105 research outputs found

    Relevance of brands and beef quality differentials for the consumer at the time of purchase

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    The objective of this study was to identify the purchase habits and preferences of beef consumers, their level of knowledge on brands and products with quality differentials (certifications, packaging, premium lines), and the relevance of different attributes in the purchase decision, and to group consumers according to the profile of purchase decision. The methodology consisted of using an information-collecting instrument applied to 271 beef consumers. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical analyses, chi-square analysis, and correspondence analysis, relating socio-demographic profile of the respondents with the other variables collected. Chi-square and correspondence analyses showed that younger consumers with lower levels of income and education are influenced by posters and advertisements at the point of sale, unaware of differentiated and branded products, and that they do not choose branded beef at the time of purchase. Consumers over 60 years showed a more conservative purchase profile, with no influence. The most valued attributes are appearance, price, and type of cut, being brand and certifications little relevant as tools to help decide the product purchase

    Potato breeding by many hands? : measuring the germplasm exchange based on a cultivated potatoes database

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    In science, collaboration is sometimes understood as synonymous with co‐authorship. However, it also can be measured through the exchange of information and materials. In agriculture, potato late blight is still a challenge to the breeding programs. Accessing different materials, which can be used as sources of resistance, is the key to successful disease control. This article maps the germplasm exchanges carried out by potato breeding in the world as a way to measure collaboration between countries. Cultivars of potato resistant to late blight were selected based on a European database and some countries stood out from others. This was mainly the case of Germany and the Netherlands. Most of the countries have greater links with themselves than with other countries, with reinforces the idea that national breeding programs work more closely within their own country than with other countries. The hegemony of some countries, the prioritization of national research and the high costs of developing a resistant cultivar can be obstacles to greater collaboration

    Potato Breeding by Many Hands? Measuring the Germplasm Exchange Based on a Cultivated Potatoes Database

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    In science, collaboration is sometimes understood as synonymous with co‐authorship. However, it also can be measured through the exchange of information and materials. In agriculture, potato late blight is still a challenge to the breedingprograms. Accessing different materials, which can be used as sources of resistance, is the key to successful disease control.This article maps the germplasm exchanges carried out by potato breeding in the world as a way to measure collaborationbetween countries. Cultivars of potato resistant to late blight were selected based on a European database and somecountries stood out from others. This was mainly the case of Germany and the Netherlands. Most of the countries havegreater links with themselves than with other countries, with reinforces the idea that national breeding programs workmore closely within their own country than with other countries. The hegemony of some countries, the prioritization ofnational research and the high costs of developing a resistant cultivar can be obstacles to greater collaboration

    The use of renewable and non-renewable energy resources and their influence on national income variation

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    A preocupação com utilização de recursos da natureza na economia e o equilíbrio com o meio ambiente são um ponto de convergência e de interesse para toda a sociedade. O objetivo deste estudo é mensurar o impacto da produção e consumo de energia renovável e não renovável, capital e trabalho frente ao crescimento econômico do Brasil, buscando evidenciar se esse crescimento foi induzido por políticas públicas de geração de energia renováveis ou não. Para tanto, foram estimados dois modelos através do método de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários, para o período de 1970 a 2017. Os resultados encontrados demonstram a influência positiva das energias renováveis frente as variações da renda e negativas para as variações da produção de energias não renováveis. Aumentos de 1% na produção de energia renovável causam aumentos de 0,39% na renda. Os períodos da inversão da matriz energética e o marcado pelo incentivo à produção de biocombustíveis, mostraram-se significativos para influenciar a variação da renda nacional .The concern with the use of natural resources in the economy and the balance with the environment are a point of convergence and interest for the whole society. The objective of this study is to measure the impact of the production and consumption of renewable and nonrenewable energy, capital and labor in the face of Brazil's economic growth, seeking to show whether this growth was induced by public policies for renewable energy generation or not. To this end, two models were estimated using the Ordinary Least Squares method, for the period from 1970 to 2017. The results found demonstrate the positive influence of renewable energies in the face of variations in income and negative for variations in the production of nonrenewable energies. Increases of 1% in the production of renewable energy cause increases of 0.39% in income. The periods of the inversion of the energy matrix and the period marked by the incentive to the production of biofuels, proved to be significant to influence the variation of the national income

    Proposição teórica do modelo insumo-produto emergético (MIPEm) para mensurar o gap entre o valor bioeconômico e o valor monetário

