8 research outputs found

    Supporting both learning and research in a UK post-1992 university library: a case study

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    Nationally, there has been debate on the role of research within higher education and increased interest in the teaching/research nexus. A team of Academic Liaison Librarians at Anglia Polytechnic University was awarded funding to investigate the extent to which learning resources overlap with research resources, whether researcher/teachers encourage their students to use the resources they use themselves and how far electronic resources have affected the relationship between learning and research materials. Semistructured interviews were carried out with 21 academics who are both teachers and researchers. They proved to be committed to using research in their teaching. Students were encouraged to engage with research through the recommendation of resources, seminar discussion, and researchers’ own work for reading and illustrating methodologies. Respondents claimed to be making significant use of the APU library website, online databases and journals. The majority of them were also recommending the same resources to their students. Convenience, speed and variety of information sources were quoted as some of the advantages of the new e-environment. A loss of a relationship with librarians and with the physical library was cited as an example of negative effects of the electronic resource environment

    Books in a virtual world

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    The Composed Parabolic Collector (CPC) is made up of two parabolic surfaces whose center is the same. In such a center, a black-painted copper tube is placed to transform the sunlight that comes to the copper surface heating it; the CPC concentrates the light in the center, and it can even receive rays with oblique incidence according to its angle of acceptance, the one that could be increased with copper fins welded to the copper tubes. This set also allows to receive and to concentrate diffuse light in a cloudy day. Four Collectors of 1.00 m x 1.25 m are connected to an electrical therma of 500 liters, that will store the water warmed up by the collectors, and through the thermosiphon effect, this one has also has electrical resistance in case there were several non-sunny days.El Colector Parabólico Compuesto (CPC) está constituido de 2 superficies parabólicas cuyo foco es el mismo, en ese foco se coloca un tubo de cobre que se pinta de negro para transformar la luz solar que llega a la superfície de cobre en calor; el CPC concentra la luz en el foco y puede aún recibir rayos con incidencia oblicua de acuerdo a su ángulo de aceptación el que puede ser aumentado con aletas de cobre soldadas a los tubos de cobre. Este conjunto permite tambien recibir y concentrar luz difusa de un día nublado. 4 Colectores de 1,00 m x 1,25 m son conectados a una therma eléctrica de 500 litros la que almacenará el agua calentada por los colectores, por efecto termosifón ésta tiene también resistencia eléctrica por si hay varios días sin sol

    Content analysis of EU Local Climate Adaptation Plans and Strategies

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    This dataset contains information on the characteristics of Local Climate Adaptation Plans in Europe. A sample of 328 medium- to large-sized cities across the formerly EU-28 was investigated for the availability of Local Climate Plans and strategies on climate change adaptation. A set of 168 cities out of the 328 were identified to have at least one, if not more Local Climate Adaptation Plans. The contents of these plans were documented, using an elaborated framework combining indicators of state-of-the -art plan quality principles with indicators of justice/ equity theory. Used common plan quality principles are 1) Fact base - Climate change impact, risk and vulnerability assessment (related to risk, sectors, justice), 2) Adaptation goals (related to risk, quantitative); 3) Adaptation measures (distributed across 12 sectors, justice); 4) Implementation process (prioritization, responsibility, timeframe) & tools (budget); 5) Monitoring & evaluation (responsibility, timeframe, justice). Additionally to the information on these 5 plan quality principles information on the (potential) participation process, a communication strategy, the national and regional context, as well as with access information, access data, access type, and other meta data were retrieved and documented. The publication dates of the plans range from 2005 - 2020. The collection period ranges from March 2019 to June 2021, depending on the country and city, with the majority collected between May 2019 and June 2020

    Additional file 4 of Mapping age- and sex-specific HIV prevalence in adults in sub-Saharan Africa, 2000–2018

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    Additional file 4: Supplemental results.1. README. 2. Prevalence range across districts. 3. Prevalence range between sexes. 4. Prevalence range between ages. 5. Age-specific district ranges