19 research outputs found

    Stimulation cardiaque multisite et insuffisance cardiaque sévère (étude du suivi en intention de traiter)

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    LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Development of tube tetrodes and a multi-tetrode drive for deep structure electrophysiological recordings in the macaque brain

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    Understanding the principles that underlie information processing by neuronal networks requires simultaneous recordings from large populations of well isolated single units. Twisted wire tetrodes (TWTs), typically made by winding together four ultrathin wires (diameter–12 to 25 microns), are ideally suited for such population recordings. They are advantageous over single electrodes; both with respect to quality of isolation as well as the number of single units isolated and have therefore been used extensively for superficial cortical recordings. However, their limited tensile strength poses a difficulty to their use for recordings in deep brain areas. We therefore developed a method to overcome this limitation and utilize tetrodes for electrophysiological recordings in the inferotemporal cortex of rhesus macaque. We fabricated a novel, stiff tetrode called the tube tetrode (TuTe) and developed a multi-tetrode driving system for advancing up to 5 TuTes through a ball and socket chamber to precise locations in the temporal lobe of a rhesus macaque. The signal quality acquired with TuTes was comparable to conventional TWTs and allowed excellent isolation of multiple single units. We describe here a simple method for constructing TuTes, which requires only standard laboratory equipment. Further, our TuTes can be easily adapted to work with other microdrives commonly used for electrophysiological investigation in the macaque brain and produce minimal damage to the cortex along its path because of their ultrathin diameter. The tetrode development described here could allow studying neuronal populations in deep lying brain structures previously difficult to reach with the current technology

    Best logistic regression models for the sleep status for each subgroup.

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    <p>aMCI = amnestic MCI, naMCI = non-amnestic MCI, SCD = subjective cognitive decline, MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination, BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory</p><p>Best logistic regression models for the sleep status for each subgroup.</p

    Pairwise comparison of MMSE, BDI and PSQI (sub-)scores between aMCI-, naMCI-, SCD patients and controls.

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    <p>aMCI = amnestic MCI, naMCI = non-amnestic MCI, SCD = subjective cognitive decline, MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination, BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory, PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, p adj Tukey HSD = adjusted p-values for post-hoc Tukey’s HSD, CI = 95% confidence interval.</p><p>Pairwise comparison of MMSE, BDI and PSQI (sub-)scores between aMCI-, naMCI-, SCD patients and controls.</p

    Spearman correlation coefficients for the whole sample between PSQI total scores and neuropsychological subdomains.

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    <p>Cc = correlation coefficient; AKT = Alters-Konzentrations-Test; WAIS-R = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Revised; TMTA = Trail Making Test Version A; TMTB = Trail Making Test Version B; NAI = Nürnberger Alters Inventar; C.I. = Cerebral Insufficiency Test; VSRT = Verbal Selective Reminding Test; mBNT = modified Boston Naming Test.</p><p>Spearman correlation coefficients for the whole sample between PSQI total scores and neuropsychological subdomains.</p

    Best linear regression models for PSQI score for each subgroup.

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    <p>aMCI = amnestic MCI, naMCI = non-amnestic MCI, SCD = subjective cognitive decline, MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination, BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory</p><p>Best linear regression models for PSQI score for each subgroup.</p