14 research outputs found

    Strategický plán rozvoje obce Hevlín 2016-2022

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    Tento dokument se skládá ze čtyř hlavních částí - analytické, syntetické, návrhové a realizační. V analytické části je analýza a zhodnocení naplnění strategického dokumentu za minulé funkční období, dále obsahuje profil obce Hevlín na základě její komplexní analýzy a výsledky a výstupy z provedeného dotazníkového šetření občanů obce. Část syntetická pak obsahuje souhrnné a dílčí výstupy vytvořené prostřednictvím metody SWOT analýzy. V návrhové části je na základě informací z analytické části, provedeného průzkumu a sběru návrhů identifikována a zpracována vize obce, programy, programové cíle a související opatření k jejich naplnění. Implementační část dokumentu pokrývá jednotlivé související rozvojové aktivity a návrhy způsobu průběžného vyhodnocování, užívání a realizace tohoto dokumentu v praxi.This document consists from four main parts - analytical, synthetical, implementation and realization. The analytical part includes analysis and assessment fulfilment of strategic document for previous function term, further this part contains the profile of the municipality Hevlín based on its complex analysis. This part also includes outcomes and results from the questionnaire survey realized with residents in the municipality. Synthetical part contains complex and partial outcomes created with the help of the SWOT analysis. In the implementation part there is identification and formulation of the vision of the municipality, associated programs, program goals and relevant provisions deduced and based on the analytical part and the acquisition of relevant proposals. The implementation part of this document includes associated development activites and also the proposal of continuous evaluation, use and realization of this document in practice

    Spolupráce měst a obcí v ČR, SR a napříč hranicemi

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    Cílem této souhrné analýzy v rámci řešení přeshraničního projektu bylo provést analýzu a zhodnocení aktuálního stavu spolupráce měst a obcí v ČR, SR, příhraničních oblastech, ale i napříč česko-slovenskou hranicí. Souhrnná publikace mapuje stav meziobecní spolupráce v obou zemích z hlediska legislativy, financí, forem a dalších relevantních aspektů. Obsahuje také plošné dotazníkové šetření realizované v ČR a SR s cílém identifikovat a popsat aktuální stav meziobecní spolupráce v obou zemích i napříč (přeshraniční spolupráce municipalit). Publikace také obsahuje závěry a doporučení pro decision-makery s ohledem na další rozvoj této specifické oblasti

    unfair competition and its impact on the level of municipal expenditure on waste management

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    The paper deals with the effect of competition on municipal public expenditure. The impact of competition on municipal waste management expenditure is ambiguous. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the nature of competition in the waste management market and its impact on municipal waste management expenditure in the four regions in the Czech Republic (1962 municipalities) in year 2014. In the past, between years 2008 and 2011, cartel of four companies was proven in the waste management market in the Czech Republic. We suppose that the existence of an unfair competition can lead to higher municipal waste management expenditure. The results confirm our assumption and show that impact of unfair competition is still visible after four years and it could have a notable impact on municipal waste management expenditure

    Does Participatory Budgeting Bolster Voter Turnout in Elections ? The Case of the Czech Republic

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    Though participatory budgeting (PB) is often discussed as a tool to bolster the level of civic participation and the quality of democracy, empirical research on the subject offers ambiguous results. In the Czech Republic, PB was introduced 5 years ago, and the number of implemented PBs has since increased substantially. The purpose of this article is to evaluate whether the use of PB is associated with higher voter turnout in municipal and parliamentary elections. Voter turnout in Czech municipalities that implemented PB is analyzed and compared with the control group of municipalities without PB. Considered by type of election, we found that the impact of PB use on voter turnout is higher for local elections than it is for national elections, which is in line with our assumptions. However, our results were significant for Prague districts only. Participatory budgeting could increase voter turnout in local election, but there are other factors that must be considered

    Methodology and Information System for Evaluating Environmental Protection Expenditure Efficiency at the Local Level