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    Altres ajuts: Os autores agradecem a contribuição do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq para o apoio financeiro (Processo nº 303956 / 2019-4) e da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) para bolsa de doutorado (número do processo) 88882.439350/2019-01).O subsistema econômico se utiliza de recursos de capital natural, humano ou monetário e por vezes, se desconsidera que há a irreversibilidade no processamento desses recursos que são fonte de matéria e energia. As atividades econômicas tiram vantagem do uso dos recursos biofísicos finitos. A falha em não medir ou desconsiderar a contribuição dos recursos biofísicos ao processo produtivo do subsistema econômico implica em um gap entre o valor monetário e o valor bioeconômico. O objetivo deste estudo é propor uma nova ótica teórica de análise a partir do valor bioeconômico, via Modelo de Insumo-Produto Emergético. Trata-se, então, não somente de uma comparação teórico-descritiva dos pensamentos dos autores, mas também de apresentar e propor ideias alternativas à teoria neoclássica no que tange a contribuição dos recursos naturais ao subsistema econômico embasada na visão do systemic decoupling. O estudo ancora uma contribuição no campo da Macroeconomia Ecológica, via análise emergética setorial embasada no valor bioeconômico, que avalia a sustentabilidade das atividades econômicas setoriais. A proposta em questão se desenvolve como alternativa para fornecer uma direção, avaliação e desempenho de políticas públicas, com a intensificação de ações coordenadas em setores estratégicos para o alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável. A relação apresentada nesse estudo, expressa uma tentativa de aproximação entre as visões da valoração de bens puramente monetária (ou preço do mercado) e o valor biofísico, este último embasado no valor energético que está imbricado nos recursos da natureza e utilizados pelas atividades econômicas.El subsistema económico utiliza recursos de capital natural, humano o monetario y en ocasiones se desprecia que existe irreversibilidad en el procesamiento de estos recursos que son fuente de materia y energía. Las actividades económicas aprovechan el uso de recursos biofísicos finitos. No medir o ignorar la contribución de los recursos biofísicos al proceso productivo del subsistema económico implica una brecha entre el valor monetario y el valor bioeconómico. El objetivo de este estudio es proponer una nueva perspectiva teórica de análisis basada en el valor bioeconómico, a través del Modelo Input-Output Emergy. Se trata, por tanto, no sólo de una confrontación teórico-descriptiva del pensamiento de los autores, sino también de presentar y proponer ideas alternativas a la teoría neoclásica en cuanto a la contribución de los recursos naturales al subsistema económico a partir de la visión del desacoplamiento sistémico. El estudio ancla una contribución en el campo de la Macroeconomía Ecológica, a través del análisis de emergencia sectorial basado en el valor bioeconómico, que evalúa la sostenibilidad de las actividades económicas sectoriales. La propuesta en mención se desarrolla como una alternativa para brindar dirección, evaluación y ejecución de las políticas públicas, con la intensificación de acciones coordinadas en sectores estratégicos para lograr el desarrollo sostenible. La relación presentada en este estudio expresa un intento de aproximar las visiones de la valoración puramente monetaria de los bienes (o precio de mercado) y el valor biofísico, este último basado en el valor energético que está imbricado en los recursos de la naturaleza y utilizado por las actividades económicas.The economic subsystem uses natural, human, or monetary capital resources and sometimes needs to be more mindful of the irreversibility of processing these resources, which are a source of matter and energy. Economic activities take advantage of the use of finite biophysical resources. The failure to measure or disregard the contribution of biophysical resources to the production process of the economic subsystem implies a gap between monetary value and bioeconomic value. The objective of this study is to propose a new theoretical view of analysis based on the bioeconomic value via the Emergy Input-Output Model. Thus, it is not only a theoretical and descriptive comparison of the authors' thoughts but also presents and proposes alternative ideas to the neoclassical theory regarding the contribution of natural resources to the economic subsystem based on the systemic decoupling view. The study contributes to the Ecological Macroeconomics field via a sectoral Emergy analysis based on bioeconomic value, which evaluates the sustainability of sectoral economic activities. The proposal in question is developed as an alternative to providing a direction, evaluation, and performance of public policies, with the intensification of coordinated actions in strategic sectors to achieve sustainable development. The relationship presented in this study expresses an attempt to approximate the views of the valuation of purely monetary goods (or market price) and the biophysical value, the latter based on the energy value imbricated in nature's resources used by economic activity

    The use of renewable and non-renewable energy resources and their influence on national income variation

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    The concern with the use of natural resources in the economy and the balance with the environment are a point of convergence and interest for the whole society. The objective of this study is to measure the impact of the production and consumption of renewable and non-renewable energy, capital and labor in the face of Brazil's economic growth, seeking to show whether this growth was induced by public policies for renewable energy generation or not. To this end, two models were estimated using the Ordinary Least Squares method, for the period from 1970 to 2017. The results found demonstrate the positive influence of renewable energies in the face of variations in income and negative for variations in the production of non-renewable energies. Increases of 1% in the production of renewable energy cause increases of 0.39% in income. The periods of the inversion of the energy matrix and the period marked by the incentive to the production of biofuels, proved to be significant to influence the variation of the national income


