5 research outputs found
Comportamiento i贸nico-pluvial en la cuenca del Cutuchi durante invierno y verano 2013
Las aguas de la cuenca del Cutuchi tienen una predominancia bicarbonatada por el pasado geol贸gico del lugar; el objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar el comportamiento i贸nico de las aguas en funci贸n de la precipitaci贸n pluvial durante los per铆odos de invierno y verano del 2013; el estudio se ubic贸 en las coordenadas: UTM (WGS84) Zona 17S X:766806; Y:9867344.Se tomaron 16 muestras por triplicado cada/8 d铆as, en la fase I (enero-marzo) y fase II (julio-agosto). Se analizaron: pH, CE, Temperatura, STD, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, CO32-, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-, B, bajo norma APHA/AWWA/WEF. Las aguas se ubican en las categor铆as C2 y C3 Como salinidad, la relaci贸n CE/RASorg determina aguas de clase C2-S1/C3-S1 y C3-S1 en fases I y II respectivamente, lo que permite concluir que las aguas de la cuenca del Cutuchi que aportan al canal Latacunga Salcedo Ambato se encuentran en riesgo alto de salinizaci贸n. De igual forma, se concluye que aguas de la cuenca del Cutuchi contienen concentraciones de iones que corresponden a aguas bicarbonatadas c谩lcicas y/o magn茅sicas y que debido a la proporci贸n de Bicarbonatos se generan cambios que son dependientes del nivel e intensidad de las lluvias tanto en la fase de verano como de invierno
Purificaci贸n de aguas de regadio del canal Latacunga-Salcedo-Ambato por filtraci贸n anaer贸bica-aer贸bica
El agua es importante en la agricultura, su mal uso genera sodicidad del suelo; el objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar f铆sico-qu铆mica, microbiol贸gica y la influencia del agua del canal Latacunga-Salcedo-Ambato en el deterioro del suelo; el estudio se ubic贸 en las coordenadas: UTM(WGS84) Zona 17S X:766806; Y:9867344. El sistema de filtraci贸n anaer贸bico-aer贸bico emple贸 dos reactores de 1 m3, la piedra p贸mez cubre 1/2 y 3/4 del primero (T50/T75), el segundo contiene cascarilla de arroz en 2/4 filas de bandejas de 15 cm de altura (T2/T4). Se tomaron 16 muestras por triplicado cada/8 d铆as, en la fase I (enero-marzo) se aplic贸 T50/T4 y T75/T2 y fase II (Julio-agosto) T50/T2 y T75/T4. Se analizaron: pH, CE, Temperatura, STD, DQO, DBO5, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, CO32-, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-, B, Pb, coliformes totales y fecales bajo norma ASTM. Las aguas se ubican en las categor铆as C2 y C3 como salinidad, la relaci贸n CE/RASorg determina aguas de clase C2-S1/C3-S1 y C3-S1en fases I y II
Determination of Empirical Environmental Indices for the Location of Cemeteries鈥擜n Innovative Proposal for Worldwide Use
Cemeteries are a source of environmental contamination, as they hold hundreds of human corpses in different stages of decomposition. Therefore, the current research developed a new tool, which is easily applied, to determine the potential environmental contamination generated by current cemeteries within their ecosystems. The linear equations developed, with a number of variables between 10 and 3, allow for obtaining empirical indices to evaluate the suitability of a site, regardless of the geographical area in which it is located, through a variety of sources. In order to obtain the equations and, therefore, the indices, a hierarchy was performed using the Saaty matrix. With such a matrix, different ranges of affectation were established for each variable and relative values were assigned that cover all probabilities quantitatively, from the least probable to the most likely. With the linear equations, three verification runs were conducted, obtaining satisfactory results compared with the location map of cemeteries obtained in previous studies. These equations will constitute a tool of fundamental use for local governments, which will allow for the evaluation of existing cemeteries and use of the methodology described in preliminary analysis, to save resources and have a starting point for an efficient land use plan
Proposal of an Initial Environmental Management and Land Use for Critical Cemeteries in Central Ecuador
Cemeteries are sites for the final disposal of human bodies that constitute a source of contamination of soil and water as a result of the cadaveric decomposition generated. The current research performed an initial study on the contamination of soil and water due to the influence of cemeteries and verified compliance with the legislation regulating land use and occupation of Central Ecuador (PUGS) with the aim of proposing an environmental and territorial solution to the problems generated by the mismanagement of cemeteries, through the physicochemical analysis of soil and water and studies of land use compatibility. The results indicate the tendency of contamination caused by the studied cemeteries, since the samples taken in both the rainy and dry season for the measurement of parameters BOD5, COD, DO, pH and electrical conductivity fail to meet the established requirements of the Ecuadorian and international environmental regulations. In addition, land use conflicts were encountered in the cemetery grounds. It is concluded that the existing cemeteries should be subjected to more detailed environmental analysis and subsequently should be treated as security landfills in the closure and post-closure stage. Also, it has been concluded that the cemeteries should not be located in urban or peri-urban areas
Proposal of an Initial Environmental Management and Land Use for Critical Cemeteries in Central Ecuador
Cemeteries are sites for the final disposal of human bodies that constitute a source of contamination of soil and water as a result of the cadaveric decomposition generated. The current research performed an initial study on the contamination of soil and water due to the influence of cemeteries and verified compliance with the legislation regulating land use and occupation of Central Ecuador (PUGS) with the aim of proposing an environmental and territorial solution to the problems generated by the mismanagement of cemeteries, through the physicochemical analysis of soil and water and studies of land use compatibility. The results indicate the tendency of contamination caused by the studied cemeteries, since the samples taken in both the rainy and dry season for the measurement of parameters BOD5, COD, DO, pH and electrical conductivity fail to meet the established requirements of the Ecuadorian and international environmental regulations. In addition, land use conflicts were encountered in the cemetery grounds. It is concluded that the existing cemeteries should be subjected to more detailed environmental analysis and subsequently should be treated as security landfills in the closure and post-closure stage. Also, it has been concluded that the cemeteries should not be located in urban or peri-urban areas