9 research outputs found

    Comparison of acute and fractionated irradiation of viral cell culture

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    The aim of this study was to research the optimal modes of decontamination of cell culture media used for virus reproduction by the method of fractionated irradiation

    Preparation and use of transplantable cell line of newborn rabbits for reproduction of viruses

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    The purpose of the study was development of a way of receiving culture of cells from bodies of newborn rabbits for a reproduction of production strains of viruses

    Influence of probiotics "Spas" and "Biosporin" at T-2 toxication of broiler chickens

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    The main aim of this article was research the influence of probiotics ?Spas? and ?Biosporin? in sub-chronic poisoning by T-2 toxin of broiler chickens. The application of probiotics ?Spas? and ?Biosporin? to broiler chickens during intoxication by T-2 toxin occur beneficial effects on clinical and hematologic, immune-biochemical parameters, thereby increasing the safety of chickens and also increased live weight gain

    LIOFeron®TB/LTBI: A novel and reliable test for LTBI and tuberculosis

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    Objectives: High accuracy diagnostic screening tests for tuberculosis (TB) are required to improve the diagnosis of both active TB and latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection (LTBI). The novel IGRA LIOFeron®TB/LTBI assay was tested and its accuracy was compared to the QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus assay. Methods: A total of 389 subjects were enrolled in two cohorts and classified as healthy, active TB or LTBI persons. The blood of all the patients was tested with LIOFeron®TB/LTBI assay, containing MTB alanine dehydrogenase, able to differentiate active TB from LTBI diagnosis. The results obtained with both IGRAs, performed on the same 250 samples, were finally compared. Results: The two assays demonstrated an excellent concordance of their results with patients' diagnosis of MTB infection. ROC analysis for QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus showed sensitivity and specificity respectively of 98% and 97% in diagnosing active TB patients and 85% and 94% in diagnosing LTBI subjects. LIOFeron®TB/LTBI assay showed sensitivity and specificity respectively of 90% and 98% in diagnosing active TB patients and 94% and 97% in diagnosing LTBI subjects. Conclusions: The two IGRAs displayed the same high accuracy in diagnosing MTB infection/TB disease, and LIOFeron®TB/LTBI assay demonstrated higher sensitivity than QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus test in LTBI detection. Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Tuberculosis diagnosis, IGRA, Alanine dehydrogenas

    Comparison of acute and fractionated irradiation of viral cell culture

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    The aim of this study was to research the optimal modes of decontamination of cell culture media used for virus reproduction by the method of fractionated irradiation

    Preparation and use of transplantable cell line of newborn rabbits for reproduction of viruses

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    The purpose of the study was development of a way of receiving culture of cells from bodies of newborn rabbits for a reproduction of production strains of viruses

    Efficiency of specific biopreparations in organic waste management

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    In this paper we have isolated millions of coliform bacteria and Enterococci, thousands of Salmonella, Proteus and Staphylococci in 1g of initial substrate. An important advantage of the biopreparations usage, that also we found, is the elimination of specific odor within a couple days due to the ability of their microorganisms to assimilate nitrogen from urea and neutralize the substrate against the bacteria causing putrefaction, anaerobic processes and the emission of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide

    Efficiency of specific biopreparations in organic waste management

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    In this paper we have isolated millions of coliform bacteria and Enterococci, thousands of Salmonella, Proteus and Staphylococci in 1g of initial substrate. An important advantage of the biopreparations usage, that also we found, is the elimination of specific odor within a couple days due to the ability of their microorganisms to assimilate nitrogen from urea and neutralize the substrate against the bacteria causing putrefaction, anaerobic processes and the emission of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide

    Influence of probiotics "Spas" and "Biosporin" at T-2 toxication of broiler chickens

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    The main aim of this article was research the influence of probiotics ?Spas? and ?Biosporin? in sub-chronic poisoning by T-2 toxin of broiler chickens. The application of probiotics ?Spas? and ?Biosporin? to broiler chickens during intoxication by T-2 toxin occur beneficial effects on clinical and hematologic, immune-biochemical parameters, thereby increasing the safety of chickens and also increased live weight gain