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    Part 7: Environmental Management/-Accounting and -StatisticsInternational audienceThe paper presents a methodology and information system for evaluating the efficiency of current municipal environmental protection expenditures. The methodology and information system were approved by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic as a voluntary tool for municipal officials.. The proposed methodological procedure for evaluating municipal environmental protection expenditures is based on a weighted assessment of multiple criteria. The procedure gives municipalities an instrument for assessing expenditure efficiency and addresses the three pillars of sustainable development: economic development, social development, and environmental protection. The methodology and information system can be used by other countries and municipalities to evaluate the efficiency of public spending at the local level

    Long-Term Benefits of Intermunicipal Cooperation for Small Municipalities in Waste Management Provision

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    Intermunicipal cooperation offers an interesting alternative in cases when municipalities are too small to individually provide public services at an efficient cost level but are reluctant to form a municipal amalgamation in order to benefit from economies of scale. Forming a body consisting of multiple municipalities with a specific focus provides a way to reduce costs on service provision while maintaining municipal sovereignty in other areas. In our paper, we quantify the cost benefits of utilizing intermunicipal cooperation in the field of municipal solid waste management. We examine this using data from a 10-year period from municipalities in the South Moravian Region in the Czech Republic, where high municipal fragmentation results in many dominantly small municipalities that often are not able to provide public services at reasonable costs. This analysis contributes to the literature by conducting a long-term study of the effects of intermunicipal cooperation on public service provision costs. Our results suggest that municipalities participating in intermunicipal cooperation focused on waste management experienced annual cost savings of approximately 13.5% for provision of this service throughout the examined period of 2010–2019 when compared to municipalities that did not cooperate. These long-term results show how beneficial intermunicipal cooperation can be in reducing service costs. In addition to the direct financial benefits, municipal representatives stated that intermunicipal cooperation often brings other qualitative and non-financial benefits such as better service quality, the possibility to share infrastructure, and relief from administrative and managerial burdens through the utilization of professional management, which was especially appreciated by the smallest municipalities with limited administrative staff

    The Model of Territory Unit Evaluation for Allocation of Resources on Flood Protection

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    Part 8: Information Systems and ApplicationsInternational audienceWithin implementation of Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2007/06/ES of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks the classification was recommended to Czech Republic which sorties the areas affected by floods according to the degree of threat and economic potential of these areas. For this purpose was developed the model of territory unit evaluation. This model is formulated as a combination of two models including model of risk matrix and model of the area value expressed by available statistical data. These data reflect the different levels of areas development and their possible future development through weighted multi-criteria decision making. The aim of our paper is to present the model and its use in terms of increasing the efficiency of spending resources in area in relation to flood protection. The model may serve as an inspiration in terms of use for such a large territorial units in European countries applying the Directive

    Analýza místních rozpočtů a jejich efektivnosti ve vztahu k ochraně životního prostředí:Metodika hodnocení efektivnosti výdajů obcí na životní prostředí

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    Metodika podává jednoduchý, stručný a jasný návod na hodnocení prostředků alokovaných do oblasti ochrany životního prostředí, obsahuje hodnocení efektivnosti výdajů z pohledu trvale udržitelného rozvoje (výdaje jsou hodnoceny ze tří hledisek - environmentálního, sociálního a ekonomického), poskytuje základ pro plánování, rozhodování, jednání, kontrolu a případně argumenty pro obhajobu prováděných činností a s nimi spojené finanční prostředky, podporuje sledování efektivity v reálném čase, nabízí postup při optimalizaci finančních prostředků vzhledem k cílům a potřebám. Používání této metodiky vede ke snížení počtu chybných nebo neefektivních alokací prostředků. Metodika je určena místním úřadům

    Analýza místních rozpočtů a jejich efektivnosti ve vztahu k ochraně životního prostředí

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    Projekt se zabýval analýzou objemu a struktury výdajů na ochranu životního prostředí z místních rozpočtů, hodnotil diverzifikovaně jejich efektivnost s přihlédnutím k velikostem obcí. Jsou popsány přístupy a nástroje pro sledování, vyhodnocování a optimalizaci výdajů na ochranu ŽP