486 research outputs found

    Purely infinite crossed products by endomorphisms

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    We study the crossed product C∗C^*-algebra associated to injective endomorphisms, which turns out to be equivalent to study the crossed product by the dilated autormorphism. We prove that the dilation of the Bernoulli pp-shift endomorphism is topologically free. As a consequence, we have a way to twist any endomorphism of a \D-absorbing C∗C^*-algebra into one whose dilated automorphism is essentially free and have the same KK-theory map than the original one. This allows us to construct purely infinite crossed products C∗C^*-algebras with diverse ideal structures.Comment: Corrected misprints. Clarified some points in Section 3. Added a reference. Re-submitted to JMA

    Algebraic Cuntz-Pimsner rings

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    From a system consisting of a right non-degenerate ring RR, a pair of RR-bimodules QQ and PP and an RR-bimodule homomorphism ψ:P⊗Q⟶R\psi:P\otimes Q\longrightarrow R we construct a Z\Z-graded ring T(P,Q,ψ)\mathcal{T}_{(P,Q,\psi)} called the Toeplitz ring and (for certain systems) a Z\Z-graded quotient O(P,Q,ψ)\mathcal{O}_{(P,Q,\psi)} of T(P,Q,ψ)\mathcal{T}_{(P,Q,\psi)} called the Cuntz-Pimsner ring. These rings are the algebraic analogs of the Toeplitz C∗C^*-algebra and the Cuntz-Pimsner C∗C^*-algebra associated to a C∗C^*-correspondence (also called a Hilbert bimodule). This new construction generalizes for example the algebraic crossed product by a single automorphism, corner skew Laurent polynomial ring by a single corner automorphism and Leavitt path algebras. We also describe the structure of the graded ideals of our graded rings in terms of pairs of ideals of the coefficient ring.Comment: 55 pages. Version 3 is a complete rewrite of version 2. In version 4 Def. 3.14, Def. 4.6, Def. 4.8 and Remark 4.9 have been added and some minor adjustments have been mad

    The Maximal C*-Algebra of Quotients as an Operator Bimodule

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    We establish a description of the maximal C*-algebra of quotients of a unital C*-algebra AA as a direct limit of spaces of completely bounded bimodule homomorphisms from certain operator submodules of the Haagerup tensor product A⊗hAA\otimes_h A labelled by the essential closed right ideals of AA into AA. In addition the invariance of the construction of the maximal C*-algebra of quotients under strong Morita equivalence is proved.Comment: 8 pages; submitte

    The Cuntz Semigroup and Comparison of Open Projections

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    We show that a number of naturally occurring comparison relations on positive elements in a C*-algebra are equivalent to natural comparison properties of their corresponding open projections in the bidual of the C*-algebra. In particular we show that Cuntz comparison of positive elements corresponds to a comparison relation on open projections, that we call Cuntz comparison, and which is defined in terms of-and is weaker than-a comparison notion defined by Peligrad and Zsid\'o. The latter corresponds to a well-known comparison relation on positive elements defined by Blackadar. We show that Murray-von Neumann comparison of open projections corresponds to tracial comparison of the corresponding positive elements of the C*-algebra. We use these findings to give a new picture of the Cuntz semigroup

    Topological Full Groups of Ample Groupoids with Applications to Graph Algebras

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    We study the topological full group of ample groupoids over locally compact spaces. We extend Matui's definition of the topological full group from the compact, to the locally compact case. We provide two general classes of groupoids for which the topological full group, as an abstract group, is a complete isomorphism invariant. Hereby extending Matui's Isomorphism Theorem. As an application, we study graph groupoids and their topological full groups, and obtain sharper results for this class. The machinery developed in this process is used to prove an embedding theorem for ample groupoids, akin to Kirchberg's Embedding Theorem for C∗C^*-algebras. Consequences for graph C∗C^*-algebras and Leavitt path algebras are also spelled out. In particular, we improve on a recent embedding theorem of Brownlowe and S{\o}rensen for Leavitt path algebras.Comment: 58 pages. V4: Deleted an obsolete reference. Updated Journal reference. Minor typographical changes. (V3: Rewritten the "Our results" and "Pr\'ecis" part of the Introduction. Added Remark 6.20 and Definition 7.8.
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