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    O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo realizado com objetivo principal de avaliar o impacto do aumento na capacidade de armazenagem de soja na propriedade rural, sobre o nível de preços da commodity e deste sobre a viabilidade de novos incrementos na capacidade de armazenagem. Para o seu desenvolvimento aplicou-se um estudo exploratório, baseado no levantamento e análise de dados relacionados ao comportamento da oferta e dos preços da soja em nível mundial e os montantes a serem investidos na instalação de sistemas de armazenagem com diferentes capacidades. A partir da elasticidade-preço da oferta mundial de soja em grão e da participação brasileira no mercado mundial da commodity, foram propostos seis diferentes cenários com diferentes níveis de capacidade de armazenagem da soja nas propriedades rurais brasileiras. Como principais resultados, observou-se que na medida em que a capacidade de armazenagem aumenta, os preços mundiais tendem a se elevar, podendo gerar ganhos superiores a R5,00/sacaparaoprodutoremumcenaˊrioondeacapacidadedearmazenagemcheguea605,00/saca para o produtor em um cenário onde a capacidade de armazenagem chegue a 60% da produção. Observou-se também, que estes ganhos refletem em reduções significativas nos paybacks dos investimentos em estocagem, demonstrando que uma ação inicial poderá gerar ganhos contínuos. ----------------------------------------------The present paper consists of a study accomplished with main objective of evaluating the impact of the increase in the capacity of soybean storage in the farms, on the level of the commodity prices and of prices on the viability of new increments in the storage capacity. An exploratory study was applied, based on survey and analysis of data related to the behavior of the supply and of the prices of the soybean in world level and the amounts to be invested in the installation of storage systems with different capacities. Starting from the elasticity-price of the world supply of soybean in grain and of the Brazilian participation in the world market of the commodity, six different scenarios were proposed with different levels of capacity of storage of the soybean in the Brazilian farms. As main results, it was observed that when the storage capacity increases, the world prices tend rising, could generate gains bigger then R2,50/bushel to producer in a scenario where the storage capacity arrives to 60% of the brazilian production. It was also observed, that these earnings contemplate in significant reductions in the paybacks of the investments in stockpiling, demonstrating that an initial action can generate continuous gains.Armazenagem, Soja, Oferta, Preço, Propriedade Rural, Storage, Soybean, Supply, Price, Farms, Crop Production/Industries,

    Environmental awareness versus pró environmental attitudes : an evaluation of owners of family agroindustries

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    A adoção de práticas sustentáveis desde à produção de alimentos até o consumo final tem sido mais frequente nos últimos anos. Nesse contexto, os proprietários das agroindústrias familiares se deparam com diversos desafios quando se trata da diminuição de impactos ambientais e, em consequência, da promoção do desenvolvimento rural sustentável. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a influência da consciência ambiental sobre as atitudes pró-ambientais dos proprietários das agroindústrias familiares do RS/Brasil. Foi aplicado um questionário com a técnica de amostragem não-probabilística por conveniência, atingindo uma amostra de 105 respondentes. Para o processamento dos dados, optou-se pelas análises descritiva e fatorial. A aplicação da escala de avaliação da consciência ambiental (Escala NEP (New Ecological Paradigm)), demonstrou que os proprietários das agroindústrias familiares possuem um nível elevado de consciência ambiental, resultando em uma tendência de comportamento ecocêntrico. Além disso, observou-se que os proprietários das agroindústrias familiares têm atitudes pró-ambientais. Dentre as atitudes próambientais estão o uso de embalagens recicláveis, a prática de conscientização ambiental, a economia de energia. Portanto, esses resultados podem auxiliar as esferas federativas na formulação de uma política de benefícios, motivando-os aqueles que possuem mais adequação à preservação ambiental e incentivando outros proprietários a praticarem mais ações ambientais.The adoption of sustainable practices from food production to final consumption has been more frequent in recent years. In this context, the owners of family agroindustries face several challenges when it comes to reducing environmental impacts and, as a consequence, promoting sustainable rural development. This article aims to analyze the influence of environmental awareness on the pro-environmental attitudes of owners family agroindustries of RS/Brazil. A questionnaire was applied using the non-probabilistic sampling technique for convenience, reaching a sample of 105 respondents. For the data processing, were chosen the descriptive and factorial analyzes. The application of the environmental awareness assessment scale NEP (New Ecological Paradigm) showed that owners of family agroindustries possess a high level of environmental awareness, resulting in a trend of ecocentric behavior. In addition, it has been observed that the owners of family agroindustries have pro-environmental attitudes. Among the pro-environmental attitudes are the use of recyclable packaging, the practice of environmental awareness, energy saving. Therefore, these results can help the federative spheres in the formulation of a benefits policy, motivating those that are more adequate to environmental preservation and encouraging other owners to practice more environmental actions