouraging successful leadership behaviour. In addition, the question is elaborated how this competencies are assessed and what are the strategies for their development.Kakovostno vodenje je bistvena determinanta uspešnosti organizacij. Zato v organizacijah posvečajo čedalje več časa in sredstev razvijanju kompetentnih vodij. Namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen pojma vodstvenih kompetentnosti in njegove implikacije za problematiko izobraževanja managerjev. Zanima nas, od česa je odvisna uspešnost vodenja in kakšno vlogo ima pri tem vodstvena kompetentnost, pa tudi, kako se ta izraža pri delu in s kakšnimi strategijami jo je mogoče razvijati

    Markedsmakt i det norske kraftmarkedet : en RSI-analyse av konkurransen i det norske kraftmarkedet

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    Det vi har funnet ut om markedsmakten i Norge er at Statkraft som største aktør først om fremst har lokal markedsmakt, det vil si markedsmakt til å øke kraftprisene opp til nivået på prisene i de omkransende prissonene. Dette gjelder når man studerer hele Norge under ett og når man studerer den enkelte prissonene separat. Det fremkommer et klart mønster der vi ser at timene hvor Statkraft har lokal markedsmakt fordeler seg på høylasttimene. E-CO og Nord-Trøndelag Elektrisitet (NTE) har vist seg å ha potensiell markedsmakt i sine respektive prisoner, henholdsvis NO1 for E-CO og NO2 for NTE. Det ble videre funnet at global markedsmakt til å øke prisen i en prissone over prisen i alle andre prissoner var fraværende i Norge i 2009. Det var kun i NO2 i desember at Statkraft hadde visse tendenser til denne formen for markedsmakt. Det ble funnet en klar negativ korrelasjon mellom RSI og LI i de månedene hvor markedsmakten var høyest. Det vil si at prisen over marginalkostnad økte når RSI falt, altså når markedsmakten øker. Til slutt har vi funnet at økt investering i produksjonskapasitet, gjennom konsesjoner til ikke dominerende selskaper, vil være et effektivt middel for å dempe markedsmakten. Når det gjelder konsesjoner til ikke regulerbar kraft, spesielt vindkraft, vil dette ha en utelukkende positiv effekt på markedsmakten uavhengig av hvilket selskap kapasiteten tilfaller


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    Pojam kulture sigurnosti privlači sve više pozornosti. Do nesporazuma dolazi jer se taj pojam često brka s drugim, vrlo bliskim pojmom sigurne okoline. U članku smo pokušali opisati razlike između dva pojma, i to primjenjujući iskustva iz istraživanja organizacijske kulture. Predlaže se integrirani model kojim se kultura sigurnosti raščlanjuje na tri glavne sastavnice. Izvještava se o empirijskim istraživanjima pojedinih sastavnica, sigurnoj okolini i subjektivnom osjećaju opasnosti. Raspravlja se i o daljnjim istraživanjima kulture sigurnosti i njezinoj primjeni.The notion of safety culture has attracted a lot of attention. There is a misunderstanding between the notion of safety culture and a closely related notion of safety climate. The paper attempts to define the difference between the two terms using the experiences gained in the study of organisational culture. An integrated model is proposed that breaks down safety culture into three major components. The paper reports on the empirical investigation of the individual components, on safety climate and the subjective feeling of hazard. It also discusses possible future studies into safety culture and their application

    Celovito obvladovanje kakovosti v izobraževalnih organizacijah

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    Movement for Total Quality Management (TQM), which was initially successfully applied in the production of goods, has spread to the service domain including educational organisations. Many of principles and experiences known so far could be creatively transferred to educational situations. Additional research and specific innovations are necessary for successful application of existing knowledge. In this paper we discuss certain topics from the specific nature of the quality of education: the definition of the concept of a consumer, motivation of participants in educational processes, improvement of educational processes, quality of learning and leadership in educational organisations.Gibanje za celostno obvladovanje kakovosti (TQM), ki se je najprej uveljavilo na področju proizvodnje dobrin, prodira tudi v sektor storitev, kamor spadajo tudi izobraževalne organizacije. Marsikatere znane principe in izkušnje je mogoče kreativno uporabiti v izobraževalni situaciji, seveda pa jih tudi tukaj brez raziskav in specifičnih inovacij ni mogoče uporabiti. V prispevku so poudarjena nekatera področja, ki zahtevajo specifično naravo kakovosti izobraževanja: opredelitev pojma uporabnik, problem motivacije udeležencev izobraževanja, izboljševanja procesov izobraževanja, pojem kakovosti učenja in problem vodenja v izobraževalnih organizacijah

    Menedžment znanja. Nova modrost ali minljiva moda

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    Tehnološka informacijska revolucija vse bolj spreminja naše predstave o pomenu znanja ali intelektualnega kapitala. Polagoma se razvija disciplina, imenovana upravljanje z znanjem, prizadevajoč si razv1t1 različne organizacijske m osebne praktike, ki sinergično zajemajo, organizirajo in koristijo človeške kompetentnosti, izkušnje, ekspertizo, spretnosti, talente, misli, ideje, intuicije, inovacije in domislice

    National Cultures and Human Development Index

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    This paper explores the relationships between basic cultural characteristics of countries and some economic indexes. As cultural characteristics, the data from The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program (GLOBE) about the 9 cultural dimensions for 60 countries were used. Two facets of cultural dimensions were measured: the perceptions of actual practices and the perceptions of preferred values. On the other hand, the data about different economic indexes were taken from archival sources such as Human Development Report. Results show that some cultural practices and preferences are related to the development of countries as measured by Human Development Index (HDI). The implications of these results are discussed

    Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: A GLOBE study of 15 countries.

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    This paper examines cultural and leadership variables associated with corporate social responsibility values that managers apply to their decision-making. In this longitudinal study, we analyze data from 561 firms located in 15 countries on five continents to illustrate how the cultural dimensions of institutional collectivism and power distance predict social responsibility values on the part of top management team members. CEO visionary leadership and integrity were also uniquely predictive of such values. Journal of International Business Studies (2006) 37, 823–837. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400230