4 research outputs found

    The issues of marriage divorce and its consequences

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    Mr. Eduard Němeček, MD Divorce issue and its consequences Diploma Thesis 5. Summary: This work proposes a closer look at the divorce-related topics with consequential impacts both on financial situation of divorced spouses and destinies of minor children as resulting from divorced marriages in Czech Republic. Till date, this issue has been solved in different ways at both district and regional courts. In our republic, a more unifying element is represented by decisions of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. This is a very serious social phenomenon which, according to statistics affects a large number of parents, children, but also childless partners. Yet from ancient times this phenomenon is known to be socially undesirable being almost entirely rejected by the Catholic Church in its canon law. The increase in divorces has resulted namely from the advancement procedure of society. It is a societal phenomenon known to occur irrelatively of the states and political systems, from the totalitarian regimes through those autocratic, up to highly democratic systems of developed countries worldwide. During the creation of this work, up to 40% of marriages have been critically monitored as expected to be ended in divorce. It's a long-term social phenomenon that surpassed all political systems from the..

    The issues of marriage divorce and its consequences

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    Mr. Eduard Němeček, MD Divorce issue and its consequences Diploma Thesis 5. Summary: This work proposes a closer look at the divorce-related topics with consequential impacts both on financial situation of divorced spouses and destinies of minor children as resulting from divorced marriages in Czech Republic. Till date, this issue has been solved in different ways at both district and regional courts. In our republic, a more unifying element is represented by decisions of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. This is a very serious social phenomenon which, according to statistics affects a large number of parents, children, but also childless partners. Yet from ancient times this phenomenon is known to be socially undesirable being almost entirely rejected by the Catholic Church in its canon law. The increase in divorces has resulted namely from the advancement procedure of society. It is a societal phenomenon known to occur irrelatively of the states and political systems, from the totalitarian regimes through those autocratic, up to highly democratic systems of developed countries worldwide. During the creation of this work, up to 40% of marriages have been critically monitored as expected to be ended in divorce. It's a long-term social phenomenon that surpassed all political systems from the...5.Resumé Tato práce nabízí bližší pohled na problematiku rozvodu manželství v České republice, jeho dopady na majetkové poměry rozvedených manželů a dopady na nezletilé děti pocházející z rozvedeného manželství. Tato problematika je dosud řešena různými způsoby na úrovni okresních i krajských soudů. Více ujednocujícím prvkem jsou rozhodnutí Nejvyššího a Ústavního soudu v naší republice. Jde o velmi závažný společenský jev, který se dle statistiky dotýká velkého množství rodičů, dětí, avšak i bezdětných partnerů. Již z dávných dob je známo, že tento jev je společensky nežádoucí, katolická církev jej odmítá téměř úplně ve svém kanonickém právu. K nárůstu rozvodů došlo až s postupem vyspělosti společnosti. Jedná se o celospolečenský jev, který se vyskytuje bez rozdílů státního zřízení a politických systémů, a to od totalitních přes režimy autokratické, až po vysoce demokratické systémy vyspělých zemí v celém světě. Při tvorbě textu bylo kriticky sledováno až 40% uzavřených manželství v naší republice, které končí rozvodem. Je to dlouhodobý společenský jev, který překonal všechny politické systémy od dob Rakouska- Uherska až po dnešek. Zabránit mu nelze, jde jen o to minimalizovat ho. Byly prezentovány vlastní poznatky a závěry jednak ohledně příčin a důsledků rozvodů, jednak stanoviska soudů všech stupňů,...Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    The issues of marriage divorce and its consequences

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    Mr. Eduard Němeček, MD Divorce issue and its consequences Diploma Thesis 5. Summary: This work proposes a closer look at the divorce-related topics with consequential impacts both on financial situation of divorced spouses and destinies of minor children as resulting from divorced marriages in Czech Republic. Till date, this issue has been solved in different ways at both district and regional courts. In our republic, a more unifying element is represented by decisions of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. This is a very serious social phenomenon which, according to statistics affects a large number of parents, children, but also childless partners. Yet from ancient times this phenomenon is known to be socially undesirable being almost entirely rejected by the Catholic Church in its canon law. The increase in divorces has resulted namely from the advancement procedure of society. It is a societal phenomenon known to occur irrelatively of the states and political systems, from the totalitarian regimes through those autocratic, up to highly democratic systems of developed countries worldwide. During the creation of this work, up to 40% of marriages have been critically monitored as expected to be ended in divorce. It's a long-term social phenomenon that surpassed all political systems from the..